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  • Open access
  • 39 Reads
I ICWM: Microbiome in Human Health and Drug Discovery. Dr. Eduardo Domínguez

El microbioma juega un rol fundamental en la salud humana. La información
proporcionada por el mismo podrı́a ser usada para diagnosticar, predecir y
tratar enfermedades de formas novedosas. Existen numerosas herramientas
bioinformáticas que permiten el estudio del microbioma y podrı́an usarse
para desarrollar medicamentos innovadores para los pacientes.

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  • Open access
  • 48 Reads
I ICWM: Microbiota: What's cooking? Dr. Benito Regueiro

La microbiota son los microorgamismos que viven en un entorno dado, en
este caso en las distintas formas en las que reside de la economı́a del cuer-
po humano. Es, por tanto, una comunidad ecológica de microorganismos
comensales, simbióticos o patógenos que comparten un espacio de nuestro
cuerpo y han sido ignorados, hasta la fecha, como determinantes de salud
o enfermedad. Actualmente, se piensa en ellos como la causa de muchas
enfermedades. Se tiene un conocimiento muy limitado acerca de estas cues-
tiones, pero cada vez se está más seguro de que tienen una gran influencia
en el estado de la salud o de la enfermedad de las personas.
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  • Open access
  • 36 Reads
I ICWM: Microbiota in infectious diseases. Dr. Enrique Míguez

El microbioma intestinal es de vital importancia para otorgar una gran
resistencia a la colonización por microorganismos exógenos. A pesar de ello,
las infecciones entéricas bacterianas son una de las principales causas de
enfermedad en todo el mundo. Conocer la composición del microbioma es
muy importante y también cómo puede ser alterado por diversos fármacos.

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  • Open access
  • 62 Reads
Peptide therapy reinforced with nanotechnology: an innovative strategy for controlled drug delivery

Recently, nanosciences have opened a large number of possibilities that contribute to finding timely solutions for multiple ailments; Cancer or Alzheimer's are being addressed with therapies that are based on focusing the treatment in a highly selective manner that guarantees greater efficacy in the dose and a prolonged effect. Peptide systems are designed from the specific characteristics of a certain pathology and have a molecular volume small enough to be produced in large quantities, while they are as evolved as high molecular weight molecules that can target and reduce the possibility of side effects.

However, in peptide therapies, it is a duel to deliver a peptide to the target, since in the course they are susceptible to being anabolized or they can accumulate in the surrounding tissue; These factors reduce the half-life of the treatment and impair its application for therapeutic purposes. This is precisely the reason why nanomaterials are presented as an alternative to create protection systems that offer them the resistance to reach their recognition cells.These vehicles have different natures and synthesis processes, but their purpose in essence is the same: "Increase the efficiency of drug administration". The most studied transporters include microemulsions, nanoparticles, hydrogels, encapsulations in: liposomes, micelles or polymers.

Next, its advantages and applications in systems coupled to peptides with therapeutic activity are described.

  • Open access
  • 82 Reads
Observation of birds and analysis of the families with greater appearance in the central headquarters of the campus of the Amazonian State University.
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In Ecuador, it is estimated that there is a high percentage of birds with a smaller territorial physical space, thus displaying more than 1500 species. For this reason, the objective of this research is to study the most diverse zone in fauna on the planet, thus awakening ornithological interest and helping the discovery of new species. The Ecuadorian Amazon zone is considered one of the places where more birds are housed in times of migration where there is the possibility of observing a vast amount of birds. This is to determine how many bird families are in the central campus of the Amazonian State University representing these data statistically.

  • Open access
  • 91 Reads
Breeding development of Amazon killifish Anablepsoides sp from Pastaza basin high lands, with Panagrellus redivivus live food, in captivity
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The study was carried out on the local Amazon killifish from Pastaza basin high lands, genus Anablepsoides sp. in Ecuador. This specie is part of foothills freshwater ecosystems and due its attractiveness have, a potential for ornamental aquaculture, as an income option to small farmers. Actually does not known the demographic specie status in the wild. The aim of this initiative was to analyze the breeding development of Anablepsoides sp, with oat micro worms (Panagrellus redivivus) as live food source, in aquarium captivity.

Methodologically five individuals were catch in the wild environment, in a Puyo river stream next to the Union Base community. The animals were maintained in a biotope aquarium, for 18 weeks, at 23,5°C, pH 7,3, with micro worms unique food supply, verifying their comfort and adaptability in these conditions. Biometrics measurements were realized and sexual maturity and behavioral observations were systematized trough ethogram for to descript their courtship process for breed.

Results show that the Amazon killifish was adapted to the artificial biotope conditions, reflects for their individual size increase as standard length (SL) 4,40 ±0,55mm and total length (TL) 5,60±0,89. Was observed that the male is bigger in around SL 11,5mm and TL 15,50mm than the females, with maximums sizes in male SL 44mm and TL 52mm while females have SL 34mm and TL 39mm. The ethogram show that this is a diurnal specie. In the group analyzed, was identify a unique male that spends a lot of energy in the females persecution. Two females had an ambiguous behavior persecuting other females as male competition. Only one female had a spawning event and hatch two fry in captivity.

The live food supply with P. redivivus thanks to their nutritional contents contribute adequately to the Anablepsoides sp, increasing their size and facilitating a breeding event, supporting their captivity life cycle adaptation.

  • Open access
  • 128 Reads
In silico study of various compounds from essential oil of Cymbopogon winterianus against Pseudomonas aeruginosa targets

Pseudomonas aeruginosa is a gram-negative bacterium that can be found in soil, aquatic environments or on the surface of animals, plants and humans. It is commonly isolated in immunocompromised patients in intensive care units and can cause urinary tract infections, pneumonia, folliculitis, otitis, keratitis, osteomyelitis and meningitis. The compounds present in oils of species of the genus Cymbopogon are known to present several activities, including antimicrobial activity. This work aims to perform a multi-target molecular modeling of essential oil components from citronella (Cymbopogon winterianus) against P. aeruginosa.

  • Open access
  • 130 Reads
Plant species with antioxidant capacity

Lipid oxidation is the main deterioration reaction during the processing of food, as well as its storage. Both circumstances limit the life of most foods, causing smell and taste to rancidity in them, a process known as oxidative rancidity. In addition, lipid oxidation can damage biological membranes, enzymes and proteins, resulting in the appearance of potentially toxic secondary compounds. To control these oxidative processes, addition of antioxidants is a common strategy against oxidative reactions in the processing or storage of food. The antioxidants commonly used have begun to worry in today's society about the harmful effects they may have on human health.

Recently, an industry of natural antioxidants derived from plant species that can replace synthetic antioxidants is emerging. The enrichment of processed foods with vegetable extracts not only solves the problem of oxidation of the food but can also result in an improvement of consumer health. These natural compounds are mainly polyphenols (phenolic acids, flavonoids, anthocyanins, lignins), carotenoids (xanthophylls and carotenes), tocopherols, tocotrienols and some amino acids and peptides. They are widely distributed in species of cereals, aromatics, fruit trees, horticultural crops and oilseeds.

Natural antioxidants present in aromatic plant species such as rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis L.) and sage (Salvia officinalis L.) are already being marketed as natural and safe food preservatives, being applied in foods rich in fats such as vegetable oils.

  • Open access
  • 183 Reads
Prediction of antifungal activity, cytotoxicity risks and molecular docking against Malassezia furfur of constituents of citronella essential oil (Cymbopogon winterianus)
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Malassezia furfur is a fungus classified as very common yeast, causing superficial infections and dandruff, its proliferation in the scalp can cause besides hair loss infection. The alopecia caused by this microorganism can be temporary or permanent, not only by M. furfur but also by M. globosa, reducing the quality of life of people, especially women who are affected. Malassézia can cause skin lesions. giving way to bacteria like Staphylococcus aureus. The aim of this study is an in silico analysis of citronella essential oil, aiming to identify possible constituents with fungicidal action against M. furfur. Initially the molecules were submitted to a biological activity prediction model developed in KNIME Analytics Platform 3.7, prediction of cytotoxicity risks by OSIRIS DataWarrior 5.0 software and molecular docking with Molegro Virtual Docker 6.0 (MVD). At the end of the research it was concluded that among the 15 components of the essential oil under study, only 1 constituent presented activity and no risk of cytotoxicity was verified, finally, presented better ligand-receptor interaction energy than the itraconazole and miconazole controls.

  • Open access
  • 118 Reads
Comparison and study of the composition, richness, abundance, diversity and dominance of the communities of the order Orthoptera ( Insecta)

The present work has as main objective to analyze and compare the diversity, richness and abundance of Orthoptera in different places, which was held in the center for research, postgraduate education and conservation of the Amazon (CIPCA), located in the Canton Arosemena Tola in the province of Napo. Where traps were placed in fall (pitfall) in different types of plots in a place under and high risk, respectively, in order to identify the families of Orthopteros who fall into these traps, to later compare the abundance in these plots in the months of April, July and September, taking into account the stations of these months. The results obtained are the total number of individuals corresponding to 897 by the two plots of high and low, with greater abundance who stand out are of the family Acrididae in April with a total of 537 individuals, followed by the month of September with 67 individuals of the family Gryllidae, at the same time in July with 21 individuals of the family Gryllidae.The richness of Orthopteros is confirmed with the rainy month(April) increases the amount of individuals, followed by the dry month(September) and finally the wet month (July) with a smaller number of individuals.
