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  • Open access
  • 110 Reads

The microorganism Staphylococcus aureus is a gram-positive spherical bacteria present in the healthy human body, commonly found in the nostrils and skin. It is responsible for a number of infections such as inflammation in the follicles, contribution to the onset of acne, inflammation in the meninges, cardiovascular inflammation, lung inflammation and others. Benzoic compounds are widely used as drug prototypes for various diseases such as cancer, degenerative diseases, microbiological infections and inflammation, and viral infections. This work aims to propose new benzoic in silico bioactives to combat Staphylococcus aureus. To do this, a series of benzoic acid derivatives were submitted to a prediction model of biological activity developed in the KNIME Analytics Platform 3.6, where the molecules that showed activity in the model were imported into OSIRIS DataWarrior 4.7.3 to predict the risks of cytotoxicity, the calculation of the Lipinski rule violations and the absorption rate (% ABS). For the molecules approved by the virtual screening already commented, the calculation of the energies of interaction between receptor and binder by molecular docking and the analysis of the interactions with the residues of amino acids were carried out, comparing with the interactions of the drugs used as control in this research. As conclusion of this work it was possible to propose bioactive molecules against S. aureus based on the obtained computational data.

  • Open access
  • 145 Reads
A preliminary assessment of the differences between the Malaysian and Bangladesh strains of the highly lethal Nipah virus

The recent emergence of a highly lethal zoonotic virus, the Nipah virus, has raised concerns of a possible pandemic with high fatality ratios. While the similarities of the Malaysian and Bangladesh strains of the virus have been commented upon by various authors, the significant differences, if any, between the two strains that have led to starkly different fatality ratios of 40% and 75-100%, respectively, have not been satisfactorily addressed. In this report, we submit the results of our preliminary study of the strains as available from their complete genomes and show that the two strains are indeed different and should form part of a focused surveillance program.

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  • 91 Reads
Strategic diagnosis of the local development environmental system in rural communities of the colonized Amazonian Kichwa territory
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With the Geographic Information Systems methods (GIS), the occupation of the environmental system is diagnosed using communities’ geo-positioning, spatial relationships analysis and cartographic representation. This is the sustainable local development basis in six rural communities in the ancestral territory of the original Kichwa Amazonian Ecuadorian nation, from Tzawata, at Northeast; until Veinticuatro de Mayo at Southwest, located in the low, middle and high levels of the Anzu River valley. The fieldwork includes interviews, surveys, discussion events, as well as the communities’ 64 surveyed households georeferencing, and maps with official entities public data, available in the National Information System, the geo Ecuadorian state portal of open access to national reference cartography and the National Institute of Statistics and Census. The information collected allows the structural keys based establishment on the strengths and weaknesses that are faced, and short-term keys based on perceived opportunities and threats, which are summarized for the whole study area as an internal and external analysis. It is considered that the structural generalization and short-term keys from the strategic diagnosis does not mean that the impacts and responses are common to all the communities, which is evident in the differences reported in the surveys variables analyzed

  • Open access
  • 134 Reads
Content of phenolic compounds in powders of six Amazonian vegetables and its effect as a phytobiotic additive for pigs

The content of phenolic compounds was evaluated in powders of six Amazonian vegetables and their effect as a phytobiotic additive for post-weaning pigs. We used 18 castrated male piglets from the commercial crossing (Landrace x Duroc x Pietrain) of 25 days of age with an initial average live weight of 9.17 ± 1.89 kg, which were distributed according to a completely randomized design in three treatments with six piglets each. The treatments consisted in T0: Basal Diet (BD) without Growth Promoter Antibiotic (GPA); T1: BD without GPA + inclusion of 0.5% foliage powder of guava; and T2: BA without GPA + inclusion of 1% foliage powder of guava. The piglets fed the T2 treatment had the highest final weight (P<0.05), and the lowest incidence of diarrhea (P<0.0001), respectively. The foliage of guava, wild anise, wild garlic, sacha inchi seeds, Chinese potato tubers and orito banana fruit had an appreciable content of phenolic compounds. The inclusion of 1% guava foliage powder in the diet improved the final weight and reduced the incidence of diarrhea in post-weaning pigs.

  • Open access
  • 155 Reads
Thermal efficiency analysis of a discontinuous distiller for Ocotea quixos from Amazon Region of Ecuador
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Temperature gradient in any process of transformation of matter is parameter that can affect the efficiency of the equipment. Bearing in mind this antecedent, we have simulated temperature behaviour in a discontinuous distiller for obtaining of essential oil by steam distillation. The thermal analysis was accomplished taking into consideration the typical raw material from Amazon Region of Ecuador as Ocotea Quixos, which have different physical and thermal properties as shape and specific heat respectively. The temperature gradient is affected for raw material mash, due to that the mash behave as thermal insulator and vary temperature distribution inside of the distiller by depending thickness of the mash, which is directly proportional to the raw material mass. The thermal analysis was done by finite elements, where we varied mash thickness with the respective specific heat of the raw material aforementioned and found range of thickness where temperature distribution is uniform inside of the distiller. Thereby, we determined with the aid of engineering program the amount of optimal raw material to increase output of essential oil inasmuch as with uniform temperature distribution the rate of heat and mass transfer increase.

  • Open access
  • 196 Reads
The Pig Manure Anaerobic Digestion. A tubular biodigester characterization in the Ecuadorian Amazon

The objective of the research was to characterize the anaerobic digestion process of a biodigester that works with pig manure in the Ecuadorian Amazon. The study was carried out for eight weeks in the Center for Research, Postgraduate and Conservation of the Amazon, belonging to the Universidad Estatal Amazónica. The research stages focused on the quantification of the substrates production present in porcine sections, physicochemical and microbiological parameters characterization of the anaerobic digestion process and operational parameters determination. 51.41 L per day of waste and water mixtures were generated, the physicochemical characteristics of the input mixtures (Wastewater process+ Manure) and output (Digestate + Biogas) were quantified and compared. The main results show that there is a decrease in organic loads during the anaerobic process, but even the values of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and secondary nutrients are low compared with other similar studies. In conclusion, the application of anaerobic digestion practices and technologies can reduce the organic loads coming from anthropogenic activity residues but it is necessary to control the feeding and physicochemical parameters of the process so that the discharges comply with the maximum permissible limits for fresh water discharges and agricultural, according to environmental national regulations.

  • Open access
  • 115 Reads
Primal-dual and general primal-dual partitions in linear semi-infinite programming with bounded coefficients
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We consider two partitions over the space of linear semi-infi nite programming parameters with a fi xed index set and bounded coefficients (the functions of the constraints are bounded). The fi rst one is the primal-dual partition inspired by consistency and boundedness of the optimal value of the linear semi-infi nite optimization problems. The second one is a re finement of the primal-dual partition that arises considering the boundedness of the optimal set. These two partitions have been studied in the continuous case, this is, the set of indices is a compact infi nite compact Hausdorff topological space and the functions de fining the constraints are continuous. In this work, we present an extension of this case. We study same topological properties of the cells generated by the primal-dual partitions and characterize their interior. Through examples, we show that the results characterizing the sets of the partitions in the continuous case are neither necessary nor sufficient in both refi nements. In addition, a sufficient condition for the boundedness of the optimal set of the dual problem has been presented.

  • Open access
  • 122 Reads
Main pathologies causing confiscation of equine livestock intended for human consumption
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The horse is a herbivorous animal that is used for various purposes, one of them is the production of meat intended for human consumption. Worldwide, horse meat production is led by Asia, leaving Europe in third place. Spain is not a country with a great tradition of consumption of this meat, even so, 18,275 farms are dedicated to it, sacrificing 52,908 horses per year. Specifically, 6,368 horses are slaughtered approximately in a year in the Valencian Community. The objective of the present study is to determine, through antemortem and postmortem inspection, the causes of the main seizures produced in equine livestock destined for human consumption, recognizing the lesions and taking the pertinent decision in each of the organs and parts of the animal. To this end, an experimental study was carried out in 794 horses in 2016 and during the months from January to April 2017. Data have been collected from the inspections carried out during the working day in the so-called “Daily Equine Inspection Part’’, where each of the generated seizures and their causes are recorded. Knowing the sacrifices and the amount of seizures made, it is observed that total confiscation is relegated to a second plane and partial seizure is the predominant one. The lung is the most common partial seizure, followed by the liver. The main pathologies causing seizures are pneumonias, and a large number of cases are seized by decision of the official veterinarian.

  • Open access
  • 129 Reads
H1N1 – First 100 Years: Regions of Least Variability in Neuraminidase Gene Sequence
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A century has passed since the first global pandemic was brought about by the influenza A (H1N1) virus in 1918. Using the graphical representation and numerical characterization method, a survey of all the H1N1 neuraminidase (NA) gene sequences over the period between 1918 and 2018 shows that certain regions have remained well conserved while others continue to exhibit high variability. Regions of low variability in the NA protein and associated high solvent accessibility identified by our analysis provides an indication of vaccine targeting for longer lifetime applicability. In light of the resistance developed by influenza to antivirals and vaccines, consideration of this analytical study will aid in improving the efficacy of viral treatment.

  • Open access
  • 113 Reads
Media influence on body self-perception in academics of the health area
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Body image care is a major concern these days, especially for women, who are always looking for ways to adjust their appearance to what is considered acceptable. The dissatisfaction with body image tends to increase according to the exposure of beautiful bodies by the media, which is always creating new standards of beauty. From this perspective, this study aimed to analyze the influence of the media on the self-perception of the body in academics regularly enrolled in courses in the health area of ​​a certain institution of higher education in the municipality of Barra do Garças, Mato Grosso. From the results obtained, it is observed that, 90% of the students involved in the study are concerned with body image and are willing to change, although they are satisfied with their current image. 95% of academics admitted to being influenced by the media in terms of beauty standards. However, despite the fact that academics are satisfied with their appearance, the desire to change the image due to media influence is evident.
