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  • Open access
  • 129 Reads
Agri-IoT Techniques for repelling animals from cropland
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With the ongoing growth of the Internet of Things (IoT), multiple large-scale IoT platforms can now analyze a high proportion of sensor data streams. These IoT frameworks are used to gather, process, and analyze data streams in real-time, making it easier to deliver smart solutions for decision-making. Current IoT-based solutions are primarily domain-specific, delivering stream processing and analytics for a narrow range of applications (smart cities, healthcare etc.). In this paper, we are proposing an Agri-IoT based model for continuous guarding of the agriculture field in order to protect the crops from being destructed by animal-raiding. These animal- attacks mostly happen in some specific months of the year. So a proper guarding system of the agricultural areas can be done using IoT techniques. In this research paper, a crop protection system of the field has been proposed using Agri-IoT Techniques.

  • Open access
  • 36 Reads
The Factor Affecting Student’s Performance of E-Learning Environment Using Machine Learning Algorithm
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The Covid-19 pandemic is affecting many aspects of society, especially university educational programs worldwide. As a result, online learning is an effective strategy that is adopted by many educational institutions nowadays. However, not all training institutions have the necessary environment, assets, and ability to conduct effective online learning, particularly in poor nations with resource constraints. As a result, many institutions are struggling to build traditional courses or E-Learning in limited condition while still meeting students' demands. To overcome this limitation, we present a technique for assessing the impact of these elements on the e-learning system. Then, utilizing data from students who have participated in the program, this is an issue of explaining the significance and prioritizing construction investments for every component based on the K-means clustering algorithm. The purpose of this paper is to investigate the relationship between the students' responses to e-learning platforms and their performance in terms of various skill levels with the help of K-Means clustering algorithms. The clustering findings demonstrate that individuals with greater levels of involvement outperform those with intermediate or lower levels of engagement.

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  • 78 Reads
Synthesis and structure of nanomaterials based on zirconium/carboxylate clusters

Clustering chemistry is a key point in the design of the secondary building units (SBUs) that comprise metal-organic frameworks (MOFs). In this work, zirconium-carboxylate clustering processes in alcohol/water mixtures are studied using the monocarboxylic benzoic and hydroxybenzoic acids to avoid the polymerization. Mass-spectroscopy measurements revealed the presence of hexa- and pentanuclear species and evidenced the acid-base nature and pH dependence of the transformation between both species. The X-ray diffraction analysis of six new compounds showed that they are closely related to the [Zr6(O)4(OH)4(OOC)12] SBU found in many MOFs by removing carboxylic ligands in the case of the [Zr63-O)43-OH)4(μ-OOCR)8(H2O)8]4+ species or by additionally removing one of the metal centers for the [Zr53-O)23-OH)6(μ-OOCR)4(H2O)11(alcohol)]6+ entities. The unsaturated hexameric clusters exhibit different dispositions of their eight carboxylate ligands in such a way that the remaining four carboxylate-free positions are arranged according to a square planar or tetrahedral symmetry. The pentameric cluster implies an unprecedented core nuclearity in discrete zirconium species and thus its isolation provides a novel building block for the design of metal-organic materials. Last, but not least, it is claimed that these highly positively charged polynuclear clusters are potential building block to prepare a plethora of ionic compounds by combining them with different counterions, providing some successful examples.

  • Open access
  • 55 Reads
Thymol elicitation during in vitro regeneration of axillary bud explants from a Thymus piperella L. commercial hybrid
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Species of the genus Thymus L. (Lamiaceae) are of great interest as medicinal plants, as well as in the extracts and food technology industries due to the richness in bioactive specialized metabolites. Specifically, Iberian endemic species such as Th. piperella L., have a wide range of traditional uses in this sense. However, the micropropagation and biosynthesis of high-added value compounds under in vitro culture conditions has not been studied for this species and its commercial hybrids yet. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to develop a micropropagation protocol of a popularly used commercial hybrid of Thymus. The results obtained showed a good capacity of adaptation and initiation of in vitro culture after the sterilization treatment applied. In addition, the different plant development parameters measured in the multiplication phase showed significantly higher values in Murashige and Skoog (MS) medium supplemented with 0.013 mg/L 2-isopentenyladenine (2iP), or without plant growth regulators, plus 30 g/L sucrose and solidified with 5.5 g/L Plant Agar when compared to the other treatments applied. Finally, the test performed on the content of volatile compounds by HS-SPME-GC/MS revealed that there was a remarkable increase of thymol in the in vitro cultivated plants when compared to the samples from the wild-type plants. Therefore, the results obtained in the present work could be the basis for the development of future studies on the elicitation of this compound by in vitro culture systems with this hybrid, or other plant materials from Thymus piperella chemotypes

  • Open access
  • 76 Reads
Current conservation status of autochthonous seagrasses in the Mediterranean Sea: a systematic review

Seagrasses are globally declining. They form important ecosystems, providing food and shelter for other marine organisms as well as services such as protection from coastal erosion and water quality regulation. For these reasons, their conservation should be of primary concern. A critical review was conducted to determine whether conservation efforts for autochthonous marine angiosperms in the Mediterranean Sea were consistent with their status based on their distribution, habitat, population dynamics, main threats, and conservation strategies used for each one. In general, seagrasses are declining in the Mediterranean, and conservation efforts vary greatly depending on the species. Posidonia oceanica (L.) Delile and Cymodocea nodosa (Ucria) Asch were the species that were investigated the most between 2000 and 2020. On the other hand, little information about Ruppia maritima L. was available. The in situ conservation strategies implemented for these species are considerably more advanced than the ex situ. The highest level of legal protection is given to P. oceanica, whereas the remaining species are mainly protected by efforts aimed at all seagrasses in general. Not many studies were published on the ex situ conservation strategies, particularly those aimed at their long-term preservation in gene banks, which were restricted to Zostera marina L., Ruppia cirrhosa (Petagna) Grande, and R. maritima.

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  • 76 Reads
Advances on the conservation status of endemic Posidonia K.D. Koenig species from South Australia

Marine angiosperms are important because they provide stabilization of coastal sediments, water clarity, take part of the breeding habitat for various species, and provide shelter from predators for some marine species, among other benefits. Their conservation is therefore of vital importance for the maintain the homeostasis of the marine environment. However, some threats to the meadows that they form have been described in South Australia. Among them, coastal development, the presence of invasive species and pollution, are the most important in worsening their conservation status. For this reason, this work is aimed to perform a literature review of the conservation status of the four species of the genus Posidonia endemic to this area: P. angustifolia Cambridge & J.Kuo, P. australis Hook.f., P. ostenfeldii Hartog and P. sinuosa Cambridge & J.Kuo. To achieve this goal, information was sought on the distribution, population dynamics, threats and conservation strategies for each of the species.

Both in situ and ex situ conservation strategies are important to slow the decline of marine angiosperms. Posidonia species are slow-growing, and their seeds are sensitive to desiccation, which makes ex situ conservation more difficult to implement than in situ conservation strategies.

  • Open access
  • 48 Reads
A critical review on the conservation of Pacific marine angiosperms

Marine angiosperm meadows are considered one of the most valuable ecosystems in the world along with estuaries due to their role as primary producers, and as shelter for the biodiversity. The activity of the human being is greatly affecting these meadows. For this reason, a comprehensive bibliographic review on the conservation actions applied to marine angiosperms from the Pacific Ocean has been carried out. The main objective was to study its current state of conservation and compare it to previous assessments on this topic. The review was made taking into consideration articles published between 2006 and 2021 based on distribution, population trend, threats, and ex situ and in situ conservation measures applied to the target species. The results obtained showed that scarce information was found for all species in the previously mentioned areas. For example, for the species Halophila hawaiiana Doty & B.C. Stone 1966 no information was found. More information was found on H. beccarii Ascherson. 1871 and Phyllospadix japonicus Makino 1897. However, all this information does not have a direct applicability in the state of conservation of these species. In conclusion, much more research is needed in relation to all aspects of interest, especially those focused on conservation measures both in situ and ex situ in order to prevent these species from severe population decline.

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  • 60 Reads
Analyses of distribution, population dynamics, threats, and conservation strategies applied to endemic marine angiosperms from the Tropical Atlantic Ocean

Marine angiosperms form highly productive, complex and ecologically important ecosystems, so their conservation is essential. Unfortunately, various threats have been documented that are reducing the conservation status of natural populations. To know the current state of conservation of endemic marine angiosperms in the Tropical Atlantic Ocean, a bibliographic review has been carried out on the advances in knowledge made between 2006 and 2021 about their distribution, population dynamics, threats and in situ and ex situ conservation strategies. The most studied species in this time is Thalassia testudinum Banks & Sol. Ex K.D. Koenig and, in addition, it is the one that has the greatest number of in situ conservation strategies implemented. However, in general, the results on distribution, population dynamics and threats are limited for the rest of the species considered in this work. Regarding ex situ conservation, it is scarce for all the species studied and only two of them (T. testudinum and Syringodium filiforme Kütz) have material preserved in germplasm banks. Halophila baillonis Asch. Ex Dickie is the species to which the least conservation strategies have been applied, probably due to the fragmentation of its populations. Finally, in order to improve the conservation status of the seagrasses studied in the present work, it would be necessary to carry out in the future new studies on the taxonomy, distribution, seed physiology and in vitro culture.

  • Open access
  • 68 Reads
Development of method for determination of diacerein in raw material by HPLC

An HPLC-DAD method was developed and validated for determination of diacerein in raw material. The chromatographic conditions are as follows: Column: Luna RP-C18 (4,6 mm x 250 mm; 5 µm). Detector UV, λ = 272 nm. Mobile phase: Buffer solution : Acetonitrilee (55 : 45), (Buffer solution: Mix 19.6 mL of 0.1 mol/L Citric acid and 0.4 mL of 0.2 mol/L sodium monohydrogen phosphate); Flow rate: 1.5 ml/min. Temperature: room temperature.

  • Open access
  • 35 Reads
Quantitative Prediction of Pre-Monsoon Rainfall in a Metro City of India
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The present study mainly aims at the quantitative prediction of rainfall during the pre-monsoon season at Kolkata (22° 34' N, 88° 24' E), India, for the next 24 hours from the time of observation. For this purpose multiple linear regression models are developed separately for March, April, May and the Whole Pre-Monsoon Season. The total period of the study is 1974-2014 (41 years) among which data set (1974-2001) is used to select the important parameters for constructing the models and that of (2002-2014) is used for validation. The parameters are selected on the basis of stepwise linear regression, backward selection procedure and ANOVA.

It is interesting to note that the multiple linear regression models thus developed are capable of predicting the moderate range rainfall (7.5mm-35.55mm) almost accurately with the maximum error lying between ±10mm.

Though the residual plots indicate that there are no such obvious defects present in the models, the RMSE values reveal that the models for May and Whole Pre-Monsoon Season produce better results than the others.
