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Clay catalysis: solventless condensation of 3-coumaranones with 1,2--dicarbonyl compounds under microwave irradiation. Synthesis of new acylaurones.
1 , * 2 , 2
1  Département de Chimie, Faculté des Sciences Exactes et Informatique, Université Mohamed Seddik Ben Yahia Jijel, Jijel 18000, Algeria
2  Laboratoire de Chimie Moléculaire et Thioorganique, UMR CNRS 6507, INC3M, FR 3038, ENSICAEN et Université de Caen Normandie, 14050 Caen, France
Academic Editor: Julio A. Seijas



Aurones are natural bioactive dyes found in plants, many of them are biologically actives. Aurones can be obtained by the condensation of 3-coumaranones (benzofuran-3(2H)-one derivatives) with aldehydes. In this reaction ketones generally do not react. We reported herein that 1,2-dicarbonyl compounds condense with 3-coumarones, without solvent under microwave irradiation with clay as catalyst. Novel acylaurones were prepared in good yields, the more stable E-isomer was formed stereoselectively. The biologically properties of the new acylaurones will be tested.

Keywords: aurone; clay catalysis; coumaranone; aurones; acylaurone
