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Effect and spectroscopic analysis of solutions in trychloratsetylpyrogallol synthesis
* 1 , 2 , 3
1  Shakhrisabz branch of Tashkent institute of Chemical Technology, Shakhrisabz, Uzbekistan
2  PhD of Chemistry, Senior Researcher, Karshi Statе University, Kuchabog street, 17, 180103, Karshi, Uzbekistan;
3  The Shakhrisabz branch of the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology
Academic Editor: Julio A. Seijas


Study of triatomic phenols, especially pyrogallol and its derivatives is currently relevant in the world. With chloacetyloride of pyrogallol the reaction was studied if different solvents and formed UV, IR and chromatographis examinations of the compund were performed.

Keywords: chloroacetyl pirogallole, nucleophilic substitution, dimethylformamide, spectroscopy.