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MOL2NET'23, Conference on Molecular, Biomed., Comput. & Network Science and Engineering, 9th ed.


25–31 December 2023

Chemistry, Nanotechnology, Pharmaceutical Industry, Biomedical Engineering, Environmental Science, artificial intelligence, Big Data Analytics, Materials Science, Cheminformatics
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MOL2NET'23 Publication Phase Closed 2023-Dec-31.
REVIEWWWERS'09 Post-Publication Workshop Closed 2024-Jan-25.
Thanks, Xièxiè, Gracias, Mila esker [MOL2NET'23 Sponsors], for making it possible!



>300 >140 >10 >10 >100 >10000
COMMUN. = Communications presented including abstracts, talks, etc.
PUBS. = Associated JCR Journals, Newsletters, etc.; EVENTS = Congressess, Workshops, Schools, etc.
POSTS = Post-Publication Online Queries/Answers to/from Authors; MEDIA = Followers, Facebok, Linkedin, etc.
Full/Abstr = Full Works/Abstracts Published; ??? = Not yet available.

Welcome from the Chair


All Year Online Network of >10 North America-Europe Inter-University Mini Congresses and Workshops Totally Free of Cost!!!
Topics: Chem. (All), Appl. Phys., Neuro., Nano., Biotech., Biomed. Eng., Pharm. Industry, vs. AI, Info., Comput., Net. Sci., GDPR, Copyright...

MOL2NET'22, Conference on Molecular, Biomedical & Computational Sciences and Engineering, 8th ed.Trans-Atlantic North America-Europe Inter-University Congresses.
Submit Now, Publication Free-of-Cost. (Click Button Bellow)!!!!
Welcome Message. Dear colleagues worldwide, we invite you to MOL2NET-09, Conference on Molecular, Biomedical, Computational, & Network Science and Engineering, ISSN: 2624-5078, MDPI SciForum, Basel, Switzerland, 2023. MOL2NET international conference series is formed by an association of several inter-university tans-Atlantic mini congresses (Click to see [MOL2NET'23 Associated Congresses] or go to left panel menu). These congresses have at least two co-host chairpersons from a North America/Europe university sometimes supported by chairpersons of other centers worldwide. You can participate both online or in person (face-to-face), when it is possible, in some of the congresses we organize in different universities worldwide (see sessions in the conference menu).

Topics of interest. The conference as a whole is multi-disciplinary, however each congress normally focus on specific niches of interest. All congresses focus on some area at interface of Chemistry, Molecular Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, or Computational Sciences and Engineering. As results the topics of interest range from the study of small molecules phenomena to large complex networks in nature and society. This include but is not limited to, Chemistry (All areas), Mathematics (Applied), Physics (Applied), Materials Science, Nanotechnology, Biology and Life Sciences (All areas), Medicine, Biomedical Engineering, Education, along with Computer Sciences, Data Analysis, Statistics, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Bioinformatics, Systems Biology, and Complex Networks Sciences.

Conference schedule. The conference runs as year-round conference series. It means that you can submit and publish your abstracts, communications, talks, announcements, advertising, etc. during almost all the year (Publishing from February to December of the year in course). The conference has 2 stages: (1) Call for papers and (2) Discussions and Post-publication reviews. In the first stage we open independent congresses in person and/or online, receive papers, carry out pre-publication review of papers, and perform online publication. Consequently, submissions are open to be published asap upon acceptance in Sciforum platform almost all year at no cost for authors (year-round). Depending on the schedule we also run a second stage called Post-Publication stage. On the Post-publication stage we close submission of papers and invite all members of committee, authors, and validated social network followers, to become post-publication reviewers. In this moment members of all congresses can interact together on brain-storming sessions making online comments each other.

Submission steps.
All scientific communications accepted will be published Totally Free of cost at platform [MOL2NET]. We welcome submissions of communications in original pdf presentation files (mandatory), as well as ppt presentations (optional), or mpg videos (optional), uploading .doc files (optional) is important if you shall request some post-publication correction from our part. We strongly recommend to download the conference template to write your communications [MOL2NET'23 Template.doc]. Please, do not hesitate to contact conference chairperson and/or scientific committee presidents. Please, follow these steps to submit your paper:
(1) Submit abstract using online platform and wait for acceptance email.
(2) In case your abstract is accepted, please upload the .pdf, .ppt, .mpg, and/or .doc files of your communication.
(3) Only in case you have submitted a company stand poster, science policy campaigns announcements, technology jobs recruitment calls, or technological products, scientific services, science channels advertisements please perform the Registration and APC/REGF payment (mandatory previous publication, see more information below in registration section).

MOL2NET Congresses (See Left-Side Panel)
. As we mentioned before, this a multidisciplinary conference formed by various interrelated congresses (Click here [MOL2NET Congresses], see the table below, or see left panel menu). Consequently, the congresses share some topics in common. However, each congress has one specific thematic niche of interest. All in all, we have a new R&D, Technology, Innovation, Industry, and Business promotion congress (CATCHTOHIT) along with a total of 5-10 Academic, Science, and Training yearly mini congresses, workshops, or training program series. In the following summarizing table you can click over the names of the congresses to follow the links to our congresses series and/or read the main topics covered by each congress. The committee can opt to transfer (pendent of author approval) a paper submission into other congress of our conference if the topic of the paper focus better on this other congress.
MOL2NET'23 Congresses Congresses Topics
01. CHEMBIO.INFO-09: Cheminfo., Chemom., Comput. Quantum Chem. & Bioinfo. Congress München, Germany-Chapel Hill, USA, 2023.

Cheminformatics, Chemometrics, Bioinformatics,
Quantum Chemistry, Molecular Dynamics, Data Science
, Systems Biology, etc.

02. CHEMBIO.MOL-09: Org. Chem., Med. Chem., Mol. Biol., & Pharm. Industry Congress, Paris, France-Fargo, USA, 2023.

Organic Chemistry, Medicinal Chemistry, Biotechnology, Molecular Biology, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Nanotechnology, Materials Sciences, Polymers, Physical Chemistry, Biomedical Engineering, etc.

03. NICE.XSM-09: North-Ibero-America Congress on Exp. & Simul. Methods, Valencia, Spain-Miami, USA, 2023.

Computer-Aided Experimental methods,
Computational Simulation, Chemometrics,
Smart sensors, Medical Imaging
, and Biomedical Engineering, Innovation, Technology, Law & Sociology, Bioethics, Information Privacy, Intellectual Property, Translational Research, etc.

04. BIOMODE.ECO-08: Biotech., Mol. Eng., Nat. Prod. Develop. and Ecology Congress, Paris, France-Ohio, USA, 2023.

Biotechnology, Molecular Engineering, Natural Products, Green Chemistry, Sustainability,
Environmental Chemistry, Climate Change,
Ecology, Food Processing, Biofuel Production, etc.

05. USEDAT.NET-09: USA-Europe Data Analysis Trends and Complex Networks Mini-Congress, Coruña, Spain-Miami, USA, 2023.

Big Data, Statistics, Artificial Intelligence,
Cheminformatics, Bioinformatics, Data Science,
Biomedical Engineering, Medical Imaging, Complex Networks, Systems Biology, etc.

06. REVIEWWWERS.PUB-09, Reviewers, Pre-Prints, & Post-Publication Workshop, Bilbao-Miami, USA, 2023.

Academic Publishing, Peer Review, Preprint Publishing, Post-Publication Review, and Extended Peer-Review in Organic Chemistry, Sustainability, Nanotechnology, Materials Sciences, Artificial Intelligence, etc.

Registration, Waivers, and Payments. This year all scientific communications without commercial advertising purposes will be published free of cost thank to the support of our sponsors. You should not register your paper if it is accepted for publication free of cost. Registrations of papers not accepted are useless in case the paper is rejected. It is because we have multiple automatic free-of-charge publication waivers for platinum sponsor journal authors, waived countries students, committee members, special issue editors, etc. However, this year we have implemented a reduced and unique Conference Article Processing Charges/Registration Fees (APC/REGF) for some conference papers focused on commercial advertising technological products or services, recruitment campaigns, congresses calls, etc. In these specific cases APC/REGF is a necessary contribution to complement sponsors contribution to cover all the costs of conference management, web design, article processing, etc. You can visit this page [REGISTRATION Page] to register and/or see also the different registration modalities and check which special waivers apply to you. In the case that you are submitting a communication to be published free of cost be aware that Registration is not necessary!!!
MOL2NET Sponsorship program. This program involves all activities necessary to secure enough extramural funds for the proper development of the conference. It includes call for new sponsors and/or hiring of new sponsor coordination service providers, see details here [MOL2NET Sponsorship program]. Thank you to the program we have different journals, institution, programs, or projects acting as sponsors of the conference, see current list here [Sponsors and Partners].
Headquarters & Supporters. MOL2NET runs both online and/or in person congresses in host universities worldwide and at the SciForum platform maintained by the editorial MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. The idea of this multidisciplinary conference emerged from the melting pot formed as the result of multiple collaborations of professors from many centers worldwide.

International Partners
. Internationally, professors and researchers world around are the main partners, co-host chairs, and/or committee members. From North America side's researchers from Stanford Center for Biomedical Informatics Research (BMIR), Stanford University (STANFORD), USA; Center for the Study of Biological Complexity (CBDS) of Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU), USA; Miami Dade College (MDC), USA; North Dakota State University (NDSU), USA; Jackson State University (JSU), USA, and Carleton University (CARLETON), Canada, among others, are hosts of our congresses. From Europes's side researchers and/or professors from European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) Cambridge, University of Birmingham (UBIRMINGHAM), University of Portsmouth (UPORT), United Kingdom, Universität Rostock Institut für Chemie (UROSTOCK), Germany, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), and Université Paris-Saclay (UPS), Paris, France, are some of the co-hosts of our congresses. In addition, other institutions are co-founders and/or supporters of this conference worldwide, plz see full list on committee.

Headquarters & Local Partners. The Local Headquarters (HQs) of this conference series are in the Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Country, Spain. More specifically, the founders and strongest supporters of the conference are professors endowed by IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Sciences (IKERBASQUE) and professors from the Dept. of Org. & Inorg. Chem. In addition, professors affiliated to Basque Centre for Biophysics (BIOFISIKA) of the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), and Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CICBIOGUNE), with ties to previous departments are also supporters of this conference. Last, professors from the Department of Computer Sciences of the University of Coruña (UDC), Galicia, Spain act also as local co-hosting partners. Please, see full committees lists [MOL2NET HONOR & SCI COMMITTEE] and [MOL2NET-IKERBASQUE Staff]. In this sense, all these and other local and international centers acts as co-hosting partners for some of the workshop sessions of this conference.
MOL2NET Lemma. The acronym MOL2NET summarizes the running title of this conference: FROM MOLECULES TO NETWORKS. This lemma is inspired by the possibility of spreading the knowledge about multiple topics by promoting multidisciplinary collaborations in science with conferences including topics ranging from quantum world to large social networks. In this sense, the spirit of this conference is in consonance with the lemma EMAN TA ZABAL ZAZU (Give and extend knowledge). This anthem from the 19th century is written in Basque language (Euskera) and is used now a days as the official motto of the University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

Authors Liability. Remember that the conference publish only pre-print communications or post-print essays with summary/discussion of already published content. It means that, this conference is a way for authors to communicate their earlier results (pre-print) and/or discuss already published results from their/others groups (post-print discussion critical essays). The authors may be requested to modify the communication (re-write their texts) in the case that high similarity is detected and/or reported to the committee. The committee may decide to take-down from public web (unpublishing) a communication if sufficient evidence of of violation of ethic veracity or originality principles is reported. In these cases, the manuscript could be put on standby or withdrawn temporarily until the authors re-submit the proper version. In the post-print discussion communications the authors are also allowed to submit short reviews, comments, letters, critical assays, opinions, or discussions of papers already published.

Content Disclaimer on Text or Code Generation. The committee of this conference recognizes that automatic text or software code verification by a third part, human and/or computational, may by be useful to improve the quality of the original communication or to generate new computer code for scientific computing tasks. In particular, Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms such as Large Language Model (LLM), like ChatGPT, etc., or other text-generating computational tools, are valuable tools when used with responsibility. Consequently, using automatic text generation tools, like ChatGPT, is allowed only for AI software/script coding purposes or as a way to improve quality of redaction of the original text. The committee is not responsible of publication of text totally generated by a third part (human or computational) not listed as authors. Third parts like computational algorithms, language editors, etc., should not be listed as authors with their original name or using pseudonyms in similar way adding fake authors is not considered a valid practice.

Content Disclaimer on Text Originality and Veracity. Authors are recommended to performing a similarity checking, ensure veracity of contents, and carry out a proper citation of previous works. The committee is not responsible of the previous aspects (similarity, veracity, proper citation) in this publishing modality. Consequently, the opinions expressed on the communications are not necessarily coincident to the opinions of the members of the committees. In this sense, we strongly recommend the authors to use online text-similarity checking services, if possible. These tools may help authors to avoid plagiarism or copyright violation.

The committee notice all authors to be aware that the following or similar content disclaimer note will be added in due course to the online public abstract of all communications published by this conference.

*Content Disclaimer Note (Added by Committee): This conference publish preliminar pre-print communication or short post-print critical essays uploaded under author responsibility. The conference committee only do a preliminary (not exhaustive peer review) inspection of topic suitability and technical soundness. Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) algorithms such as Large Language Model (LLM), like ChatGPT, etc., or other text-generating computational tools is allowed only as a way to improve quality of redaction of the original authors text. We strongly recommend authors to using text similarity analysis tools but this is let to author's decision. In consequence, the authors are responsible of text veracity and originality. The content of publications do not express the opinion of the members of committee.

Numerus Clausus. Our committee promotes that authors collaborate each other and submit multiple works signed by the same author alone or with other. However, in order to keep balanced our papers vs. authors ratio we decided to set a numerus clausus limiting the number of papers per author. This year we decided to accept no more than 1-3 contributions per author in the same event (congress, workshop, school) and no more than 15 contributions signed by the same author in all the conference (>10 congresses, workshops, schools, etc.) in the same year. It means that if the conference have for instance 10 different events (congresses, workshops, and schools) in one year the same author will be allowed to publish a minimum of 1 and maximum of 15 contributions in the same year (distributing them in 1-3 contribution per event). All authors should be aware that the committee reserves the right to automatically reallocate the communication to another event with common topic and/or invite authors to submit their works to other event of our conference if we detect >3 contributions of the same author in the same event. In addition, the committee will decline all the communications of the same author beyond the previous limits and cordially invite the author to submit the additional works to the edition of the next year or to other conference automatically. The present numerus clausus politics have designed as an additional filter to our previous content disclaimers in order to modulate the use of AI algorithms such as LLM, like ChatGPT, etc., or other text-generating computational tools or third part human assistance. Thank you for your support.

MOL2NET - MDPI Journals Issues. MOL2NET conference committee members have been guest editors of >30 JCR journals special issues for different journals of the editorial MDPI ( Please, check also the list of guest edited by conference committee members of other past and present editions to our conference [MOL2NET-MDPI JCR Journal Issues]. The impact factor is in the range 2 - 7. These issues run in journals that sponsor the conference directly and/or are edited by members of the conference committed and announced by the conference. Many of these special issues are now in call for papers, submissions are welcome in parallel, a posteriori, or totally independently from the conference. Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in to this website. We also welcome new proposals of special issues by other colleagues to be associated to/announced by our conference. Guest editors of new issues will be listed in conference congresses committees. In order to send a proposal of associated workshop and/or special issue contact the chairperson of the conference Prof. González-Díaz H. IKERBASQUE Prof., University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Biscay, Basque Country, Spain. Email: These journal issues follow a review and publication process (APC Apply) totally independent of the process of conference papers (APC/REGF Apply). This year the the Platinum Sponsor journal of the conference is the International Journal of Molecular Sciences (IJMS), ISSN 1422-0067, JCR IF = 6.208. More specifically the special issue:


IJMS (Call For Papers):
Special Issue: Complex Networks, Bio-Molecular Systems, and Machine Learning 2.0. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 6.208. Topics: Chemoinformatics, Bioinformatics, QSAR/QSPR Models, Molecular descriptors, Graph Theory, Complex Networks, Protein Interaction Networks, Metabolic Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Deep Learning, Software development, Guest Editor: Prof. Humbert G. Díaz, Email:, Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, and Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Biscay, Spain. Submissions until: 2023-Feb-28.

Thank You For Your Support!!!

MOL2NET Founder Chairman

Prof. Humbert. G. Díaz, IKERBASQUE Professor, Email:
(1) Dept. of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, 48940, Leioa, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. (2) Principal Investigator (PI), CHEM.PTML LAB, BIOFISIKA UPVEHU-CSIC Institute, 48940, Leioa, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. (3) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science, 48011, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. Web of Science:


In this conference authors can benefit from both Free-of-Charge Publication Waivers and/or reduced Conference Article Processing Charges/Registration (APC/REG) Fees depending on the nature of communication. In general, all scientific communications are published free of cost thank you to our sponsors. This is possible because we have many Free-of-cost waivers for early registration authors, students of many countries worldwide, and authors of papers in platinum sponsor journal, members of committee, etc. Please, be aware that Registration is not necessary for communications published free-of-charge and/or by invitation. Communications published free-of-charge will receive automatically publication free-of-charge waivers.
However, be aware that APC/REG Fees may apply to non-invited communications of the type: institution position papers, technological companies stands, scientific services description, congresses calls, Youtube science channels presentations, online webinars, bootcamps, courses announces, and similar scientific/technological or HR education services and advertising.
Communications not waived must register in order to process their APC/REG and generate the respective invoice. APC/REG fees are a necessary contribution to cover all the costs of conference management, article processing, etc. Please, follow these steps: (1) Submit abstract using online platform. (2) In case your abstract is accepted upload the .pdf and .doc file of your conference paper. Be aware, papers with abstract accepted will be withdrawn from our web if the authors do not upload the respective .doc, .pdf, .ppt, and/or .mpg files with the full communication. (3) In case your full communication is accepted Registration, Waiver Request, and/or APC/REG fees payment is mandatory previous to final publication. In order to perform Registration, Waiver Request, and/or APC/REG fees payment properly follow these steps.
(1) Please, scroll down in this page or go to homepage and clicking on Event Registration button.
(2) Request your free-of-cost waiver, multiple papers reduced cost package, etc. (if any apply to you).
(3) Give your personal details and select the payment method (PayPal, Wire Transfer, etc.)
(4) Proceed to payment and/or contact us for doubts at

Important Notes: Please, be aware that in the case of non-waived communications Abstracts accepted and/or Papers accepted for publication but not properly registered and APC/REG fees cost omission may result on Paper/Abstract Withdrawn from public web of conference. Please, note that No refund is allowed.
See the different registration modalities bellow and check which special waivers apply to you!!!

Category (Congress)




(MOL2NET, All Congresses)

Not registration needed


Authors of Papers already published in our Platinum Sponsor Journal in 2023 do not pay MOL2NET'23 Conference Article Processing Charge/Registration (APC/REG) Fees. Please, register and upload the copy (pdf file) of your paper to obtain free-of-cost publication waiver.

(MOL2NET, All Congresses)

Not registration needed


Authors of Papers submitted to a congress specifically invited/supported by a social inclusion sponsor do not pay MOL2NET'22 Conference Article Processing Charge/Registration (APC/REG) fees. Please, register and upload the copy (pdf file) of your paper to obtain free-of-cost publication waiver. Please, click the following link to see our [MOL2NET Sponsorship] program.

(MOL2NET, All Congresses)

Not registration needed


Conference papers or communications of scientific academic content are waived by our sponsors and published free of cost. In order to apply for this waiver is mandatory to avoid company, services, products, or other advertising content in the communication.

(MOL2NET, All Congresses)

Not registration needed


Papers having all authors affiliated to public centers of waived countries do not pay MOL2NET'23 APC/REGF. Do not applies if at least one author is affiliated to institutions of non waived countries, private companies, or have already published one paper in this edition of the conference. Waived Countries List: AFGHANISTAN, BANGLADESH, BURKINA FASO, BURUNDI, CENTRAL AFRICAN REPUBLIC, CHAD, CONGO, CUBA, ERITREA, ETHIOPIA, GAMBIA, GUINEA, GUINEA-BISSAU, INDIA, LIBERIA, MADAGASCAR, MALAWI, MALI, MOZAMBIQUE, NEPAL, NIGER, NORTH KOREA, RWANDA, SIERRA LEONE, SOMALIA, SOUTH SUDAN, SUDAN, SYRIA, TOGO, UGANDA, UKRAINE, VENEZUELA, YEMEN. Non waived countries: all other not listed before.

(MOL2NET, All Congresses)

Not registration needed


Members of the committee and editors of one MDPI special issue announced by our conference do not pay APC/REGF for the first paper. The other papers pay reduced APC/REGF for multiple papers.

(MOL2NET, All Congresses)

Not registration needed


The first 20 conference papers uploaded before 2022-April-30 will be processed free of cost despite the category of authors as a courtesy waiver for early submission authors. This apply to full conference communications with all content included (full .pdf, .doc, .ppt, and/or .mpg files). In case your abstract is submitted and registered before 2022-April-30 but your full communication is uploaded after this date the present waiver do not applies.

(CATCHTOHIT Congress only)

Registration needed

100 EUR
100 USD
732 CNY

Unless they have free-of-charge waivers directly invited by the committee you should be aware that service or company-centred advertising communications (non-invited) should pay this APC/REG fee. It includes online presentations of all the aims, objectives, interests, necessities, offers, services, products, etc. of the SMEs company, you can include link to homepage, and contact info like email, LinkedIn, phone, etc.

(CATCHTOHIT Congress only)

Registration needed

100 EUR
100 USD
732 CNY

Unless they have free-of-charge waivers directly invited by the committee you should be aware that technological products advertising communications (non-invited) should pay this APC/REG fee. These are product centered online advertising presentations describing all the scientific basis, specificities, advantages, etc. of an innovation or technological product or prototypes like e.g., drugs, catalysts, vaccines, diagnostic kits, nutraceuticals, reactants, biomaterials, may include contact info to buy the product.

(CATCHTOHIT Congress only)

Registration needed

100 EUR
100 USD
732 CNY

Unless they have free-of-charge waivers directly invited by the committee you should be aware that technological products advertising communications (non-invited) should pay this APC/REG fee. These are equipment centered commercial advertising papers, you may include scientific basis of function of a technological equipment or prototype, demonstrations of the use of the equipment (videos), advantages, buying info, etc. Examples are DNA sequencers, Quantum computers, HPLC chromatograph or columns, Electrophoresis, High Resolution and Electronic Microscopes, X-Ray, NMR, MS, IR, or UV spectroscopy equipment, IR cameras, etc.


Registration needed

100 EUR
100 USD
732 CNY

Unless they have free-of-charge waivers directly invited by the committee you should be aware that technological products advertising communications (non-invited) should pay this APC/REG fee. These are software centered commercial advertising papers, including, user manual, etc. describing new scientific software, online platforms, APIs, Cybersecurity tools, Smartphone applications, Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, etc., may include links to buying and downloading the software.


Registration needed

100 EUR
100 USD
732 CNY

Unless they have free-of-charge waivers directly invited by the committee you should be aware that technological products advertising communications (non-invited) should pay this APC/REG fee. These are scientific-service centered commercial advertising papers, including description of a scientific service like drug testing platform, sequencing platform, spectroscopy general service, technology consulting service, regulatory issues consultancy, etc. May include links, contact information, etc. of the service provider.

(All congresses)

Registration needed

100 EUR
100 USD
732 CNY

Unless they have free-of-charge waivers directly invited by the committee you should be aware that technological products advertising communications (non-invited) should pay this APC/REG fee. These are calls with short pdf flyers, posters, or video announcing calls for conferences, HR recruitment, Projects competitive calls, training courses, webinars, boot camps, etc. Contact:


Not registration needed

500 EUR
500 USD
3700 CNY

Authors requiring editorial assistance or support of our experts with paper framing, writing and language correction, and/or data analysis, chemoinformatic, bioinformatics, or complex network data analysis towards paper publication must pay this APC/REG fee per paper. Contact:

* The official APC/REG fees are those in EUR, the values of APC/REG fees in other currencies (USD and CNY) are estimated costs, they may change because the platform will convert them automatically from selected currency (EUR or USD) to EUR in the moment of payment.

ADVERTISING (Company Stand, Products, Services, Campaigns, Channels, etc.) 100.00 EUR

List of accepted submissions (105)

Id Title Authors Presentation Video Poster PDF
sciforum-071675 Physicochemical differences and antifungal activity of citral isomers: neral and geranial

, , , , , , , , , ,

Submitted: 27 Feb 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , , , , , , , , , N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-071749 Efficient numerical evaluation of weak restricted compositions

Submitted: 02 Mar 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-071741 Resource Consonance in 5G Technologies


Submitted: 02 Mar 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-071797 Documentation of medicinal plants used to treat cardiovascular ailments in the Rif region of northern Morocco.


Submitted: 03 Mar 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-071807 Theoretical comparison between α, β-amyrin isomers against Staphylococcus aureus

, , , , , ,

Submitted: 04 Mar 2023

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , , , , , N/A N/A Show Abstract

List of Authors (224)

Sponsors and Partners

1. NEXTGENERATIONEU INVESTIGO-IKERDATA (Programme/Project): NEXTGENERATIONEU INVESTIGO-IKERDATA Programme/Project is a golden sponsor of our conference sponsored by the the European Commision with NextGenerationEU funds from Recovery Plan for Europe by means of Basque Government (Eusko Jaurlaritza), and Lanbide (Basque Employment Service). The company IKERDATA S.L, beneficiary of the grant, is an startup placed at the ZITEK company incubator facility located inside the rectorate building of The University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU). IKERDATA S.L. company is the manager of the conference and used the totally of the grant to hire 4 young female researchers (2 of them in 2022-Oct and other two to begin in 2023-Jan-01). Each one of them will be in charge of different research projects with collaborating institutions and also management activities. This include the management of the congresses of our conference making all the organization, promotion, representation, and other related task allowing to offer multiple Free-of-cost Article Processing Charge/Registration (APC/REG) waivers to participants many of them for promoting social inclusion in research. Project Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. H. González-Díaz (MOL2NET Founder Chairman), Project Co-PI: Prof. S. Arrasate (MOL2NET Co-Founder), Project Manager: IKERDATA S.L. CEO H. Bediaga, Project Legal Affairs PI: IKERDATA S.L. Legal Affairs Director PhD. A. Duardo-Sánchez, Project Budget: 264000 EUR.
2. AIDD MSCA H2020 (Project): Advanced machine learning for Innovative Drug Discovery (AIDD). Project Principal Investigator (PI): Dr.Igor Tetko, Inst. of Struct. Biol., Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH), Neuherberg,Germany. Funding Agency: European Commision. Project Type: Marie Skłodowska-Innovative Training Network, Agreement No: 956832. DOI: 10.3030/956832. Silver Sponsor of: CHEMBIOINFO-09: Cheminfo., Chemom., Bioinfo., Comput. & Quantum Chem. Congress. München, GR-Cambridge, UK-Ch. Hill, USA, 2023. Project Budget: 3956634.00 EUR.

Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council

3. EPSRC First Grant (Project):
Project focused on Perovskite/Nitrogen-doped Carbon electrospun nanofibres research supports the work of one of the NANOBIOMAT host institution chairpersons. Project Principal Investigator (PI): Prof. Ana Belen Jorge Sobrido, Queen Mary University of London (QMUL),
Funding Agency: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC). Code: EPSRC (EP/R035571/1, EP/V047523/1), United Kingdom. Silver Sponsor of: NANOBIOMAT-09: Nanotechnology & Biomaterials Sci. Congress. Birmingham & Glasgow, UK-Jackson & Fargo, USA, 2023.
4.DOE (Project): Data-Driven and Computationally Assisted Design of Near-Infrared Emissive Metal-Organic Complexes with Earth-Abundant Metals, 2021-2024, DOE DE-SC0021287. Silver Sponsor of: CHEMBIOINFO-09: Cheminfo., Chemom., Bioinfo., Comput. & Quantum Chem. Congress. München, GR-Cambridge, UK-Ch. Hill, USA, 2023.
5.DOE (Project): Project: Spin-Controllable Dynamics in Defect-Engineered Carbon Nanotubes as Single Photon Emitters: Data-Driven Modeling and Computations, 2020-2023, DOE DE-0000253864. Silver Sponsor of: NANOBIOMAT-09: Nanotechnology & Biomaterials Sci. Congress. Birmingham & Glasgow, UK-Jackson & Fargo, USA, 2023.
6. NSF-MRI (Project): MRI: Acquisition of a High-Performance Computing System for Scientific Research and Education at NDSU, 2020-2023, NSF OAC-2019077. Silver Sponsor of: NANOBIOMAT-09: Nanotechnology & Biomaterials Sci. Congress. Birmingham & Glasgow, UK-Jackson & Fargo, USA, 2023.
7. ONR (Project): Understanding the Principles of Solid Shedding Surfaces – Phase II, Office of Naval Research, Award# N00014-22-1-2129 , Period: 2022 – 2024. Silver Sponsor of: NANOBIOMAT-09: Nanotechnology & Biomaterials Sci. Congress. Birmingham & Glasgow, UK-Jackson & Fargo, USA, 2023.
8. NSF-CB2 (Project): Improved understanding for water permeability in bio-based materials. Center for Bioplastics/Biocomposites, 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2023, NSF Award #: EEC-2113804. Silver Sponsor of: NANOBIOMAT-09: Nanotechnology & Biomaterials Sci. Congress. Birmingham & Glasgow, UK-Jackson & Fargo, USA, 2023.
9. NIH-R03 (Project): Using the Secondary Structure (beta-sheet) of exosomal proteins for noninvasive pancreatic cancer detection”, 2020-2022, NIH #1R03CA252783-01. Silver Sponsor of: CHEMBIO.ORG-09: Org. Chem., Med. Chem., Mol. Biol., & Pharm. Industry Congress. Paris, France-Galveston, USA, 2023.
10. NSF-CHEM D3SC (Project): Integrated Studies on Designing Organometallic Complexes with Nonlinear Absorption and Near-Infrared Emission”, 2018-2022, NSF CHE-1800476. Silver Sponsor of: CHEMBIO.ORG-09: Org. Chem., Med. Chem., Mol. Biol., & Pharm. Industry Congress. Paris, France-Galveston, USA, 2023.
11. AIMOFGIFT (Project): Artificial Intelligence (AI) guided platform for experimental synthesis and preclinic assay of metal-organic frameworks (MOF) drug release systems for improving Gastrointestinal (GI) Tract function, Basque Government. ELKARTEK 2022. (ELKARTEK20/52), Basque Agency for Business Development (SPRI), Date: 2022-2024. Silver Sponsor of: NANOBIOMAT-08: Nanotechnology & Biomaterials Sci. Congress. Birmingham & Glasgow, UK-Jackson & Fargo, USA, 2022. Project Budget: 99220.10 EUR
Fundación Biofísica Bizkaia / Biofisika Bizkaia Fundazioa | LinkedIn
13. PANELFIT (Project): Participatory Approaches to a New Ethical and Legal Framework for ICT, European Commission, H2020 Research and Innovation Programme, Grant Agreement ID: 788039, Chair in Law and Human Genome, University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Date: 2018-Oct to 2022-Apr. Silver Sponsor of: CATCHTOHIT-03 & TECHLAWSCI-06: Congresses on Transl. Res., Innov., Tech., and Law Sci., Bayonne, France-Cambridge, MA, USA, 2022, AIMEDIC-09: AI, Med. Info., & Biomed. Eng. Congress, Coruña, Spain-Carleton, Canada-Stanford, USA, 2022, and USEDAT-08: USA-Europe Data Analysis Training Congress, Cambridge, UK-Bilbao, Basque Country-Miami, USA, 2022. Project Budget: 2798031.25 EUR
14. CARDICAM (Project): Integrated Platform for the Discovery of Calmodulinopathies Treatment Drug Candidates, Basque Government. ELKARTEK 2020. (ELKARTEK20/52), Basque Agency for Business Development (SPRI), Date: 2020-2022. Silver Sponsor of: CHEMBIOMOL-08: Chem. Biol., Org. Chem., Med. Chem., Pharm. Industry, & Mol. Biol. Congress, Paris, France-Galveston, USA, 2022. 98000 EUR
15. IJMS (JOURNAL): Special Issue (Call For Papers): Complex Networks, Bio-Molecular Systems, and Machine Learning 2.0. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 6.208. Topics: Chemoinformatics, Bioinformatics, QSAR/QSPR Models, Molecular descriptors, Graph Theory, Complex Networks, Protein Interaction Networks, Metabolic Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Deep Learning, Software development, Guest Editor: Prof. Humberto González-Díaz, Email:, Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, and Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Biscay, Spain. Submissions until: 2023-Feb-28. Platinum Sponsor (Full Conference): MOL2NET-08, Conference on Molecular, Biomedical, & Computational Sciences and Engineering, ISSN: 2624-5078, MDPI SciForum, Basel, Switzerland, 2022. Sponsor Budget: 1000 EUR (Sciforum Conference Holding Fees).
Call for Sponsorship
We are glad to invite you to join the sponsorship and co-organization program of the MOL2NET, Conference on Molecular,
Biomedical, & Computational Sciences and Engineering, ISSN: 2624-5078, MDPI SciForum, Basel, Switzerland, since 2015.
We are open to discuss with you tailored conditions of your sponsorship and contribution to the conference.
See pre approved modalities of sponsorship in the [MOL2NET'23 Sponsors Call], feel free to contact us:

Advisory Committee

MOL2NET Honor Advisory Committee

*Note: This committee is for MOL2NET Conference Series, to see the committees of each specific workshops associated to the conference visit the page of this workshop.

Honor Advisory Committee

Prof. Fernando P. Cossío, (IKERBASQUE Foundation President), Prof. Dept. of Organic Chemistry I,
University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Donostia - San Sebastián Campus, Gipuzkoa.

Prof. Iseult Lynch, School of Geo., Earth and Environ. Sci., Univ. of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
(NANOBIO.MAT Congress Series Honor Chairperson)

Prof. Alexander Tropsha, Assoc. Dean UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, Assoc. Editor J. Chem. Info. Model., ACS, USA. University of North Carolina (UNC), Chapel Hill , North Carolina 27599 , United States.
(CHEMBIO.INFO Congress Series Honor Chairperson)

Prof. Marianne Graber, Directrice Adjointe Relations Internationales, Faculté des Sciences et Technologies, Université de La Rochelle, La Roche, France. Chercheur, Laboratoire LIENSs Littoral Environnement et Sociétés, Institut écologie et environnement (IEE), French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France.

Prof. Jia Zhou, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, Texas, USA.
(EIC Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry).

Dr. Shameer Khader, SANOFI, Executive Director, Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Prof. María Isabel Loza, CiMUS, Vice-Director , Dept. of Pharmacology, Univ. of Santiago de Compostela USC, Galicia, Spain.

Prof. James Robert Green, Dept. of Systems and Comput. Eng., Carleton University, Carleton, Canada.

Prof. Rosa María Hernández, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Basque Country, Vitoria, Basque Country, Spain.

Prof. Weifan Zheng, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, North Carolina Central University, Durham, USA.

Prof. Ramón J. Estévez Cabanas, CIQUS and Dept. of Organic Chemistry, USC, Spain.

Prof. Miguel A. Gutierrez Ortiz, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Basque Country, Spain.

MOL2NET-UPVEHU HQ Honor Advisory Committee

*Note: This committee is for MOL2NET Conference Series, to see the committees of each specific workshops associated to the conference visit the page of this workshop.

Prof. Inmaculada Arostegui, Vice-Rector of Research, Email:
Dept. of Applied Mathematics and Statistics, University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain.
Basque Center for Applied Mathematics (BCAM), [MOL2NET Welcome Video, Ongi Etorri Video (Euskera)]

Prof. Fernando Plazaola, Dean Fac. of Sci. and Tech.,

Prof. Izaskun Gil de Muro, Dir. Dept. of Org. and Inorg. Chem., , Sec. Dept. of Org. and Inorg. Chem., Headquarters Academic Pursuit Committee Chairpersons

Prof. Esther Lete, Dept. of Org. and Inorg. Chem., (Coordinator Ph.D. Synth. & Ind. Chemistry)

Prof. Nuria Sotomayor, Dept. of Org. and Inorg. Chem., Basque Country, Spain. (Coordinator M.Sc. Synth. & Ind. Chemistry)

MOL2NET Scientific Committee (Abroad)

*Note: This committee is for MOL2NET Conference Series, to see the committees of each specific congress or workshop associated to the conference please visit the page of this event.

MOL2NET Advisory Scientific Committee

President of Advisory Scientific Committee

Prof. Bakhtiyor Rasulev, Department of Coatings and Polymeric Material, North Dakota State University, Fargo, USA.

Chairperson of Advisory Scientific Committee (Chemical Sciences)

Prof. Sonia Arrasate, Department Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, UPV/EHU, Leioa, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.

Chairperson of Advisory Scientific Committee (Environmental Sciences)

Chairperson of Advisory Scientific Committee
(Physical Sciences)

Prof. Juan M. Ruso, Faculty of Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela (USC), Galicia, Spain.

Chairperson of Advisory Scientific Committee (Neurosciences)

Prof. Shira Knafo, IKERBASQUE Professor, Molecular Cognition Laboratory, (1) Biophysics Institute (CSIC, UPV/EHU), Scientific and Technological Park of Biscay. University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Biscay, Spain. Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science. (2) Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Faculty of Health Sciences: Beer Sheva, Southern, Israel.

Chairperson of Advisory Scientific Committee (ICT & Legal Informatics)

Dr. Aliuska Duardo Sanchez (Ph.D. Legal Informatics), UPVEHU Postdoctoral Researcher, IKERDATA S.L. University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa, 48940, Greater Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain.

Scientific Committee Members

Advisory Scientific Committee (North America)

Prof. Stephan Schürer, Miller School of Medicine, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL, USA.
Prof. Eugene Muratov, Eshelman School of Pharm., Univ. of North Carolina (UNC), Chapell Hill, USA.
Prof. Matthew M. Montemore, Chem. & Biomol. Eng., Tulane University, New Orleans, USA.
Dr. Vincent Blay Roger, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA.

Dr. Subhash C. Basak, Dept. of Chem. and Biochem., University of Minnesota, Duluth, MN, USA.
Dr. David Quesada, Nova Southeastern University (NSU), Fort Lauderdale, Miami, FL, USA.
Prof. Robersy Sánches, Eberly College of Science, Pennsylvania State University (PennState), PA, USA.
Prof. Matthew M. Montemore, Dept. Chem. & Biomol. Eng., Tulane University, New Orleans, LA, USA.
Dr. Gerardo M. Casañola, Dept. of Coat. and Polym. Mat., North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA.
Dr. Diana Herrera, College of Veterinary Medicine, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas, USA.
Dr. Gerardo M. Casañola, Dept. of Coat. and Polym. Mat., North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND, USA.

Prof. Vanessa Aguiar-Pulido, University of Miami, FL, USA.
Dr. Robersy Sánchez, Penn State University, Pennsylvania, USA.

Advisory Scientific Committee (Europe)
Prof. Ana Belen Jorge Sobrido, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom.
Dr. Igor Tetko, Inst. of Struct. Biol., Helmholtz Zentrum München, Neuherberg, Germany.
Dr. Yasset Perez-Riverol, European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Prof. Agostinho Antunes, CIIMAR, Interdisc. Centre of Marine and Environ. Research, Porto, Portugal.
Dr. Guillermin Agüero, CIIMAR, Interdisc. Centre of Marine and Environ. Research, Porto, Portugal.Prof. Irina Moreira, Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), Univ. of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.Prof. Davide Ballabio, Chemometrics Group, Università of Milano-Bicocca (UNIMIB), Milano, Italy.Prof. Natalia D.S. Cordeiro, Dept. of Chem. and Biochem., University of Porto, Porto, Portugal.Dr. Alla Toropova, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Milano, Lombardy, Italy.
Dr. Andrey Toropov, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri, Milano, Lombardy, Italy.

Thank You For Your Support!!!

MOL2NET Founder Chairman

Prof. Humberto González-Díaz, IKERBASQUE Professor, Email:
(1) Dept. of Organic & Inorganic Chemistry, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Spain.
(2) Basque Center for Biofisics, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Spain.
(3) IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science , 48011, Bilbao, Biscay, Spain.
Web of Science:

JCR Journal Issues

MOL2NET - MDPI Journals Issues (Organized by MOL2NET Committee Members)
MOL2NET conference committee members have been guest editors of JCR journals special issues, with 5-10 open call for papers each year. We focus only on issues from different journals of the MDPI editorial because thi is the main promoter of the Sciforum platform which is in turn the host site of our conference. The impact factor is in the range 2 - 7. These issues run in journals that sponsor the conference directly and/or are edited by members of the conference committed and announced by the conference. Many of these special issues are now in call for papers, submissions are welcome in parallel, a posteriori, or totally independently from the conference. Manuscripts should be submitted online at by registering and logging in to this website. We also welcome new proposals of special issues by other colleagues to be associated to/announced by our conference. Guest editors of new issues will be listed in conference congresses committees. In order to send a proposal of associated workshop and/or special issue contact the chairperson of the conference Prof. González-Díaz H. IIKERBASQUE Prof., University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Biscay, Basque Country, Spain. Email: These journal issues follow a review and publication process (MDPI APC Fees Apply) totally independent of the process of conference papers (MOL2NET APC/REG Fees Apply). Please, scroll down to see details of the special issue and click submit now button to submit your paper. Please, check also the list of other past and present special issues associated to our conference.

JCR Journals Issues (Editited by Conference Committee)

48. IJMS (Published): Special Issue: Complex Networks, Bio-Molecular Systems, and Machine Learning 2.0. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), MOL2NET'23 Platinum Sponsor Journal, JCR IF = 6.208. Topics: Chemoinformatics, Bioinformatics, QSAR/QSPR Models, Molecular descriptors, Graph Theory, Complex Networks, Protein Interaction Networks, Metabolic Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Deep Learning, Software development, Guest Editor: Prof. Humberto González-Díaz, Email:, Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, and Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Biscay, Spain. Submissions until: 2023-Feb-28.

47. Nanomaterials (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Templated Materials. Journal: Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991), JCR IF = 5.719. Topics: nanomaterials, hydrogels, tissue engineering, biomaterials, nanosciences. Editor: Prof. Juan M. Ruso, and Dr. Ramón Rial, Soft Matter and Molecular Biophysics Group, Department of Applied Physics, University of Santiago de Compostela, E-15782, Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Submission until: 2023-Sept-30.

Metabolites | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
46. Metabolites (Published): Special Issue: Toxicity and Ecotoxicity Mechanisms of Heavy Metals on Human Health and Environment. Journal: Metabolites (ISSN 2218-1989), IF = 5.581. Editors: Dr. Rashid Mir, Department of Medical Laboratory Technology, Division of Molecular Biology, University of Tabuk, Tabuk 71491, Saudi Arabia. Prof. Marianne Graber, Laboratoire LIENSs Littoral Environnement et Sociétés, Institut écologie et environnement (IEE), French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France. Submission until: 2023-Agu-20.

45. Antibiotics (Published): Special Issue: Computational Approaches in Discovery & Design of Antimicrobial Peptides. Journal: Antibiotics (ISSN 2079-6382), JCR IF = 5.222. Topics: Rational search and design of AMPs, Alignment-based and alignment-free approaches, Machine learning, Artificial intelligence, Biodiscovery with associated computational analyses/tools, Non-conventional in silico approaches, Guest Editors: Prof. Agostinho Antunes, Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), Rua dos Bragas, 289, 4050-123 Porto, Portugal. Dr. Guillermin Agüero, CIIMAR, Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research, University of Porto, Portugal. Email: Prof. Dr. Yovani Marrero-Ponce, University San Francisco de Quito (USFQ), Quito, 170157, Pichincha, Ecuador. Submissions until: 2023-Apr-30.
44. Agronomy (Published): Special Issue: Research Progress and Application Prospect of Medicinal Plants. Journal: Agronomy (ISSN 2073-4395), JCR IF = 3.949. Topics: Medicinal plants, Diseases, Drugs, Natural products, Pharmacological activity. Editors: Prof. Marcus Tullius Scotti, Univ. Federal da Paraíba - Campus I, João Pessoa, Paraíba, Brasil. Emails:, Prof. Luciana Scotti, Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Campus I, Paraíba, Brasil, Prof. Eugene Muratov, UNC Eshelman School of Pharmacy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, USA. Las Date: 2023-Apr-25.
43. Life (Published): Special Issue: Immunotherapy in Lung Cancer and Biomarkers of Response. Journal: Life (ISSN 2075-1729), JCR IF = 3.251. Topics: NSCLC, Immunotherapy, Biomarkers, Checkpoint. Editors: M.D. Ph.D. Hugo Arasanz Esteban, Oncoimmunology Group, Navarrabiomed, 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, Spain. Dr. Luisa Chocarro, Oncoimmunology Group, Navarrabiomed, Fundación Miguel Servet-Complejo Hospitalario de Navarra UPNA-IdISNA, 31008 Pamplona, Navarra, Spain. Las Date: 2023-March-15.

JCR Journals Issues (Past Editions)

42. Pharmaceutics (Published): Special Issue: Crossing the Blood–Brain Barrier and Targeting the Brain to Meet the Challenge of CNS Diseases. Journal: Pharmaceutics (ISSN 1999-4923), JCR IF = 6.525. Topics: brain targeting, nanomedicines, drug conjugates, nose-to-brain delivery, brain diseases and tumors, in vitro nasal and blood-barrier models. Editor: Prof. Aikaterini Lalatsa, School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, John Arbuthnot Building, Robertson Wing, University of Strathclyde, 161 Cathedral Street, Glasgow G1 1LG, United Kingdom. Submissions Until: 2022-Nov-25.

41. Molecules (Published): Special Issue: QSAR and QSPR: Recent Developments and Applications III. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 4.927. Topics: QSAR/QSPR modelling, Development of molecular descriptors, Molecular structure representation, Data mining, Machine learning. Editors: Dr. Bono Lučić, Rudjer Bošković Institute, NMR Centre, Zagreb, Croatia, Prof. Bakhtiyor Rasulev, Department of Coatings and Polymeric Material, Fargo, USA. Submissions Until: 2022-Ago-31.
40. IJMS (Published): Special Issue: Cardiovascular Disease, Atherosclerosis and Familial Hypercholesterolemia: From Molecular Mechanisms Causing Pathogenicity till New Therapeutic Approaches 2.0. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 6.208. Editors: Prof. Cesar Martín Plagaro, Department of Biochemistry and Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa, Basque Country, Spain. Dr. Asier Benito-Vicente, Department of Biochemistry, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Leioa, Basque Country, Spain. Submissions Until: 2022-Jul-31.
39. IJMS (Published): Special Issue: Computational Studies of Drugs and Biomolecules. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 6.208. Editors: Prof. Jesús Vicente de Julían-Ortiz, Molecular Topology and Drug Design Research Unit, Department of Physical Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Dr. Francisco Torrens, Institut Universitari de Ciència Molecular, Universitat de València, Edifici d’Instituts de Paterna, P.O. Box 22085, E-46071, València, Spain. Prof. Gloria Castellano, Translational Research Center San Alberto Magno (CITSAM), Catholic University of Valencia Saint Vincent Martyr, València, Spain. Submissions Until: 2022-May-31.
38. Molecules (Published): Special Issue: Neuroprotective Agents II. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 4.927. Topics: Drug discovery and development; target-based drug design; fragment/structure-based drug design; pharmacological tools; CNS therapeutics; neuroprotective agents; anticancer agents; anti-inflammatory agents; antiviral agents; drug development; chemical biology. Editors: Prof. Dr. Jia Zhou, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston, TX, USA. Submissions Until: 2022-May-31.
37. Molecules (Published): Special Issue: Organic Chemistry, Synthesis, and Catalysis. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 4.927. Special Issue in Memory of Prof. Victor Snieckus for His Outstanding Contributions to Organic Chemistry. Topics: organometallic chemistry; organic chemistry; catalysis; synthesis; synthetic methodology. Editors: Prof. Dr. Pascale Moreau, Department of Chemistry, Université Clermont Auvergne, Clermont-Ferrand, France. Prof. Dr. Nuria Sotomayor, Email:, Departamento de Química Orgánica e Inorgánica, Facultad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea UPV/EHU, Apdo. 644., 48080, Bilbao, Spain. Submissions Until: 2022-May-31.

36. Chemosensors (Published): Special Issue: Analytical and Computational Systems in Biosensing. Journal: Chemosensors (ISSN 2227-9040), JCR IF = 4.229. Editors: Dr. Jose Manuel Andrade, Group of Applied Analytical Chemistry, University of A Coruña, CITIC, A Coruña 15071, Spain. Prof. Marcos Gestal Pose, Department of Computer Science and Information Technologies, Research Centre in Information and Communications (CITIC), Faculty of Computer Science, University of A Coruña, CITIC, A Coruña 15071, Spain. Submission Until: 2022-May-31.

35. Pharmaceutical (Published): Special Issue: High Field NMR and Ultra-High Field NMR in Medicinal Chemistry. Journal: Pharmaceuticals (ISSN 1424-8247), JCR IF = 5.215. Editors: Prof. Jesús Jimenez-Barbero, IKERBASQUE Professor, Scientific Director of Center for Cooperative Research in Biosciences (CICBiogune), Biscay, Dept. of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, UPV/EHU, Leioa, Basque Country, Spain. Dr. Óscar Millet, CIC bioGUNE, Bizkaia Technology Park, Basque Country, Spain. Submissions Until: 2022-April-30.
34. IJMS (Published): Special Issue: Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Drug Development. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 6.208. Topics: Artificial intelligence, Big data, In silico drug design and discovery, Biophysics, Omics, Clinical data, Near-real-time prediction algorithms; Personalized medicine, Guest Editor: Dr. Irina Moreira, Email:, CNC - Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal. Submissions until: 2022-April-30.

33. Molecules (Published): Special Issue: Iminosugars: Beyond Glycosidase Inhibition. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 4.927. Topics: iminosugars, iminosugar synthesis, natural iminosugars, biological significance of iminosugars, pharmaceutical applications of iminosugars, pharmacological chaperones, sugar amino acids, isolation of iminosugars. Editors: Prof. Dr. Ramón J. Estévez Cabanas, Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials, University of Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Prof. Dr. George Fleet, Chemistry Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3TA, UK. Prof. Atsushi Kato, Department of Hospital Pharmacy, University of Toyama, 2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194, Japan. Prof. Robert J. Nash, Phytoquest Limited, IBERS, Ceredigion, UK. Submissions Until: 2022-Mar-31.
32. Molecules (Published): Special Issue: Structure and Function of Metalloenzymes. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 4.412. Topics: iminosugars, iminosugar synthesis, natural iminosugars, biological significance of iminosugars, pharmaceutical applications of iminosugars, pharmacological chaperones, sugar amino acids, isolation of iminosugars. Editors:Prof. Dr. Ramón J. Estévez Cabanas, Center for Research in Biological Chemistry and Molecular Materials, University of Santiago de Compostela, 15782 Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Prof. Dr. George Fleet, Chemistry Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, University of Oxford, Oxford, OX1 3TA, UK. Prof. Atsushi Kato, Department of Hospital Pharmacy, University of Toyama, 2630 Sugitani, Toyama 930-0194, Japan. Prof. Robert J. Nash, Phytoquest Limited, IBERS, Ceredigion, UK. Last Date: 2022-Mar-30.
31. Applied Sciences (Call For Papers): Special issue entitled: Applied Machine Learning in NIR Technology. Journal: Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417), JCR IF = 2.838. Topics: Evolutionary Computation; Artificial Neural Networks; Artificial Intelligence; Feature Selection; Machine Learning. Editor: Prof. Enrique Fernandez Blanco. CITIC, Faculty of Computer Science, Campus de Elviña, University of A Coruña, 15071, A Coruña, Spain. Dr. Daniel Rivero. CITIC, Faculty of Computer Science, Campus de Elviña, University of A Coruña, 15071 A Coruña, Spain, Spain. Closed 2022-Mar-15.
30. IJMS (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Complex Networks, Bio-Molecular Systems, and Machine Learning. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 6.208. Topics: Chemoinformatics, Bioinformatics, QSAR/QSPR Models, Molecular descriptors, Graph Theory, Complex Networks, Protein Interaction Networks, Metabolic Networks, Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks (ANN), Deep Learning, Software development, Guest Editor: Prof. Humberto González-Díaz, Email:, Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, and Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Biscay, Spain. Submissions until: 2022-Feb-28.

29. Applied Sciences (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Analytical and Computational Systems in Biosensing. Journal: Applied Sciences (ISSN 2227-9040), JCR IF = 2.838. Topics: Artificial Intelligence, Data Science And Engineering, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Population Monitoring, Big Data, 5g Communication, Positive Technology. Editors: Prof. Javier Pereira, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of A Coruña, Spain. Prof. Manuel F. González Penedo, Research Centre in Information and Communications (CITIC), Faculty of Computer Science, University of A Coruña, CITIC, A Coruña 15071, Spain. Submission Until: 2021-Dec-31.

Metabolites | An Open Access Journal from MDPI
28. Metabolites (Published): Special Issue: The Impact of Marine Chemical Pollution to Microorganism Metabolites. Journal: Metabolites (ISSN 2218-1989), JCR IF = 5.581. Editor: Prof. Marianne Graber, Laboratoire LIENSs Littoral Environnement et Sociétés, Institut écologie et environnement (IEE), French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), Paris, France. Email: Closed: 2021-Nov-15.

27. Pharmaceutics (Published): Special Issue: Advances in Veterinary Medicines and Vaccines. Journal: Pharmaceutics (ISSN 1999-4923), JCR IF = 6.525. Editors: Prof. Dr. Ma. Auxiliadora Dea-Ayuela, Dept. of Pharmacy, School of Health Science, University CEU Cardenal Herrera, Valencia, Spain. Prof. Dr. Dolores R. Serrano, Dept. of Pharmaceutics and Food Technology, School of Pharmacy, University Complutense, Madrid, Spain, and Prof. Dr. Aikaterini Lalatsa, School of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom. Closed: 2021-Oct-31
26. Processes (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Bioenergy Systems, Material Management, and Sustainability. Journal: Processes (ISSN 2227-9717), JCR IF = 3.352. Topics: Biosystems, Sustainability, Control optimization, Energy technologies, Material management. Guest Editors: Dr. Fernando V. Lima, Department of Chemical and Biomedical Engineering, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV 26506, USA. Dr Gerardo Ruiz-Mercado, Center for Environmental Solutions and Emergency Response, United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), Ohio, USA. Email:, Closed: 2020-Ago-31.
25. Nanomaterials (Published):Special Issue: Synthesis and Characterization of Nanostructured Templated Materials. Journal: Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991), JCR IF = 5.719. Topics: nanomaterials, biomaterials, nanocomposites, nanobiodevices, nanomedicine, nanomodelling. Editor: Prof. Juan M. Ruso. Closed: 2021-Jun-30.
24. Applied Sciences (Published): Special issue entitled: Applied Artificial Neural Networks. Journal Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417), JCR IF = 2.217. Topics: Evolutionary Computation; Artificial Neural Networks; Artificial Intelligence; Feature Selection; Machine Learning. Editor: Prof. Marcos Gestal. Email:, Computation Sciences and Information Technologies Department, Faculty of Computer Science, University of A Coruña, 15071, A Coruña, Spain. Closed 2021-May-31.

23. Biomolecules (Call For Papers):
Special Issue: Computational Approaches for the Discovery and Development of Pharmacologically Active Natural Products. Journal: Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X). JCR IF = 6.064. Editor: Prof. Jose L Medina-Franco, National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), México. Closed: 2021-Feb-28

22. Entropy (Published): Special Issue: Statistical Inference from High Dimensional Data. Journal Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300), JCR IF = 2.419. Topics: Feature selection, Machine learning, Statistical inference, Dimensionality, Complex biological systems, Multifactorial diseases, Computational biology, Bioinformatics, Information theory, Large-scale data analysis, Information theory, Data mining: Editors: Prof. Carlos Fernández-Lozano. Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science, University of A Coruña, CITIC, A Coruña 15071, Spain. Closed: 2020-Dec-31.

21. Pharmaceutics (Published): Special Issue: Nanosystems as Drug Delivery Carrier: From Nature to the Medication. Journal: Pharmaceutics (ISSN 1999-4923), JCR IF = 6.525. Topics: drug delivery systems, cyclodextrin, nanomedicine, active drugs, bioavailability. Editor: Prof. Eduardo Sobarzo-Sanchez, Email:, Instituto de Investigación e Innovación en Salud, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Central de Chile, Chile. Closed: 2020-Oct-31.

20. Molecules (Published):Special Issue: Structure and Function of Metalloenzymes. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.267. Topics: catalytic power of enzymes; computer-aided drug design; bio-desulfurization; computational methods in chemistry and biochemistry; metalloenzymes; biological membranes; docking and virtual screening; computational enzymatic catalysis. Workshop Associated: EJIBCE, Encontro de Jovens Investigadores de Biologia Computacional e Estrutural, Portugal, 2018. Editor: Dr. Sérgio Filipe Sousa, Email:, UCIBIO/REQUIMTE, BioSIM - Departamento de BioMedicina, Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal. Closed: 2020-Jun-30.
19. Molecules (Published): Special Issue: Cheminformatics, Past, Present, and Future: From Chemistry to Nanotechnology and Complex Systems. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.267. Topics: Chemoinformatics, Multi-label classification, Quantum Mechanics, Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM), Molecular Docking, Big Data, Natural Computing, Bioinformatics, etc. Editors: Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, Current Affiliation: IKERBASQUE Professor, Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Basque Country, Spain. Email: Prof. Alejandro Pazos Sierra, Chair and Director of Department of Computer Science and Information Technology, University of Coruña (UDC), Coruña, Spain. Dr. Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez. PANELFIT H2020, Project Manager & EDC Board Coordinator, Europe Commission, University of The Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa (Great Bilbao), Biscay,Basque Country, Spain. Closed: 2020-Jul-31.
18. Molecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: QSAR and QSPR: Recent Developments and Applications II. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = JCR IF = 3.267. Last Date: 2020-Dec-15. Section "Computational and Theoretical Chemistry". Editor: Prof. Alla Toropova, Current Affiliation: Laboratory of Environmental Chemistry and Toxicology, Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche Mario Negri IRCCS, Via Mario Negri 2, 20156 Milano, Italy. Topics: QSPR/QSAR; Monte Carlo method; nanoinformatics; toxicology; nanotoxicology; drug discovery.
17. Entropy (Call for Papers): Special Issue: Statistical Inference from High Dimensional Data. Journal Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300), JCR IF = 2.4949. Editors: Prof. Carlos Fernández-Lozano. Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Computer Science, University of A Coruña, CITIC, A Coruña 15071, Spain. Date: 31 Dec 2020.

16. Biology (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Computational Biology. Journal: Biology (ISSN 2079-7737) JCR IF = 3.796. Topics: computational biology, mathematical modeling, computational simulation, statistics, biochemistry, biophysics , molecular biology, computer science, anatomy, biomodeling, genomics, genetics, neuroscience, pharmacology, evolutionary biology. Editors: Dr. Milan Toma, Department of Osteopathic Manipulative Medicine, College of Osteopathic Medicine, New York Institute of Technology, Old Westbury Campus, Northern Boulevard, Old Westbury, NY 11568-8000, USA. Dr. RiccardoConcu, Requimte/Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Rua do Campo Alegre, s/n, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal. Submissions until: 30 Dec 2020.

15. Biomolecules (Published): Special Issue: Relevant Biomolecules for Germ Cells and Fertilization. Journal: Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X). JCR IF = 6.064. Topics: Germ cells, Gamete quality, Cryopreservation, Biomarkers, Antioxidants. Guest Editors: Prof. Vanessa Robles, Email:, MODCELL Group, Department of Molecular Biology, Universidad de León, 24071 León, Spain. Dr. Marta F. Riesco, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Santander, 39012, Spain, Dr. David G. Valcarce, Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO), Santander, 39012, Spain. Closed: 15 February 2020.

14. Biomolecules (Published): Special Issue: Big Data Analysis in Biomolecular Research, Bioinformatics, and Systems Biology with Complex Networks and Multi-Label Machine Learning Models. Journal: Biomolecules (ISSN 2218-273X). JCR IF = 4.082. Section: Bioinformatics and Systems Biology. Topics: Cheminformatics; Bioinformatics; Machine Learning; Complex Networks; Drug Discovery, Databases, Big Data, Systems Biology. Guest Editor: Prof. Humberto González-Díaz, Email:, Department of Organic and Inorganic Chemistry, and Basque Center for Biophysics, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Ikerbasque - Basque Foundation for Science, 48011 Bilbao, Biscay, Spain. Closed: 31 July 2020.
13. IJMS (Published): Special Issue: QSAR and Chemoinformatics Tools for Modeling. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 4.183. Topics: Chemometrics, QSAR/QSPR, Multi-criteria decision making, Molecular descriptors, Software development, Editor: Prof. Roberto Todeschini, Email:, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy.
12. IJMS (Published): Special issue entitled: Molecular Recognition of Carbohydrates. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 3.257. Topics: Carbohydrates, Molecular recognition, NMR, Drug and Molecular probe design. Editors: Prof. Francisco Javier Cañada, Chemical and Physical Biology, Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas, CIB-CSIC, Ramiro de Maeztu 9, 28040 Madrid, Spain, Website 1 | Website 2 | E-Mail, Prof. Dr. Jesus Jimenez-Barbero, Website | E-Mail, (MOL2NET Honor Comm.), CIC bioGUNE, Bizkaia Technology Park, Building 800, 48160 Derio, Spain; Ikerbasque, Basque Foundation for Science, Maria López de Haro 3, 48013 Bilbao, Spain.
11. IJMS (Published): Special issue entitled: Data Analysis in Molecular Sciences. Journal: International Journal of Molecular Sciences IJMS (ISSN 1422-0067), JCR IF = 3.257. Topics: Cheminformatics, Computational Chemistry, Bioinformatics, Data Analysis, Proteomics, Biological Networks, Editors: Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Biscay, Spain. Prof. Roberto Todeschini, University of Milano-Bicocca, Italy, Prof. Alejandro Pazos Sierra, University of Coruña UDC, Spain, Prof. Sonia Arrasate, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Biscay, Basque Country, Spain.
10. Nanomaterials (Published):Special Issue: Experimental Nanosciences, Computational Chemistry, and Data Analysis. Journal Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991), JCR IF = 3.55. Editors: Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, UPV/EHU, Basque Country, Spain, Prof. Dr. H. Kušić, UZ, Croatia, Prof. B. Rasulev , NDSU, USA, Dr. Shameer Khader, Philips, Cambridge, MA, USA.
09. Nanomaterials (Published): Special Issue: From Nanoinformatics to Nanomaterials Risk Assessment and Governance. Journal: Nanomaterials (ISSN 2079-4991), JCR IF = 4.324. Editors: Prof. Dario Greco, Faculty of Medicine and Health Technology, Tampere University, Tampere, Finland. Dr. Antreas Afantitis, Department of Cheminformatics, NovaMechanics Ltd, Nicosia, Cyprus. Prof. Iseult Lynch, School of Geography, Earth & Environmental Sciences, Univ. of Birmingham, United Kingdom. Dr. Maria Dusinska , Norwegian Institute for Air Research, NILU, Kjeller, Norway. Prof. Miguel A. Banares, Institute for Catalysis, CSIC, Madrid, Spain. Closed: 2020-Sept-01,

08. Molecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Recent Advances in Computational Drug Discovery: From In Silico Screening to Multiscale De Novo Drug Design. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.267. Last Date: 2020-Jan-31. Topics: Multi-Scale De Novo Drug Design, Multi-Scale Models, QSAR-Based Approaches, Chemoinformatics, Bioinformatics, Big Data and Data Mining, Computer-Aided Drug Discovery, and Virtual Screening. Editor: Prof. Alejandro Speck-Planche, Email:, Department of Chemistry (Institute of Pharmacy), I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation.

07. Molecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Natural Products for Neurodegenerative Diseases. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.267. Last Date: 2020-Apr-30. Topics: Medicinal chemistry; Natural products; Photochemistry reactivity; Aporphines, oxoaporphines, and oxoisoaporphines; Coumarins. Editor: Prof. Eduardo Sobarzo-Sanchez, Email:, Instituto de Investigación e Innovación en Salud, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad Central de Chile, Chile.

06. Molecules (Call For Papers): Special Issue: Computational Methods for Drug Discovery and Design. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.098. Last Date: 2019-Dec-30. Topics: molecular modeling; molecular simulations; computational biochemistry; computer-aided drug design; protein kinase inhibitors. Editor: Prof. Julio Caballero, Email:, Centro de Bioinformática y Simulación Molecular (CBSM), Facultad de Ingeniería, Universidad de Talca, Casilla 747, Talca 3460000, Chile.

05. Molecules (Published): Special Issue: GPCR Mechanism and Drug Design. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.06. Last Date: 2019-Nov-30. Topics: data science; drug design and discovery; computational chemistry; structural biology; molecular modeling; molecular docking; computational mutagenesis; G-protein-coupled receptors; protein–protein interactions; protein–ligand interactions. Workshop Associated: EJIBCE, Encontro de Jovens Investigadores de Biologia Computacional e Estrutural, Portugal, 2018. Editor: Dr. Irina Moreira, Email:, Center for Neuroscience and Cell Biology (CNC), University of Coimbra (UC), Portugal.

04. Molecules (Published): Special Issue: From Computational Chemistry to Complex Networks. Journal: Molecules (ISSN 1420-3049), JCR IF = 3.06. Topics: Quantum Mechanics /Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM), Drug-target, protein-protein and other Docking methods, Monte Carlo (MC) methods, Quantitative Structure-Activity/Property Relationships (QSAR/QSPR) models, Graph theory and Complex Networks Topological Indices (TIs), Protein Structure Networks, Protein Interaction Networks (PINs) and Proteome. Editor: Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, Email:, Current Affiliation: IKERBASQUE Professor, Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Basque Country, Spain.

03. Entropy (Published): Special Issue: Graph and Network Entropies. Journal Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300), JCR IF = 2.419. Topics: network sciences; walk entropies; algebraic graph theory; spectral methods; matrix functions. Editor: Prof. Ernesto Estrada, Email:, Department of Mathematics & Statistics, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow G11XQ, United Kingdom. Current Affiliation: ARAID Professor, Institute of Applied Mathematics (IUMA), University of Zaragoza, Spain.

02. Entropy (Published): Special Issue: Biological Statistical Mechanics. Journal Entropy (ISSN 1099-4300), JCR IF = 2.494. Topics: cell differentiation, biocomplexity, order and organization, ecology, epidemics, correlation dynamics, complex networks, systems biology. Editors: Prof. Alessandro Giuliani, Email:, Environment and Health Department, Istituto Superiore di Sanità, Roma 00161, Italy. Prof. Mariano Bizzarri, Department of Experimental Medicine, Systems Biology Group Lab, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy. Closed: 2019-Nov-15.

01. Applied Sciences (Published): Special issue entitled: Complex Networks and Machine Learning: From Molecular to Social Sciences. Journal Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417), JCR IF = 2.217. Topics: machine learning, complex networks, systems biology, protein networks, metabolic networks, ecosystems, artificial neural networks, social, financial, and legal networks. Editors: Prof. Maykel Cruz-Monteagudo, Email:, West Coast University, Miami Campus, FL, USA, Prof. David Quesada, Director of Dept. of Mathematics, Miami Dade Colege (MDC), Miami, FL, USA. Email:, Prof. Humbert González-Díaz, Email:, IKERBASQUE Professor, Dept. of Organic Chemistry II, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU , 48940, Leioa, Biscay, Basque Country, Spain. Closed: 2018-Nov-30

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MOL2NET, Int. Conf. Series on Multidisc. Sci., ISSN: 2624-5078, MDPI SciForum is Open. We Attracted >10 USA-EU Workshops, >10 JCR Journal Issues, >10000 Followers. Please, read the following FAQS with their answers posted bellow. Please, also feel free to post your questions or proposals in our FAQS sections in social media, please click links, login, and post your questions [FAQS ResearchGate], [FAQS LinkedIn]. We shall try to answer asap!
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A1: YES, in general, publication is totally free of cost for academic scientific communications. However, we have a unique reduced Article Processing Charge/Registration Fee (APC/REGF) for communications focused advertising such as on institutions positioning papers, company stands, scientific services, software release, web channels announcing, etc.

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A3: YES, most of the conference congresses and the post-publication discussion across congresses is online.
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Schools and Talks

MOL2NET'23 Live Events: Associated Schools and Talks
AIDD School Series.

AIDD School Series.
Advanced Machine Learning for Innovative Drug Discovery (AIDD) School is organized as part of the Marie Skłodowska-Innovative Training Network of the AIDD project (see sponsors bellow). Funding Agency: European Commision. Date: 2021-2024. AIDD project is being also sponsor of, associated to, and announced/co-published by the MOL2NET Congress CHEMBIOINFO: Cheminfo., Chemom., Bioinfo., Comput. & Quantum Chem. Congress Series München, GR-Cambridge, UK-Ch. Hill, USA, 2022-2024 on behalf of the School Coordinator: Dr. Igor Tetko (AIDD Coordinator and CHEMBIOMOL Co-Host Chairman), Inst. of Struct. Biol., Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH), Neuherberg, Germany.

AIDD School Schedule & Programmed Speakers
AIDD School four edition is planned to run in person/online at Department of Computer Sciences, Aalto University, Aalto, Finland, March 20-23. Zoom links will be made available for public online attendance in the web of the school in due course. Please see AIDD School programmed talks and speakers at follows listed here on behalf of Dr I. Tetko (AIDD/CHEMBIOINFO Coordinator and Co-Host Chairman). See also all calls for webinars, zoom links, publications, speakers, topics, etc., related to the project and/or the school in the following link:

Speaker Talk/Speaker Details
Samuel Kaski Talk 01. AI Collab. model., design & decision making
Date: 2023, March, 20, (8:30 CET)
Speaker: Prof. Samuel Kaski,
Position: Professor
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science,
Aalto University, Aalto, Finland.
Talk 02. Predicting drug combination in cancer,
Date: 2023, March, 20, (9:45 CET)
Speaker: Prof. Juho Rousu,
Position: Professor
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science,
Aalto University, Aalto, Finland.
Talk 03. Deep latent variable mod. for biomed. data,
Date: 2023, March, 20,
(11:00 CET)
Speaker: Prof. Harri Lähdesmäki,
Position: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science,
Aalto University, Aalto, Finland.
Talk 04:. AI assistance for drug design tutorial,
Date: 2023, March, 20, (14:00 CET)
Speaker: MSc. Alex Hämäläinen,
Position: Research Assistant
Affiliation: Department of Computer Science,
Aalto University, Aalto, Finland.
Talk 05. BNNs Efficient uncert. estim.
2023, March, 21, (8:30 CET)
Speaker: Dr. Trung Trinh,
Position: Research Scientist
Affiliation: SINTEF Industry, Oslo, Norway.
Talk 06. Neural network potentials and beyond,
Date: 2023, March, 21,
(9:45 CET)
Speaker: Dr. Kristof Schutt,
Position: Senior ML Research Scientist,
Affiliation: PFIZER, Berlin, Germany.
Talk 07. Qptuna automated QSAR model building,
Date: 2023, March, 21,
(11:00 CET)
Speaker: Dr. Lewis Mervin,
Position: Assoc. Principal AI Scientist,
Affiliation: AstraZeneca, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Talk 08. Priors in Bayesian Deep Learning,
Date: 2023, March, 21, (14:00 CET)
Speaker: Dr. Tianyu Cui,
Position: ML Research Associate,
Affiliation: London Imperial College,
London, United Kingdom.
Talk 09. Hybrid physics and AI pKa pred. in proteins,
Date: 2023, March, 22, (9:45 CET)
Speaker: Dr. Pedro Reis,
Position: AI Molecular Modeling Researcher,
Affiliation: BAYER, Berlin, Germany.
Talk 10. Hamiltonian Monte Carlo,
Date: 2023, March, 22, (11:00 CET)
Speaker: Prof. Aki Vehtari,
Position: Associate Professor
Affiliation: Dept. of Computer Science,
Aalto University, Aalto, Finland.
Talk 11. EUOS/SLAS Kaggle Sol. Chall.: The Data.
Date: 2023, March, 23, (8:30 CET)
Speaker: Dr. Bernhard Rohde,
Position: IT Expert,
Affiliation: Novartis Pharma AG,
Baselstadt, Basel, Switzerland.
Talk 12. The OCHEM EUOS/SLAS Sol. models,
Date: 2023, March, 23, (9:45 CET)
Speaker: Dr. Igor Tetko,
Position: AIDD Coordinator, CHEMBIOINFO Chairman
Affiliation: Helmholtz Zentrum München,
Neuherberg, Germany.
AIDD School Sponsors.
AIDD MSCA H2020 (Project): Advanced Machine Learning for Innovative Drug Discovery (AIDD). Project Coordinator: Dr. Igor Tetko, Inst. of Struct. Biol., Helmholtz Zentrum München - German Research Center for Environmental Health (GmbH), Neuherberg,Germany. Funding Agency: European Commision. Project Type: Marie Skłodowska-Innovative Training Network, Agreement No: 956832. DOI: 10.3030/956832. Date: 2021-2024. Silver Sponsor of: CHEMBIOINFO-09: Cheminfo., Chemom., Bioinfo., Comput. & Quantum Chem. Congress München, GR-Cambridge, UK-Ch. Hill, USA, 2023. Project Budget: 3956634.00 EUR
DBJAI Summer School

Welcome to the Summer School course Data-based justice. Artificial Intelligence and Data in Justice (DBJAI). This is a live summer course associated to the CATCHTOHIT and TECHLAWSCI congresses. The course is hosted by the University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and is being promoted by the Direction of Entrepreneurship and Transfer at Campus of Biscay in UPV/EHU and the ZITEK business incubator. The Summer Course sessions are aimed at analyzing and debating two issues that will be relevant in the Justice system in the coming years: the use of applications based on technology called "Artificial Intelligence" and the management of massively processed data (Big Data) in the Justice system.An analysis of the new national and international normative framework is convenient to verify the applicability of this technology in the activity of judicial bodies. The experiences that the Ministry of Justice has already launched and those that will be developed soon (such as automatic document classification, documentary anonymization, textualization of views, biometrics as a personation system...) are examined, reflecting on the opportunities and risks that the use of this technology in Justice. The course will focus on analyzing and sharing, subjecting it to debate, the regulatory choice of the European Union and other regulatory advances both from the national and international point of view, for example, the proposal for a European Regulation on Artificial Intelligence or the next national regulation that on this matter includes Bill of Law on the Digital Efficiency. The application of Artificial Intelligence systems in Justice is unavoidable, and it can bring great advantages to achieve a more accessible and efficient Justice. But it also involves threats to the rights and guarantees inherent to the process that affect effective legal protection or the right to defense.

Talk 13. Prof. Silvia Barona Vilar. Professor of Litigation D. (Universitat València). She hold the Great Cross of San Raimundo de Peñafort. President of the Alexander von Humboldt-Spain Association. And President of the Court of Arbitration and Mediation of the Valencia Chamber. She is an arbitrator and mediator. With scientific training in Germany (DAAD, Max-Planck, Alexander von Humboldt grants), she is the author of 21 books; she co-authored more than 600 books, some of her direction.
Talk 14. Prof. Federico Bueno De Mata. Professor (accredited. Professor) of Procedural Law, University of Salamanca. Vice Dean F. Law, Co-director Master Digital Law, Director Master Legaltech; Director of the Higher Course in Oral Litigation, Director of the Higher Course in Law and Artificial Intelligence at USAL.

Talk 15. Prof Mª Angeles C. Benavente. Contracted Professor Doctor in the Department of Special Public Law and Business of the University of Santiago de Compostela. She has a PhD (2003) in Law from the Carlos III University of Madrid and from the Università degli Studi di Pisa (Italy) with the doctoral thesis: “The appeal of cassation and the violation of fundamental rights”. She is a member of the research group of the Alonso Martínez Institute of Justice and Litigation, of the Carlos III University of Madrid. She has research stays at the Max Planck Institute for International Criminal Law, in Freiburg (Germany), where she has participated in activities related to the fight against terrorism. She has published different investigations on Directive (EU) 2016/681, of April 27, regarding the use of PNR data.

Talk 16. Prof. Ignacio Colomer Hernandez. Professor of Procedural Law, Pablo de Olavide University, Seville. Member of the Alonso Martínez University Institute of Justice and Litigation, Carlos III University. Member of the Academic Council Legal Artificial Intelligence Foundation (FIAL). Member of the European Criminal Law Network. Member of the Ibero-American Institute of Procedural Law. Vocal Secretary Sect. Special General Codification Commission for Reform of LECr. Member of the group in charge of drafting the Draft Bill for the Protection of Terrorism Victims, commissioned by the High Commissioner for Terrorism Victims, Mr. Gregorio Peces Barba. More than 150 publications in civil, criminal and contentious-administrative procedural law.
Talk 17. Prof. Pablo Cortes Dieguez. Professor in procedural law (Chair in Civil Justice) at the University of Leicester (England), where he teaches and researches conflict resolution. He graduated in law from the University of Vigo (Ourense Campus), completed a master's degree at the University of Limerick and defended his doctoral thesis on Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) at the University of Cork (Ireland) in 2008. Currently , also works part-time as an online arbitrator for CEDR, resolving civil disputes, mainly consumer disputes.
Talk 18. Prof. Dr. M. Josune Pérez Estrada, Faculty of Law, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU, Leioa 48940, Spain. Associate Professor (titular accredited) of Procedural Law (UPV/EHU). Secretary of the Statutory and Regulatory Development Commission (UPV/EHU). Teaching Law Degree, Double Degree in Business Administration, Master's Degree in Law and Master's Degree in Personal Data, Cybersecurity and ICT Law (UPV/EHU). Member of the research group "Legal sciences applied to technosciences" IT1541-22 (UPV/EHU). Member of the research team of the research project "Keys for digital and algorithmic justice with a gender perspective (MICINN - PID2021-123170O8-I00).

Noemí Peña

Talk 19. Prof. Noemí Peña. Director of Entrepreneurship and Transfer at Campus of Biscay and ZITEK programme Manager in University of The Basque Country (UPV/EHU).

Talk 20. Dr. Aliuska Duardo-Sanchez (Law.Lic., Ph.D. TICs & Legal Sciences) Post-Doc Researcher Univ. of Basque Country (UPV/EHU), 48940, Leioa, Grt. Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain. Visiting Postdoctoral Researcher (Chercheur Invité), Centre de Documentation et de Recherches européennes (CDRE), l'Université de Pau et des pays de l'Adour (UPPA), Bayonne, France.
