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International Coffee Convention 2024

Coffee in Transition

Part of the International Coffee Convention series
17–18 Oct 2024, Mannheim, Germany
Abstract Submission Deadline
15th May 2024
Abstract Acceptance Notification
30th May 2024
Full File Submission Deadline
15th July 2024

Registration Deadline
17th October 2024

Coffee, Climate Change Impacts, Sustainability, Consumer Behavior, Roasting, Farmers, Quality Control, Deforestation, Nagoya Protocol
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NEW: Preliminary Program is online:

Welcome from the Chairs

Building on the momentum of ICC2023's remarkable achievements (conference report:, proceedings:, we are excited to announce the upcoming call for papers for ICC 2024, under the theme "Coffee in Transition." We welcome original research, case and policy studies, and comprehensive reviews for potential oral presentation from a wide interdisciplinary angle. This edition aims to delve deeper into the evolving facets of the coffee industry, from sustainability challenges and technological innovations to regulatory changes and health implications. By fostering a collaborative environment for experts, researchers, and industry practitioners, ICC2024 seeks to catalyze impactful discussions, share cutting-edge research, and unveil novel insights into coffee's future.

Call for submissions

  • Future Landscape of Multiple Coffee Species: Addressing "Robusta" (Canephora) Reputation, but also Racemosa, Stenophylla and other Candidate Species in the Context of Nagoya Protocol
  • Coffee Production’s Environmental Footprint: Addressing Deforestation Policies, Advancing Fermentation Techniques, and Enhancing Processing Methods
  • Advancements in Coffee Preparation and Business: A Journey from Roasting to the Perfect Café Crème
  • Coffee and Health: Exploring the Nutritional Impacts, Benefits, and Health Claim Substantiation
  • Sustainable Utilization of Coffee By-Products: Challenges and Opportunities

Aims of the ICC2024

  • The International Coffee Convention is aimed at all those involved in the coffee industry, including farmers,
    roasters, traders, coffee machine manufacturers and professionals.
  • Together with experts and colleagues, our aim is to identify challenges and offer solutions for the coffee industry.
  • It is time for real, science-based, sustainable solutions to the coffee industry's challenges.


  • The world is changing. The coffee industry is facing major challenges, largely driven by climate change, changing consumer habits, sustainability and digitalisation.
  • As an industry, we need to find answers to how coffee can be produced sustainably in the future.
  • Without true sustainability, there will be no future for coffee farmers - and without adaptation to climate change, there will be no coffee farming.
  • Scientists and practitioners from around the world and across disciplines will present the latest findings on climate change, sustainable agriculture, consumer habits and digitalisation, as well as solutions and best practices that can be applied.

Benefits / Why participate

  • Learn about the status quo of the coffee industry and how you can actively contribute to a modern and sustainable coffee future.
  • Join a unique, high-profile event in Mannheim to learn, discuss and contribute with leading experts and colleagues.
  • Get answers and hands-on solutions to the coffee industry's current and future challenges.
  • Based on cutting-edge science and research, you will learn about state-of-the-art approaches and practical solutions for the cultivation, trade, processing, and preparation of coffee.
  • Get a summary of all keynotes and video-on-demand access to all presentations.
  • Opportunity to publish your abstract in an MDPI Proceedings special issue.
  • The chance to win the Kaldi Awards for scientific work in the field of coffee science

Topics and Questions

  • What is the future of coffee growing in the face of climate change?
  • What is biodiversity and how can it help to make farming more sustainable?
  • How will the industry need to adapt to changing consumer behaviour?
  • How can coffee cultivation be made truly sustainable?
  • What do coffee by-products, production and processing mean for sustainability?
  • What are the solutions for producing coffee by-products in the short term?
  • What is the current status of novel food regulation and what are the implications for industry and trade?

Event Organizers

International Coffee Convention

Hans-Thoma-Straße 20 68163 Mannheim Germany


By fostering a collaborative environment for experts, researchers, and industry practitioners, ICC seeks to catalyze impactful discussions, share cutting-edge research, and unveil novel insights into coffee's future.


Michel Maugé

International Coffee Convention, Mannheim, Germany


35 years of experience in the operation of congress centers and 30 years of consulting and development of congress centers make him the grand seigneur of the congress industry throughout Germany and a major driving force for the congress industry.

Event Chairs

Chemical and Veterinary Investigation Agency Karlsruhe, Germany

Surveillance of Caffeine Health Claims on Coffee and Other Foods - A Market Analysis

Spanish National Research Council, Madrid, Spain

5S Instant Cascara for a Sustainable Health

Demus , Trieste, Italy

Coffee Challenges 2024

Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Designing Coffee for Health

RD2 Vision, Valflaunès, France

Genetic material exchange: key for the past, present and the future of Coffee cultivars improvement

Coffee Consulate, Mannheim, Germany

Heilbronn University, Heilbronn, Germany

Freshly Roasted Coffee Reevaluated: Pilot study on the Impact of Post-Roast Maturation on Sensory Experience


University Rey Juan Carlos

Coffee, its components and its by-products for the brain-gut axis health

Enveritas Inc

A new approach to detecting deforestation

Aveiro University,
University of Coimbra

Decoding Coffee Cardiometabolic Potential: Structure-Health Function Relationships

Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew

Beyond the Orthodoxy of Arabica and Robusta: An Overview of the Potential of 'Other' Coffee Species for Crop Plant Use and Associated Challenges

Institut de Recherche pour le Developpement, Université de Montpellier

Wild Coffea Species: An Endangered Treasure for the Improvement of Cultivated Coffee Trees

Bitech AG /

Coffee + AI = successfully addressing EUDR

Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (ICTAN-CSIC), Madrid , Spain,
Estación Experimental del Zaidín (EEZ, CSIC),Granada, Spain

Unrevealing the risk of the coffee consumption related to the presence of acrylamide


The espresso journey: A deep dive into Italians’ diverse coffee tastes

German Coffee Association

The Need of Coffee Companies for Disruption to Stay in the Market


Universidad de Costa Rica

Repurposing fresh coffee husk into high-nutritional-value fruit spreads

Leibniz Institute for Food Systems Biology/TU Munich

Mozambioside degrades during coffee roasting into newly identified pyrolysis compounds with lower activation thresholds for bitter receptors

afinTS GmbH

Non-Target Screening Approaches in Coffee Research–Opportunities and Challenges

JDE Peet's N.V.

Coffee in a Net Zero Future

Hochschule Mannheim

Metabolomic profiling of cultured-yeast and spontaneously fermented coffees

CVUA Karlsruhe, Germany

Comprehensive Update on European Union Labeling Standards for Coffee and Its By-Products

University of Antioquia

Enhancing Competitiveness of Coffee Growers in Ituango through Science, Technology, and Innovation: The Coffee Grower's Laboratory Initiative

Bioroots ApS, Denmark

A New Post-Harvest Process of Upgrading Robusta Coffee Beans

İstanbul Aydın Üniversitesi

Determination of Chlorogenic Acid, Caffeine and Antioxidant Capacities in Turkish Coffee Bean Samples

University of Hohenheim

Evaluation of coffee cherry flour as a high-fiber ingredient in pastries

GRAS Global Risk Assessment Services GmbH

EUDR Coffee Check: A Platform to Support the Coffee Sector to Become EUDR Compliant

Department of Food and Drug, Parma

Coffee Leaves Valorization Through a Metabolomic Approach

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Exploring the Impact of C. canephora Roasting Speed: Multi-Omics, Sensory, Safety, and Energy Profiles

Camel Step Co.

Caffeine Crystal Growth on Roasted Coffee Beans Mistakenly Taken as Biological Spoilage


Congress Registration and Recommended Hotels:

Instructions for Authors


Submissions should be made by the authors online by registering with, and using the "Submit Abstract/New Submission" function once logged into the system.

  1. Scholars interested in participating in this conference can submit their abstracts (about 200–250 words, not including references) online on this website until 30 April 2024. Abstracts should give a pertinent overview of the work. We strongly encourage authors to use the following style of structured abstracts, but without headings: (1) Background: Place the question addressed in a broad context and highlight the purpose of the study; (2) Methods: briefly describe the main methods or treatments applied; (3) Results: summarize the article’s main findings, preferably including some results data; (4) Conclusions: indicate the main conclusions or interpretations.

  2. Abstracts will be evaluated based on their scientific quality and suitability for the conference sections. All authors will be notified by 30 May 2024 regarding the acceptance of their abstract for ICC2024.

  3. Once the abstract has been accepted, the author is requested to submit their manuscript (final abstract or short proceedings paper, 3–6 pages) before 30 June 2023. Optionally, authors of accepted abstracts will be able to submit a slides presentation (in PPT) as supporting material for the paper. You can submit the manuscript by accessing My Submission.

    Note: Please kindly ensure that the proceeding paper you submit is original and unpublished. Articles with a high repetition rate and lack of novelty will NOT be accepted in the conference proceedings.

  4. The accepted abstracts or short proceedings papers will be distributed to the conference participants in the form of a booklet and will also be published as one dedicated volume in MDPI Proceedings (ISSN 2504-3900). All submissions will receive a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) for citation purposes.

Guidelines for Abstracts and Proceedings Paper

Manuscripts for publication in the conference booklet and the dedicated volume in MDPI Proceedings (ISSN 2504-3900) should not exceed 6 pages (incl. figures, tables and references). Carefully read the rules outlined in the 'Instructions for Authors' of the Proceedings journal and ensure that your manuscript submission adheres to these guidelines.

Manuscript must be prepared using the Proceedings Microsoft Word template file (see download below).

Microsoft Word template

Word template file

For examples for Abstracts and Proceeding Papers, please check out the Proceedings of ICC2023:

Venue, Travel and Accommodation

Mannheim is now officially one of the best travel destinations in Europe. Mannheim is a mobility city - the birthplace of the bicycle, the automobile, the jet plane, the lift and the tractor. Mannheim has a wide range of cultural activities, varied gastronomy, unique parks, shopping and leisure facilities. So it's time to take a closer look at Mannheim in 2024 . We look forward to numerous participants who want to discover not only the secrets of coffee but also a special city.

The event will take place in the historic "Zeughaus" (Armory) of the Reiss-Engelhorn-Museums. The Mannheim Armory was built in 1777/1778 by Elector Carl Theodor as an arsenal. It was reopened in 2007 after extensive renovation work. Modern furnishings and historical ambience go hand in hand. The light installation offers a special attraction.

For accomodations see:

C5 (Toulonplatz), 68159, Mannheim, BW, Germany

The Reiss-Engelhorn Museums in the heart of Mannheim's city center not only present large exhibitions in their buildings. They also offer an exquisite ambience for events. The Florian-Waldeck-Saal is located in the historic "Zeughaus". The hall is characterized in particular by its electoral paintings.

Best way to travel here

List of accepted submissions (26)

Id Title Authors Presentation Video Poster PDF
sciforum-093658 Preface of the International Coffee Convention 2024 (ICC2024)


Submitted: 30 Apr 2024

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-093659 Comprehensive Update on European Union Labeling Standards for Coffee and Its By-Products


Submitted: 30 Apr 2024

Abstract: Show Abstract
, N/A Poster PDF Show Abstract
sciforum-092906 Genetic Material Exchange: Key for the Past, Present and the Future of Coffee Cultivars Improvement

Submitted: 17 Apr 2024

Abstract: Show Abstract
N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-093575 Unveiling the Risk of Coffee Consumption Associated with the Presence of Acrylamide. A Study on its Bioaccessibility , , N/A N/A Show Abstract
sciforum-094842 Coffee Leaves Valorization Through a Metabolomic Approach

, , ,

Submitted: 14 May 2024

Abstract: Show Abstract
, , , N/A N/A Show Abstract

List of Authors (70)

Event Awards

Kaldi Award

Legend has it that the Abyssinian goatherd Kaldi discovered the effects of coffee. This story is common throughout the coffee industry. Legend has it that he discovered the effect of the fruit and its stimulating properties over a thousand years ago. His goats had eaten the berries from the coffee bush and then jumped around very excitedly and were unusually active.

Since 2016, the "KaldiAward" will be presented to people who have made a significant contribution to a better understanding of coffee or to the improvement of coffee through scientific work. The award is presented by Coffee Consulate. The decision on the award is made by an international, independent jury of experts. We welcome any suggestions for each of the four awards.

The Awards
Lifetime Achievement

Number of Awards Available: 1

Award for a person's life's work / lifetime achievement in the service of science for coffee

Green Coffee

Number of Awards Available: 1

Award for special achievements for scientific findings in the green coffee sector


Number of Awards Available: 1

Award for special achievements for scientific knowledge in the field of roasting


Number of Awards Available: 1

Award for special achievements for scientific knowledge in the field of coffee preparation

Sponsors and Partners

For information regarding sponsorship and exhibition opportunities, please click here.

Preliminary Program

Florian-Waldeck-Saal im Zeughaus | Reiss-Engelhorn-Museum (REM)


9:00 Introduction

9:10 Welcome Address


9:20 SESSION 1

Future Landscape of Multiple Coffee Species (1:10)
(Session Chair: Steffen Schwarz)

  1. Genetic Material Exchange:
    Key for the Past, Present and the Future of Coffee Cultivars Improvement.
    Christophe Montagnon
  2. Beyond the Orthodoxy of Arabica and Robusta:
    An Overview of the Potential of 'Other' Coffee Species for Crop Plant Use and Associated Challenges
    Aaron P. Davis
  3. Wild Coffea Species:
    An Endangered Treasure for the Improvement of Cultivated Coffee Trees
    Romain Guyot, Laura Gonzalez, Rickarlos Bezandry
  4. TBA


10:30 Coffee Break
with Rare Species Cup Tasting and Live Research Project
on Sensory Coffee Preference Testing


11:30 SESSION 2

Coffee Production’s Environmental Footprint
and Addressing EU Deforestation Regulation (EUDR) (1:20)

(Session Chair: Massimiliano Fabian)

  1. A New Approach to Detecting Deforestation
    David Browning
  1. EUDR Coffee Check:
    A Platform to Support the Coffee Sector to Become EUDR Compliant
    Pia Rothe, Ilknur Celik Schoreels, Phuntsho Phuntsho, Jan Henke
  2. Coffee + AI = Successfully Addressing EUDR
    Mirko Ilowski
  3. Pathways to Achieving Net Zero in Coffee Agriculture:
    Long-term Strategies for Emission Reductions

    Wisse ten Bosch, Simon Fox


12:50 Lunch break


14:00 SESSION 3

Advancements in Coffee Preparation and Business:
A Journey from Roasting to the Perfect Café Crème

(Session Chair: Dirk W. Lachenmeier)

  1. Freshly Roasted Coffee Reevaluated:
    Pilot study on the Impact of Post-Roast Maturation on Sensory Experience
    Yves Clément Zimmermann, Steffen Schwarz (20 min)
  2. Enhancing Competitiveness of Coffee Growers in Ituango, Colombia, through Science, Technology, and Innovation:
    “The Coffee Grower's Laboratory Initiative"
    Marcela Martínez Castaño, Luis Esteban Pérez Pérez, Deisy Johana Gómez Quintero, Cecilia Gallardo Cabrera, Juliana Rojas Gallardo, María Alexandra Quirama Rivera, Gabriela Sánchez Betancur, Edilson Alexis Zapata Uribe, Claudia Patricia Posso Carvajal, Diana María Tabares Guevara, Andres Julián Tobón Agudelo, Juan Camilo Zambrano Sánchez, Juan Camilo Lopera Idarraga (20 min)
  3. Regional Variations in Italian Coffee Culture:
    Historical Influences and Contemporary Preferences for Robusta-Arabica Blends
    Mariano Peluso (20 min)


15:00 Coffee break


15:45 SESSION 4

Coffee and Health:
Exploring the Nutritional Impacts, Benefits, and Health Claim Substantiation (1:20)

(Session Chair: Maria Dolores del Castillo)

  1. Designing Coffee for Health
    Adriana Farah
  2. Coffee Components and By-Products for Brain-Gut Axis Health
    Raquel Abalo
  3. Unrevealing the Risk of the Coffee Consumption Associated
    with the Presence of Acrylamide. A Study on its Bioaccessibility

    Marta Mesias, Cristina Delgado-Andrade, Francisco J Morales
  4. Decoding Coffee Cardiometabolic Potential:
    Structure-Health Function Relationships
    Filipe Manuel Coreta-Gomes


17:00 End of day 1

19:00 Corporate night on invitation

Florian-Waldeck-Saal im Zeughaus | Reiss-Engelhorn-Museum (REM)



Coffee in Transition (1:00)
(Session Chair: Steffen Schwarz)

  1. Coffee Challenges 2024
    Massimiliano Fabian
  2. Managing Cancer Risk from Very Hot Beverages:
    Revisiting Coffee Serving Temperatures in the Industry
    Dirk W. Lachenmeier, Jéssika Morgado, Alessandro M. Batista, Adriana Farah
  3. The Need of Coffee Companies for Disruption to Stay in the Market
    Holger Preibisch


10:00 CEO Think tank session – Brewing the Future (1:00)
(Session Chair: Yves Zimmermann)

Round-Table Discussion #1 (30 min)
CEOs Coffee Machines

Round-Table Discussion #2 (30 min)
CEOs Roasters


Coffee break with Rare Species Cup Tasting and Live Research Project
on Sensory Coffee Preference Testing 


11:30 SESSION 6

Sustainable Utilization of Coffee By-Products:
Challenges and Opportunities (1:20)
(Session Chair: Adriana Farah)

  1. 5S Instant Cascara for a Sustainable Health
    Maria Dolores del Castillo
  2. Repurposing Fresh Coffee Husk into High-Nutritional-Value Fruit Spreads
    Catalina Acuña-Gutiérrez, Anne Schlösinger, Alice-Jacqueline Reineke,
    Víctor M. Jiménez, Tania Chacón-Ordóñez, Oscar Acosta, Joachim Müller
  3. Evaluation of Coffee Cherry Flour as a High-Fiber Ingredient in Pastries
    Alice-Jacqueline Reineke, Kristin Stadelmeyer, Catalina Acuña-Gutiérrez,
    Víctor M. Jiménez, Tania Chacón, Oscar Acosta, Joachim Müller
  4. Coffee Leaves Valorization Through a Metabolomic Approach
    Davide Rovelli, Ada Nucci, Bianca Serito, Chiara Dall'Asta

12:50 Kaldi Award (30 min)

(Session Chair: Steffen Schwarz)


13:20 Lunch break


14:00 SESSION 7

Advancing Fermentation Techniques,
Enhancing Processing Methods, and Green Bean Treatment (1:00)
(Session Chair: Christophe Montagnon)

  1. Metabolomic Profiling of Cultured-Yeast and Spontaneously Fermented Coffees
    Catherine Kiefer, Steffen Schwarz, Sascha Rohn, Philipp Weller
  2. A New Post-Harvest Process of Upgrading Robusta Coffee Beans
    Ernest George Mhlanga
  3. Dichloromethane in EU Retail R&G Decaffeinated Coffee Samples
    and Its Mass Transfer into Various Selected Decaf Beverages Subsequent to Extraction
    Massimiliano Max Fabian, Oliver Süße-Herrmann, Gregory McGaffin, Johannes Hielscher


15:00 Coffee break


15:30 SESSION 8

Coffee Research: From Screening Methods to Sensory Profiles (1:40)
(Session Chair: Dirk W. Lachenmeier)

  1. Non-Target Screening Approaches in Coffee Research–Opportunities and Challenges
    Stefan Bieber, Thomas Letzel, Philipp Weller
  2. Multi-Omics and Sensory Analysis of Coffea canephora:
    Assessing the Impact of Roasting Speed on Safety and Energy Efficiency
    Sara Triachini, Pier Paolo Becchi, Terenzio Bertuzzi,
    Ettore Capri, Mario Gabrielli, Luigi Lucini, Fosca Vezzulli
  3. Mozambioside Degrades During Coffee Roasting
    into Newly Identified Pyrolysis Compounds with Lower Activation Thresholds for Bitter Receptors
    Coline Bichlmaier, Roman Lang
  4. Determination of Chlorogenic Acid,
    Caffeine and Antioxidant Capacities in Turkish-Style Coffee Bean Samples
    Haydar Özpınar, Johanna Rebekka Morche, Harshadrai M. Rawel
  5. Results of the Coffee Genetic Discovery Project
    Christophe Montagnon

17:10 Closing Remarks
17:30 End of conference

Virtual Bonus SESSION :

Regulatory, Safety, and Quality Aspects of Coffee and Coffee By-Products

The virtual presentations are available on
Participants are encouraged to interconnect with the authors using the “Comment” feature on Sciforum.

  1. Caffeine Crystal Growth on Roasted Coffee Beans Misidentified as Biological Spoilage​
    Francisco Velazquez Escobar, Reem Rushidan, Amer Ba Shuaib
  2. Surveillance of Unregulated Caffeine Health Claims on Coffee and Other Foods–A Market Analysis​​
    Katharina Höfflin, Veronika Kurz, Yvonne Köder, Kristina Schmied,
    Verena Bock, Ann-Kathrin Kull, Dirk W. Lachenmeier
  3. Valorizing Coffee Grounds: Bioactive Compounds and Innovative Technologies for Industrial By-Product Utilization​
    Jamal Ayour
  4. Comprehensive Update on European Union Labeling Standards
    for Coffee and Its By-Products
    Ann-Kathrin Kull, Dirk W. Lachenmeier
  5. Acrylamide Levels and Associated Health Risks in Traditional Arabic Coffee Roasts
    Carmen Breitling-Utzmann, Steffen Schwarz, Dirk W. Lachenmeier
* This event is managed by external organizers. Sciforum is not responsible for the content posted on this website.