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Adolescent behavioral profile with acne vulgaris: case reports
1 , 1 , 1 , * 2, 3
1  Grupo de Pesquisa em Ciências Estéticas e Cosméticas (PECIEC LÓTUS) das Faculdades Unidas do Vale do Araguaia/UNIVAR - R. Moreira Cabral, 1000 - Setor Mariano, Barra do Garças - MT, 78600-000
2  Coordenador dos cursos de Tec. Estética e Cosmética e Farmácia do Centro Universitário do Vale do Araguaia/UNIVAR.
3  Grupo de Pesquisa em Tecnologia Farmacêutica Centro Universitário do Vale do Araguaia/UNIVAR, Barra do Garças, MT, Brasil. R. Moreira Cabral, 1000 - Setor Mariano, Barra do Garças - MT, 78600-000


Acne is an infectious and non-contagious inflammatory pathology that affects adolescents worldwide. Acne vulgaris, specifically, occurs by genetic predisposition and is dependent on sex hormones and causes severe and painful lesions on the skin, which can cause discomfort and embarrassment on the part of adolescents. Although there are a number of aesthetic procedures that aid in the treatment of acnes, the lack of knowledge among adolescents is still widespread, which makes relevant studies relevant to the subject. Thus, the objective of this study was to report three distinct cases of adolescents with acne vulgaris. Studies have shown that knowledge about the aesthetic procedures that help the treatment of acnes is low on the part of the interviewees, besides having reported that the acnes cause a lot of discomfort because of the pain, besides affecting their social life.

Keywords: acne vulgaris, treatment, adolescent
