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  • 151 Reads
Phytochemical investigation of Erythroxylum rimosum O. E. Schulz

Erythroxylum rimosum O. E. Schulz is a species restricted to the northeastern region of Brazil, found in the states of Ceará, Piauí, Sergipe and Bahia, occurring respectively in Restinga, Cerrado and Carrasco vegetation. The study of the extract of E. rimosum, reported the identification of pentacyclictriterpenes, steroid, tropic alkaloid and flavonoids. Thus, a chromatographic study of its crude ethanol extract was carried out. The botanical material of the aerial parts was collected in the municipality of Pirambu, state of Sergipe and identified by Profa. Dr. Ana Paula do Nascimento Prata, Department of Biology, Federal University of Sergipe (FUS). It was then oven dried with circulating air at an average temperature of 40 ° C, ground in a mechanical mill and subjected to steeping with 95% EtOH. The BSE (105 g) was dissolved in a methanol: water (7: 3 v / v) solution and partitioned with the following solvents: hexane, dichloromethane and ethyl acetate. The AcOEt phase was subjected to column chromatography, using silica gel 60 as stationary phase and as mobile phase, the Hex, AcOEt and MeOH solvents, pure and in binary mixtures in increasing order of polarity. This yields 30 fractions which after analytical thin layer chromatography (TLC) were pooled according to their respective retention factors (Rfs). The fractions from 23 to 25 were submitted to High Performance Liquid Chromatography Coupled to a Diode Array Detector (HPLC-DAD). Getting yourself 8 fractions. From fractions 4 and 2 the coded substances of Er-1 and Er-2 respectively were obtained. They have had their structures identified by ¹H-NMR, ¹³C, and two-dimensional techniques in comparison with literature data, namely: kaempferol-3-rutinoside and quercetin-3-O-β-D-glucopyranoside-α- L-raminoside, two glycosylated flavonoids that are being reported for the first time in the study species.

  • Open access
  • 177 Reads
Phytochemicals of Punica granatum L. in inflammatory bowel diseases: a overview
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Punica granatum L., known as pomegranate, is used culturally in folk medicine for its antiinflammatory activity. Its mechanisms are derived from its bioactive compounds, predominantly polyphenols and, according to their structural arrangement, corroborate the prophylaxis of diseases such as Inflammatory Bowel Diseases (IBD). The present study aims to highlight the polyphenols present in Punica granatum L., as well as their positive effects in the context of inflammatory bowel diseases. The methodology was based on an analytical reading of materials already elaborated in the years 2009 to 2018, using descriptors such as: pomegranate, anti-inflammatory activity and secondary metabolites. Polyphenolic compounds isolated from fruits of Punica granatum L. present several pharmacological activities. Urolithine-A reduced inflammation by inhibiting the synthesis of PGE2, attenuated oxidative stress, which is a stimulator of ERK1 / 2, also inhibited by Ellagitannins. Cyanidin represses IL-8, iNOS, COX-2 and NF-kB, Gallic Acid inhibited ROS and STAT3. TNF-α targets Punicalagin, Pubic Acid and Ellagic Acid, as well as interleukins IL-1b, IL-6, perform the progression of homeostasis in IBD. Ellagic Acid, in an acute model of ulcerative colitis, improved the severity of the disease through the profile of inflammatory mediators (IL-6, TNF-α and IFN-γ). In addition, mediators such as COX-2 and iNOS were repressed and the p38, MAPK, NF-κB and STAT3 signaling pathways were blocked. The mechanisms of action of pomegranate extracts are predominantly due to Ellagic Acid. However, the synergistic action of the constituents of the pomegranate makes it therapeutically beneficial. Inflammation is closely related to oxidative stress and this is the result of the chemical imbalance between antioxidants and pro-oxidants. Functional groups of hydroxyl groups as well as the double bonds of phenolic compounds measured their antioxidant effects by the elimination of free radicals and / or the chelation of metallic ions.

  • Open access
  • 164 Reads
Application of molecular topology to the research of analogues to the E-β-Farnesene for plant louse pest control
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The control of plant louse pests is very important for agriculture due to the great economic impact of its colonizing action. Currently, more sustainable pesticides with less impact are being sought and, therefore, we have developed here QSAR models based on molceular topology, to predict the activity of E-β-Farnesene (EβF) analogs. By means of multilinear regression analysis we predict both the biocidal (logM) and the repellent (logRP) activities of said EβF analogues. These two values were used as dependent variables and the topological descriptors as independent variables. An equation was obtained with 4 variables and determination coefficients of R²=0.929, Q² = 0.886 respectively, for log RP and R² = 0.803, Q²= 0.670 for logM. The model was validated by an internal validation and a randomness test, which showed satisfactory results. It was found a high predictive capability for the repellent activity and a pretty good but lower predictivity for the biocidal activity. Finally, the selected models were applied to search for new compounds with theoretical biocide and repellent activities.

  • Open access
  • 224 Reads
Polyphenols of chuchuhuazo (Maytenus macrocarpa bark) as antioxidant and preservative in fresh sausage.
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The aim was to make sausage ​​with addition of chuchuhuazo polyphenols (Maytenus macrocarpa) as preservative and antioxidant agent. Taking into account the health of the consumer as a priority, as it is a very consumed food in the locality and due to the nutritional properties ausage was processed; polyphenols were added as a chemical preservatives and antioxidants substitute during the mixing of the meat with the seasonings that were used as flavoring agents. As for the bromatological properties, the results showed a protein content that agrees with what is established in the INEN 1338-2012 standard. Everything indicates that the food evidenced was functional and could be conserved and processed using only substances of natural origin. The antioxidant activity was favorable in terms of the results obtained by the analytical methods of determination of total polyphenols and antioxidant activity (FOLIN, FRAP, ABTS), which found that there was a decrease in the oxidative action within the sausage as a function of time.

  • Open access
  • 130 Reads
Studies on statistically optimized binary ethosomal gel encapsulated with Carvedilol: Ex-vivo permeation and Pharmacodynamic assessment in male Wistar albino rats
The current studies entail novel approaches of formulating the binary ethosomal gel containing Carvedilol and evaluating the optimized for Pharmacodynamic study through transdermal delivery. Carvedilol is an antihypertensive agent and poorly water soluble, which undergoes pre-systemic metabolism and shows lower bioavailability of 20 %. Carvedilol binary ethosomal suspension was optimized by using central composite design (CCD). In which, quantities of lipid (A), ethanol (B) and propylene glycol(PG) (C) were selected as independent variables; vesicle size (Y1), Entrapment efficiency (Y2) and cumulative % drug release (Y3) was selected as dependent variables. The composition of optimum formulation was found as 2 % of lipid (Soya lecithin), 20 % of ethanol, and 10 % of PG. The optimized binary ethosomal suspension (OBE) had shown a vesicle size, PDI, ZP, Cumulative % drug release, and % EE of 130±1.72 nm, 0.230±0.03, -31±1.8 Mv, 97.89±3.7 %, and 99±2.96 % respectively. This was further evaluated and compared with Liposomes. SEM studies revealed that OBE was in spherical shape. The OBE was further converted to the hydrogel by using Carbopol 934 (1%) and evaluated for rheological properties. The OBE- Gel (OBE-G) attained mean transdermal flux of 0.0644±0.002 mg/cm2/h through rat skin. During the antihypertensive study, the treatment group showed a substantial and constant decrease in blood pressure, for up to 24 h. The OBE-G was found to be effective, with an ameliorated reduction in blood pressure by virtue of better permeation through Wistar albino rat skin. In conclusion, the developed hydrogel containing Carvedilol OBE accentuate the transdermal flux and the results obtained encouraged its use for hypertension treatment.
  • Open access
  • 149 Reads
Effect of the Mediterranean diet on body weight and waist circumference in patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) is a progressive and devastating neurodegenerative disease. It produces a disabling weakness secondary to the selective loss of upper motor neurons and lower motor neurons in the brainstem and spinal cord.

The Mediterranean Diet has been widely studied in the field of neurodegenerative diseases due to its great antioxidant potential and its content in healthy fats. It can produce improvements in anthropometric, metabolic and inflammatory parameters.

The aim of this study is to analyze the effect of the Mediterranean Diet on the anthropometric parameters such as body weight (BW) and waist circumference (WC) in 10 patients with ALS.

The results in the male population showed an average reduction in body weight of 2.42% after 2 months and 4.19% after 4 months. The average reduction in waist circumference was 4.47% and 6.32% after 2 and 4 months, respectively.

In the female population, an average reduction in body weight of 2.34% after 2 months and 4% after 4 months was obtained. The average reduction in waist circumference was 3.54% and 5.51% after 2 and 4 months, respectively.

Patients with ALS may benefit from a dietary pattern based on the Mediterranean Diet.

  • Open access
  • 329 Reads
A Case Study of the Dietitian’s Role in Rehabilitation of Stroke Patients through Medical Nutrition Therapy

A registered dietitian is an expert in dietetics and nutrition. Dietitians also monitor the tube feeding and lab values. Registered Dietitians are trained professionals in nutrition and work in many settings such as hospitals, public health facilities, sports nutrition, and research (“Registered Dietitian Career Overview”, n.d.). The scope of practice focuses on the nutrition, food, and dietetics practice, to protect the community and population, but also determining the education, credentials and training levels needed for a registered dietitian. When there is a patient in a coma, the RD recommends the patient receives a nasogastric tube feeding. Stroke is the fifth leading cause of death in the United States. The cause of stroke is due to hemorrhaging of blood in the brain caused by aneurysms.

During a case study on a recent stroke patient, a registered dietitian provided medical nutrition-therapy based on evidence-based science. Patient X received nutrition, hydration and medication through the nasogastric tube. The RD’s interventions were in response to lab values being monitored daily. Residuals in the stomach were used to evaluate the tolerance of the tube feed formula. Protein status was monitored by prealbumin levels. Hydration was measured by specific gravity in the urine output.

As the residuals decreased in the stomach, the protein status increased to normal levels. Due to dehydration, the patient became constipated, as evidence by the lack of bowel movement. When fluid levels were increased in the tube feed and specific gravity returned to normal ranges, indicated the patient was hydrated.

The data shows that when residuals are low, the prealbumin levels will be high, indicating that the patient is absorbing protein. The data also supports that RD are essential in health care outcomes of stroke patients. The number three cause of death is due to medical errors due to the lack of interprofessional communications. A dietitian working with a stroke patient knows how to collaborate with other departments, by knowing the skills and expertise the other team members do.

  • Open access
  • 130 Reads
Method development and validations of Apixaban in bulk and its formulations by UV-spectroscopy (area under curve)

The aim of the present research work is to validate the apixaban content in bulk and pharmaceutical dosage formulation and validate it as per ICH guidelines. A simple, rapid, precise and highly selective spectrophotometric method was developed for estimation of apixaban in tablet dosage form by Area Under Curve method. Area Under Curve method, involves the measurement of absorbances of apixaban at the wavelength of 269 nm-289 nm. Methanol was used as solvent. Linearity was observed in the concentration range of 5–25 µg/ml for apixaban. The accuracy of the method was confirmed by recovery studies of tablet dosage forms and was found to be 100% for Apixaban. The method showed good reproducibility and recovery with % RSD less than 0.988%. The LOD of apixaban was found to be 0.335 µg/ml and LOQ of apixaban was found to be 1.015 µg/ml. Thus the proposed method was found to be rapid, specific, precise, accurate and cost effective quality control tool for the routine analysis of Apixaban in bulk and tablet dosage form. Drug stability studies have been determined for the formulation under specified conditions and it was found stable.

  • Open access
  • 190 Reads
Effect of olive oil intake and vitamin C in body and fat tissue development

Obesity is a chronic disease characterized by an accumulation of adipose tissue in the body, which results in an increase in body weight and eventually to health problems. It is a risk factor for the development of diseases such as diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease and some different types of cancer. Olive oil, which is present in the Mediterranean diet, contains beneficial substances such as polyphenols and monounsaturated fatty acids that have a positive effect on the metabolism. Other substances, such as the vitamin C of fruits and vegetables, have a positive effect on the protection against fat oxidation.

The aim of the present study is to analyze the body and fat tissue development in Wistar rats fed with liquid diets based on olive oil and supplemented with vitamin C for 30 days.

The results showed that the overfed animals increased their body weight 75-100% compared to their controls. In addition, the hyperlipidic groups had a higher growth rate (68-75%) than the control groups (33-43%). The feeding with hyperlipidic diets caused a significant increase in the accumulation of adipose tissue in the animals. In addition, the increase in adipose tissue is considerably higher than the general body development, with a greater rise in the animals of the hyperlipidic groups compared to their control groups. Vitamin C did not prevent from obesity.

  • Open access
  • 176 Reads
Development and validation of RP-HPLC method for the estimation of Tigecycline in bulk and its parenteral dosage form

Objective: The present study was conducted to develop a simple and precise analytical method for the estimation of Tigecycline in its parenteral formulation.

Methods: Reverse Phase HPLC was used for method development and validation studies of Tigecycline. The optimum chromatographic conditions comprised of C18 column (Kromasil ODS C-18 (150×4.6mm, 5µ) as the stationary phase and 83ml of Buffer (1-Hexane Sulphonic acid Sodium Monohydrate Salt and Potassium Dihydrogen Ortho Phosphate)and 17ml of Acetonitrile in the ratio of 83:17 v/v as the mobile phase. The flow rate was 1.2 ml/min with detection at 247 nm and a run time of 14 min. Isocratic mode of separation was performed.

Results: The retention time of Tigecycline was 7.6 min. The linearity studies indicated that the range of the developed method was 40-60 µg/ml with a correlation coefficient of 0.9999. The method was specific with a percent mean recovery was found to be 100.92%. The % RSD in the Intra-day precision studies was 0.54 and Inter-day precision studies were 0.28. The validated method was applied to conduct the assay of Tigecycline in parenteral dosage form with a percent mean recovery of 101.5%. The Limit of detection and limit of quantification values were found to be 1.8µg/ml and 5.42µg/ml.

Conclusion: The developed and validated RP-HPLC isocratic method was simple, accurate and precise as per the ICH guidelines. It was suitable for the analysis of Tigecycline in bulk and parenteral formulation.
