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Promoting Environmental Awareness and Sustainability: A Study of the "Cultivate with the Family Workshop" Project in the Jaciara Region, Mato Grosso, Brazil

This study examines the "Cultivate with the Family Workshop" project and its notable expansion into public schools in the Jaciara region, Mato Grosso, Brazil, with a special focus on São Francisco State School. This interdisciplinary initiative involved students from the Psychology and Agronomy programs at Eduvale College, emphasizing the importance of collaboration across different knowledge domains. Participants were provided with the opportunity to directly interact with the natural environment at the Farm School facilities, acquiring agricultural skills and benefiting from the psychological support provided by psychology students. The core of this project lies in promoting environmental awareness and encouraging the adoption of sustainable practices, which is especially relevant in a global context where environmental awareness plays an increasingly predominant role. The initiative aims to empower young individuals intellectually, equipping them with knowledge and a passion for environmental preservation, with a view to benefit future generations. From this perspective, the primary objective of this study is to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of the project, focusing on the benefits it offers to the community and the students, through participant testimonials and feedback from the assisted community. It is observed that the project, in addition to its positive impacts on the community, provides advantages to the university students involved, who gain substantial practical experience and play a significant role as agents of transformation. In the educational context, this project exemplifies how learning goes beyond the confines of conventional classrooms, offering an exceptional learning experience and preparing future generations for a more sustainable world. The agricultural skills acquired and a deeper understanding of the interconnection between humanity and the natural environment are invaluable assets that students will carry with them on their journeys. In summary, the "Cultivate with the Family Workshop" project is a paradigmatic initiative that has expanded its reach to public schools in the Jaciara region, Mato Grosso, Brazil, making a profound impact on the lives of the students involved. However, it is recommended to conduct a study that incorporates performance metrics for a more comprehensive appreciation of the project. This research highlights its significance as a successful intervention in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability, providing valuable lessons on how practical education can shape a more promising and ecologically conscious future.

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Promotion of Sustainable Environmental Education from the Early Grades: An Interinstitutional Project at the Eduvale College Farm School

The introduction of environmental education in the early grades of primary education is a response to the growing global concern for environmental preservation and sustainable development. The project arises from the need to sensitize future generations to these issues, aiming to shape more conscious and engaged citizens. The project establishes clear objectives, such as serving the local community, addressing ecological issues, and involving students from the early grades. The clarity of these objectives allows for a subsequent evaluation of their scope and effectiveness. The methodology employed in the project includes guided visits to the Farm School, organization into smaller groups, and the implementation of diverse practical activities, including storytelling, nature treasure hunts, and drawing workshops. Furthermore, the inclusion of Animal-Assisted Education (AAE) practices is an innovative and noteworthy approach. These activities provide a solid foundation for the project's implementation. Sensitization and environmental education are at the core of the project. The hands-on experience at the Farm School offers children a valuable learning opportunity. However, subsequent analysis should assess whether these activities have effectively raised children's awareness of the importance of environmental preservation and sustainable development. Project evaluation should encompass a comprehensive analysis of outcomes and impact. Results can be measured in terms of increased environmental awareness and understanding among visiting children. Additionally, the impact can be assessed by examining how the participation of Psychology scholars enriches their education. The collaboration between Eduvale College and Santa Rosa Municipal School is a central aspect of the project. The analysis should consider how this collaboration is maintained, evaluating its effectiveness and the mutual benefit of the involved parties. Systematic analysis of this project demonstrates its relevance in promoting sustainable environmental education from the early grades. However, it is crucial to conduct a rigorous evaluation to determine the project's effectiveness in raising awareness among visiting children and enriching the education of the scholars involved. Furthermore, interinstitutional collaboration is a critical factor for the project's success and should be continuously enhanced.

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Quality control of lavender essential oil from Vinnytsia region.
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One of the largest lavender fields in Ukraine is located in the Vinnytsia region. The introduction of essential oil (EO) into the pharmaceutical industry must be subject to product quality control. Terpenes, such as linalool and linalyl acetate are markers of lavender EO quality. According to HPTLC analysis of EO sample revealed of 6 zones of varying intensity, with the zone of linalool and linalyl acetate being the most saturated have been established. Thus, the presence of marker compounds in EO can be used in further quantitative assessment of compounds and substantiation of the prospects of Ukrainian lavender raw materials for the pharmaceutical industry.

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Prediction of adverse reactions in analgesic using a MODESLAB approach

Due to the high interest that represents the study from the adverse reactions to the medications and the importance of foreseeing the same ones the employment of the methods of molecular modeling with such an becomes a novel fact. In this work was carried out the calculation of the spectral moments of the adjacency matrix between edges of the molecular graph with suppressed hydrogens, pondered in the main diagonal with different parameters that characterize as much to the connections as to the atoms in the molecules of 63 compound of analgesic action, using for it the methodology MODESLAB. 91 descriptors were calculated, which were used in a series of training divided in four groups, according to the type of adverse reaction but it frequents. With the objective of identifying the descriptors that better they discriminant against among those compound of each group and to define the group of functions of these descriptors able to distinguish with the biggest precision possible to the members of one or another group, an discriminant analysis was developed by means of the statistical software Statistical 8.5. three functions were generated that they constitute lineal combinations of 6 molecular descriptors, which code so much information steric as electronic of the molecules of each group. The obtained functions present a Lambda of very low minimum Wilks (0,07) and a high canonical correlation (0,82), that which demonstrates their power discriminant

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Public Health and Water Treatment: A Simulation Study on the Ozonation of Taste-and-Odor Compounds in Surface Water Resources in the Philippines

The current raw water supply from Angat Dam is insufficient to address the demand in Metropolitan Manila, Philippines. One of the alternatives is the Laguna Lake, the largest freshwater lake in the country, and at the same time the world’s largest septic tank last 2007. Currently, there are drinking water treatment facilities around the lake and soon-to-be constructed for future purposes. Different water quality problems have been reported such as taste and odor (T&O). Geosmin and 2-Methylisoborneol are two of the most recognized T&O compounds from blue-green algae and can be treated through ozonation. However, presence of bromine is also expected since the lake is connected to seawater. This study used advanced chemical reaction kinetics using Polymath® software to verify the extent of treating these contaminants without spending for actual ozonation. Results showed that 3 mg/L of ozone can treat 55 ng/L of each of T&O compounds for 20 minutes while 0.45 mg/L of bromate was also produced. Simulation studies like these are recommended for institutions that are in-search for scientific solutions but quite hesitant to spend high capital costs at first. Simulations can also be used as guidance from conceptualization up to the actual operations of the facility.

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Review on monkey pox virus

Monkeypox is a zoonotic disease and endemic to western and central Africa, and was first discovered in 1958 and in 1970 when a 3-year-old child from the Equateur region of the Democratic Republic of Congo formed a clinical syndrome similar to smallpox in the region where the smallpox virus had already been interrupted. The cases increased up to 72 in early 2000s. DRC Ministry of Health gathered the data from 2010-2014 and came to the conclusion that the reported cases were exceeding 2000 cases annually. This virus has similar genetic makeup and pathophysiology to smallpox virus with the exclusion that this virus enters from the wildlife source by the means of small lesions on the skin or oral mucous membrane. There is still no proper treatment specifically against monkeypox infections however, monkeypox and smallpox share same genetic material so the antiviral drugs and vaccines developed to protect against smallpox can also be used to treat monkeypox infections. In this article we discussed the emergence, history, mode of infection and vaccines available for the virus. We also gave an insight on the pathophysiology of the virus.

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Integrated open-source heart rate and SpO2 monitoring system

Τhe application of new technologies in telemedicine shows increasing interest aiming at human health. Ιn this work an integrated heart rate and SpO2 monitoring system is presented. A portable device was created with the aim of sending the measurement data, in real time, to a central information system, where the doctor will be able to monitor the measurements related to the patient's health. Low cost components were used for construction, while the entire system is based on open-source software. During the evaluation, the results of the measurements are satisfactory corresponding to the measurements from the commercial instruments that were used.

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Sistema de Recomendación usando LightGBM y Filtrado Colaborativo

El 35% de las compras en Amazon en 2019 fueron generadas por un sistema de recomendación de acuerdo con MacKenzie y ese mismo año de reportó una ganancia de $87.4 billones de dólares en su último cuarto.

La primer conferencia AMC Recsys fue llevada a cabo en 2007 donde presentó un problema por Netflix que buscaba mejorar su sistema de recomendación en un 10% y dando un premio de 1 millón de dólares. En 2009 concluyó el reto y se presentó la solución en la conferencia. A partir del siguiente año se creó RecSys Challenge donde una empresa presenta un reto de sistemas de recomendación donde se premia y presenta la mejor solución con el fin de generar nuevas maneras de implementar recomendaciones .

El trabajo toma los datos del RecSys Challenge 2022 que consiste las vistas y compras de ropa en una tienda en línea; se deben generar 100 recomendaciones de artículos por sesión. A partir del modelo ganador del reto se toma la base para generar las recomendaciones usando diferentes métodos de filtrado colaborativo y LightGBM.

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Este estudio analiza la base de datos de la PROFECO, que incluye los precios semanales de productos supervisados por la institución desde 2015 hasta 20233. El foco de atención está en detectar aumentos injustificados de precios, especialmente en productos como huevo, tortilla, leche, frijol y carne de res2. El objetivo principal es explorar técnicas de Machine learning para modelar los precios de los productos básicos.


  • Fechas: se consideró la base desde 2015 a 2022, se tomó solamente la primera semana de cada mes.
  • Se considero información de toda la República, para análisis donde se agrupan los datos se consideró por separado zonas rurales y urbanas1.
  • Solamente se consideran los productos del Huevo, la Tortilla, Leche, Frijol, y Carne de Res.
  • Se consideran las variables Presentación, Marca, Cadena Comercial, Giro, Estado, año, mes, y día.
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Predicción de cambio en la inversión extranjera directa

El pronóstico de la inversión extranjera directa es importante para un país ya que ayuda a su crecimiento, funcionamiento, e impulsa su reputación entre los demás países. El objetivo de este proyecto es encontrar un modelo que pueda predecir el cambio en la inversión extranjera directa tomando como base la misma inversión en años anteriores, así como el cambio en el tipo de gobierno durante los mismos años.
