The 1st International Electronic Conference on Plant Science
Part of the International Electronic Conference on Plant Sciences series
1–15 December 2020
plant physiology and ecophysiology, Plant Genetics, plants ecology and biogeography, plant systematics, phytopathology, Plant biotechnology
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- Event Details
Welcome from the Chair
It is my great pleasure to invite you to the first electronic Conference on Plant Sciences. This electronic conference will be held online at sciforum.net, a platform developed and maintained by MDPI for hosting conferences. It allows scientists from all over the world to present their latest research, receive direct feedback, and engage in discussions with the wider scientific community.
In celebration of 2020, the International Year of Plant Health (declared by the United Nations), we will highlight the importance of plant science contributions to food security, global economic development and the environment. We have planned focus sessions on plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses, plant nutrition, and plant–soil Interactions. The conference covers research at all scales, from cell biology to ecosystems, and includes bioinformatics and modelling approaches. A session on scientific communication and outreach welcomes papers for public engagement and educational resources.
There is no charge for registration, no travel, and no need to book accommodation, thus reducing costs and the concerning carbon footprint. The accepted proceedings papers will probably be published in MDPI Biology and Life Sciences Forum journal, and selected papers (need 50% extension compared with the proceedings papers) will be considered for publication in a special issue of Plants, a high visibility open access journal, with a 20% discount on the APC.
We are committed to equality and inclusion principles, thus we ask authors to ensure that the papers and presentations are highly accessible to the wider and more diverse scientific community. We encourage submissions from scientists at all career stages and from all backgrounds, and aim for equal gender balance.
We are looking forward to receiving your submissions to this new exciting event and would like to thank you in advance for your active contribution to Plant Sciences.
Dr. Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso
Conference Secretariat
Mr. Andy Yi
Ms. Stefanie Li
email: iecps2020@mdpi.com
Call for submissions
The 1st International Electronic Conference on Plant Science will be held online from 1 to 15 December 2020. This event enables the researchers of plant science to present their research and exchange ideas with their colleagues without the need to travel. All proceedings will be published on the conference homepage in an open access format.
Through this event, we aim to cover the following topics:
- Plant Protection, Response to stress and Climate Change
- Plant Nutrition, Plant Physiology and Metabolism
- Plant Cell and Developmental Biology
- Phytochemistry and Bioremediation
- Plant Outreach and Educational resources
The conference will be completely free of charge—both to attend and for scholars to upload and present their latest work on the conference platform. There will also be the possibility to submit selected papers to the journal Plants (ISSN 2223-7747; CODEN: PLANCD; Impact Factor: 2.762 (JCR 2019)) with a 20% discount on the APCs; The conference offers you the opportunity to participate in this international, scholarly conference without having the concern or expenditure of travel—all you need is your computer and access to the Internet. We would like to invite you to “attend” this conference and present your latest work.
Abstracts (in English) should be submitted by 10 September 2020 10 October 2020 online at https://www.sciforum.net/login. For accepted abstracts, the full paper can be submitted by 20 October 2020 10 November 2020.
We hope you will be able to join this exciting event and support us in making it a success. The conference is organized and sponsored by MDPI, a scholarly open access publisher based in Basel, Switzerland.
Paper Submission Guidelines
For information about the submission procedure and the preparation of a full presentation, please refer to the "Instructions for Authors".
Critical Dates
Conference Chairs

Centre for Plant Science, School of Biology, University of Leeds, Leeds, UK
Dr. Yoselin Benitez-Alfonso is a Lecturer in Plant Sciences at the University of Leeds, UK. She did her PhD in plant biochemistry and molecular biology at the University of Cordoba, Spain followed by postdoctoral research at Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory in New York (USA) and at the John Innes Centre (Norwich, UK). Her research interests are focused on symplastic intercellular communication linked to plant development and response to environmental cues. She actively interacts with physicists, chemists and computational modellers to dissect the role of cell walls in this process and to design applications of this knowledge in the development of new biomaterials. She is a member of the Centre for Plant Sciences, the Astbury Centre for Structural Biology and the Bragg Centre for new materials at Leeds. Dr. Benitez-Alfonso has produced papers of high academic impact (>1500 total citations) and serve as Editor in Chief of the ‘Cell Biology’ section in the journal Plants.
Conference Committee

Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection National Research Council of Italy, IPSP-CNR, Turin, Italy

Department of Biosciences, Durham Iniversity, UK

Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin, Torino, Italy

Department of Plant Physiology, Faculty of Agriculture and Biology, Warsaw University of Life Sciences SGGW, Warsaw, Poland

Department of Agronomy, Food, Natural Resources, Animal and Environment, Agripolis-Viale dell’Università, Italy

School of Pharmacy, University of Camerino, Italy

Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine and Surgery, University Federico II of Naples, Italy

Department of Forestry, National Chung-Hsing University, Taiwan

Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences (CHIBIOFARAM), University of Messina, Italy

Department of Agronomy, Faculty of Agriculture, Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University, Bangladesh

Division of Biotechnology, College of Life Sciences and Biotechnology, Korea University, Korea

Department of Molecular Biology and Radiobiology, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic

Department of Plant Physiology, Agricultural Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research, Hungary

Department of Public Health, Brody School of Medicine, Department of Health Education and Promotion, College of Health and Human Performance, East Carolina University, Greenville, NC, USA

Department of Drug Science and Technology, University of Turin, Torino, Italy

Laboratory of Vegetable Production, Department of Crop Science, Agricultural University of Athens, Athens, Greece

University of Strathclyde, Pharmacognosy/Natural Products Drug Discovery Research Group, Glasgow, UK

Department of Pharmacy, Health and Nutritional Sciences,University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy

BioISI – Biosystems & Integrative Sciences Institute and Department of Plant Biology, Faculty of Sciences, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal

Department of Biology, University of Naples “Federico II”, Naples, Italy

Department of Agricultural Sciences, Biotechnology & Food Science Cyprus University of Technology, Lemesos, Cyprus

Research Unit Environmental Simulation (EUS), Institute of Biochemical Plant Pathology (BIOP), Neuherberg, Germany

Institute of Botany and Botanical Garden, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Serbia

Department of Sustainable Crop Production, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Piacenza, Italy

Department of Biology, The University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

Institut d’Ecologie et des Sciences de l’Environnement de Paris, Paris, France

Istituto Agronomico Mediterraneo of Bari, Italy

Departamento de Microbiología del Suelo y Sistemas Simbióticos, Estación Experimental del Zaidín, CSIC, Granada, Spain

Plant Physiology, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Department, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Campus Montepríncipe, Boadilla del Monte, Madrid, Spain

Centro de Estudos do Ambiente e do Mar, Departamento de Biologia, Universidade de Aveiro, Campus Universitário de Santiago, Portugal

University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Lab RIBP 4707, SFR Condorcet FR-CNRS 3417, France

Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Germany

Institute for Sustainable Plant Protection (IPSP), Italian National Research Council (CNR), Italy

Dipartimento di Biologia, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”, Italy

Department of Plant Anatomy, ELTE - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary

Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences, University of Messina, Messina, Italy
Invited Speakers

Department of Sustainable Crop Production, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy
plant pathology; botanical epidemiology; disease modeling; phytopathometry; crop protection; decision support systems

Department of Agriculture, Food and Environment (Di3A), University of Catania, Italy
oomycetes and fungal diseases diagnosis; molecular diagnosis; emerging plant diseases; plant disease management strategies

Department of Biology, The University of Texas at San Antonio, San Antonio, TX, USA
plant–insect interactions; defense priming; abiotic stress; jasmonate signaling; mechanosensing

Institut d’Ecologie et des Sciences de l’Environnement de Paris, France
signalling; lipid signaling; lipidomics; salicylic acid; abiotic stress; phosphatidic acid; diacylglycerol kinase; plant peptides

Plant Physiology, Pharmaceutical and Health Sciences Department, Facultad de Farmacia, Universidad CEU San Pablo, Spain
plant-microbe interactions; improving adaptation to biotic and abiotic stresses; seconday metabolism; bioactive molecules for industry; food bioactives; elicitation; bioeffectors; beneficial microorganisms; elicitors. Induced resistance; plant defense

Leibniz Centre for Agricultural Landscape Research (ZALF), Müncheberg, Germany
plant microbe interactions; microbial ecology; biological control of plant pathogens; plant nutrition; soil biology and fertility; biofertilizers; biofungicides; microbes in extreme environment

Department of Environmental, Biological and Pharmaceutical Sciences and Technologies, University of Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Caserta, Italy

Department of Chemical, Biological, Pharmaceutical and Environmental Sciences (CHIBIOFARAM), University of Messina,Viale Palatucci, Messina, Italy
Dr. Antonella Smeriglio, Research fellow at University of Messina, Department ChiBioFarAm, is graduated in Pharmacy, PhD in Toxicology and Specialized in Pharmacognosy. Her Research activity is focused on characterization and study of the biological activities of plant extracts and their isolated bioactive compounds by several in vitro cell-free and cell-based as well as in vivo assays. She is author of 51 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 2 patents, 3 book chapters and over 60 congress contributions, of which 3 as invited speaker and 1 as chairperson. She is Associate Editor of BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine and Plants.
Plant extracts; Natural compounds; Phytochemistry; Antioxidant actvity; Anti-inflammatory activity; Cytoprotective activity; Anti-angiogenic activity; Ani-melanogenic activity, Antimicrobial activity.

Department of Plant Anatomy, ELTE - Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, Hungary
abiotic stress (salt and drought stress), chlorophyll biosynthesis, photosynthesis, plant cell biology, plastid differentiation, skoto- and photomorphogenesis, secondary metabolites

Department of Pharmacy, Health and Nutritional Sciences, University of Calabria, Rende (CS), Italy
Dr. Mariangela Marrelli completed a Joint-PhD in “Biochemistry and Pathology of Drug Action” and in Chemistry at the University of Salerno (Italy) and at the University Paris Descartes (France). She obtained a further PhD in “Environment, Health and Eco-Sustainable Processes” at the University of Calabria (Italy). Her research activity is focused on medicinal plants, phytochemical analysis and the evaluation of biological activities of natural products and the potential health benefits for human health. Dr. Marrelli is author of 63 papers in peer-reviewed journals and 55 contributions to national and international congresses. She serves as Section Board Member for Plants, Review Board Editor for South African Journal of Botany and Associate Editor for Brazilian Journal of Botany.
Plant extracts, Medicinal plants, Phytochemicals, Bioactive compounds, Essential oils, Nutraceuticals, Antioxidant activity, Antiproliferative activity, Anti-inflammatory properties
List of Keynotes & Videos
Modelling biocontrol agents as plant protection tools
Related Paper:
Modelling biocontrol agents as plant protection tools
A Three-Way Interaction System for Understanding the Ability of Trichoderma spp. to Trigger Defenses in Tomato Challenged by Phytophthora nicotianae
Green Leaf Volatiles: Airborne Signals that Protect against Biotic and Abiotic Stresses
Related Paper:
Green Leaf Volatiles: Airborne Signals that Protect against Biotic and Abiotic Stresses
Use of molecular dynamics to decipher the binding of salicylic acid to proteins: Example of Arabidopsis thaliana Chloroplastic GAPDH-A1
Related Paper:
Use of molecular dynamics to decipher the binding of salicylic acid to proteins: Example of Arabidopsis thaliana Chloroplastic GAPDH-A1
Beneficial microorganisms: the best partner to improve plant adaptative capacity
Related Paper:
Beneficial microorganisms: the best partner to improve plant adaptative capacity
Comparative and functional screening of three species traditionally used as antidepressants: Valeriana officinalis L., Valeriana jatamansi Jones ex Roxb. and Nardostachys jatamansi (D.Don) DC.
Cachrys libanotis L. Extracts: Photocytotoxic Effects on UVA-Irradiated Human Melanoma Cells
Related Paper:
Cachrys libanotis L. Extracts: Photocytotoxic Effects on UVA-Irradiated Human Melanoma Cells
List of accepted submissions (155)
Id | Title | Authors | Presentation Video | Poster PDF | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
sciforum-033518 | Evaluation of Seeds Moringa oleifera Lam. Present in Urban Forests as a Coagulant-Flocculant for Water Treatment | , | N/A | N/A |
Show Abstract |
Water pollution represents one of the main consequences of anthropogenic activity, therefore, recent research has developed promising techniques for treating wastewater through the use of natural coagulants-flocculants, which generate higher water quality and product reduction environmentally harmful synthetics and human health. Moringa oleifera seeds are reported as the most potent natural coagulants, and according to the growth of the tree in different landscapes and gradients, they present variability in their biological function. The objective of the work was to evaluate the efficiency of M. oleifera seeds collected in urban forests of the city of Ibagué, Colombia as a natural coagulant-flocculant in the treatment of water for human consumption. Seeds were collected ad libitum from trees present in forest remnants inside the city, dried, pulverized and subjected to the process of extraction of the active agents from organic solvents; samples were taken from river surface waters and with a latin square design (DCL) that grouped two factors (water pH and extract dosage), the coagulant action was evaluated in the tests carried out with jar tests. According to the ranges of pH (4, 5, 6 and 7) and dosages (5, 10, 15 and 20 ml) used, a greater reduction of the turbidity values was obtained in the conditions of pH 6 with a dosage of 10 ml of coagulant solution, and pH 7 with a dosage of 10 ml of coagulant solution. The tests carried out showed that the coagulation-flocculation levels of moringa seeds do not vary significantly concerning the reports in the literature for Colombia, their performance is associated with the factors established in the experimental design and maintains experimental efficiency against coagulants conventionals used for the purification of water. |
sciforum-035078 | The Mineral, Amino Acid and Fatty Acid Evaluations of Myristica fragrans Seeds Extracts | , | N/A | N/A |
Show Abstract |
The mineral elements, amino acid constituents and fatty acids present in Myristica fragrans seeds extracts were identified and quantified using atomic absorption spectrometry and flame photometry, Technicon sequential multi-sample amino acid analyzer (TSM) and Shimadzu GC-MS machine respectively. Six hundred grams of powdered seeds were extracted in methanol and n-hexane (2:1 v/v) using a rotary evaporator. Calcium, magnesium, and iron were the most abundant in methanol extract with concentrations of 3.207 ± 0.048 part per million (ppm), 2.998 ± 0.046 ppm, and 0.977 ± 0.022 ppm respectively. The major essential amino acids in the seed were leucine 6.24 g/100g protein, valine 3.72 g/100g protein, and threonine 3.50 g/100g protein while the non-essential amino acids were glutamate 10.6 g/100g protein, aspartate 7.60 g/100g protein, and arginine 5.50 g/100g protein. The major biological compounds in the methanol extract as revealed by the GC-MS analysis were 9,12-Octadecadienoic acid methyl ester (RT: 20.768, 27.13%), Cyclododecyne (RT: 26.458, 19.33%) and octadecanoic acid (RT: 14.360, 12.24%) while the hexane extract constituents were margarinic acid (RT: 14.746, 27.04%), oleic acid (RT: 20.947, 18.96%) and 9,12-octadecadien-1-ol (RT: 26.523%, 15.10%). These compounds have shown nutritional, pharmacological, and medicinal importance in different studies.
sciforum-035123 | Temperature and Water Stress Integral Influence in Physiological Responses among Eucalyptus Genotypes | , , , | N/A |
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Show Abstract |
Water stress, in the face of climate change, is expected to reduce photosynthesis and leaf water potential in order to regulate plant water status and maintain growth by adjusting water use efficiency. We hypothesize that higher summer temperatures increase photosynthesis, however summer higher atmospheric demand decreases the efficiency of water use, being this decrease more pronounced in more stressed genotypes. Our study investigated the photosynthesis (Anet), intrinsic water use efficiency (iWUE) and water stress integral (WSI) changes in the early development of E. globulus, E. nitens and E. nitens x E. globulus hybrids (E gloni) genotypes across contrasting seasons: winter (6 months years old) to summer (13 months years old). Anet, iWUE, and WSI showed a significant interaction (p>0.001) between genotype and season. Regardless of the season, some E. globulus genotypes presented no significant changes in Anet, however, in summer higher increment in Anet was observed for E. gloni (almost 50%). In winter, the highest iWUE was 129 µmol mol-1, while in summer was 50 µmol mol-1. The highest reduction in iWUE values between winter and summer was observed for E. nitens genotypes (300%). The lowest iWUE values in summer were related to the lowest values of WSI, in which E. nitens were different from E. globulus and E. gloni (p=0.01). Interestingly, we observed a positive relationship between WSI and iWUE in summer; however, this relationship was the opposite in winter. Our results suggest that accumulated stress (WSI) in winter helps to promote stomatal closure which increases iWUE, since Anet presented small changes in winter. Regardless of genotype, warm periods increased Anet; however, iWUE decreased, especially in genotypes with more accumulated stress, which implies different strategies of eucalyptus genotypes/species plantations in regions with water deficit. |
sciforum-035437 | Assessment of the Genetic Diversity of Ulex europaeus in Maui, California, Hawaii and New Zealand by a Method of Microsatellite Markers | , | N/A |
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Genetic assessment of invasive plant species that adapt themselves and propagate in many regions in the world is important for the further study to avoid ambiguity. The variations of many parts of invasive plants called phenotypic plasticity are affected by regional effects of its invaded place such as climatic and geographical traits. It is important to make it clear whether the variations of the plant parts are derived from the regional traits or genetic differences. The aim of this study was to assess the genetic distances of the invasive species, Ulex europaeus from the four different regions such as Maui, California, Hawaii and New Zealand prior to the further studies. As Ulex europaeus is an allohexaploid species, which often shows genotypic ambiguity by normal single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), microsatellite method was used for the assessment because it has been used frequently to test the genetic distances of the hexaploid plant species these days. We tested the leaf samples of 37 mother trees from four regions (11 from Maui, four from California, seven from Hawaii, 15 from New Zealand) at five microsatellite loci. After polymerase chain reaction analyses (PCR), dinucleotide-repeat motifs (DRMs) were counted and compared to test the genetic distances of the samples. As a result, dendrogram and analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) showed that Ulex europaeus sampled in four different regions were genetically very close. |
sciforum-035773 | Establishment of an Efficient In Vitro Culture System in Dicentra × hybrida | N/A |
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Dicentra, known as bleeding-hearts, is a genus of eight species of herbaceous plants, native to eastern Asia and North America. It is a member of the Fumariaceae botanical family, sometimes referred to as a subfamily of the Papaveraceae (the poppy family). Dicentra × hybrida is a popular ornamental hybrid, cultivated in parks and gardens worldwide. To date, there are no reports on establishing a plant tissue culture system in this species. In Dicentra, all leaves are in a basal rosette which hinders the disinfection process. At the same time, cautious treatments are required not to damage the delicate tissue. The aim of this study was to develop an efficient tissue culture system in D. × hybrida ‘Amore Rose’ for the purpose of further micropropagation. Shoots of in vivo-grown plants were dissected and washed with running tap water. Next, shoot segments were bathed in tap water with a drop of detergent for 30 min and, then, immersed in 70% (v/v) ethanol for 1 min. Following the initial disinfection, explants were surface sterilized with 0.4 – 0.8% (v/v) sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) for 20 min and, finally, washed thrice with sterile distilled water (20 min each). The treated rosette explants were inoculated polarly in the modified Murashige and Skoog medium devoid of plant growth regulators and cultured in a growth room with 16-h photoperiod. After one month, contamination-free explants were transferred on the kinetin-supplemented medium. The disinfection efficiency reached 20 – 40%. All disinfected explants were capable to develop healthy shoots. The multiplication ration, i.e. number of secondary explants produced, reached 4.3. All developed shoots regenerated roots spontaneously. The described here protocol can be recommended for in vitro propagation of Dicentra × hybrida. Further studies should focus on inducing adventitious organogenesis from leaf explants of the in vitro-derived plant material. |
Session Chairs

Prof. Dr. Paula Baptista
Polytech Inst Braganca, CIMO, Sch Agr, Campus Santa Apolonia, Braganca, Portugal

Prof. Dr. Adriano Sofo
Department of European and Mediterranean Cultures: Architecture, Environment and Cultural Heritage (DiCEM), Università degli Studi della Basilicata, Matera, Italy

Dr. Azahara C. Martín
Department of Crop Genetics, John Innes Centre, Norwich, UK

Prof. Dr. Suresh Awale
Division of Natural Drug Discovery, Institute of Natural Medicine, University of Toyama, Toyama, Japan

Dr. Paula García-Fraile
Department of Microbiology, University of Salamanca, Spain

Dr. Celia Knight
Plant Science Education and Employability Consultant, Visiting Fellow University of Leeds, UK

Dr. Geraint Parry
National Coordinator for the GARNet Community Research Network, UK
Instructions for Authors
Submission should be completed online by authors by registering with https://sciforum.net/ and using the “Start New Submission” function once logged into system.
- Scholars interested in participating in the conference can submit their abstract (about 200–300 words describing the manuscript for Proceedings) online at this website until 10 September 2020 10 October 2020.
- Based on the submitted abstract, the Conference Committee will conduct a pre-evaluation of whether a contribution from the authors of the abstract will be welcome for the 1st International Electronic Conference on Plant Science. All authors will be notified by 24 September 2020 20 October 2020 about the acceptance of their abstract.
- If the abstract is accepted for this conference, the author will be invited to prepare a full description of their work (max. 8 pages), optionally accompanied by a PowerPoint presentation/poster, until the submission deadline of 20 October 2020 10 November 2020.
- The conference proceedings papers and presentations will be available for discussion on https://iecps2020.sciforum.net/ during the time of the conference 1–15 December 2020.
- The accepted proceedings papers will probably be published in MDPI Biology and Life Sciences Forum journal.
Note: Before publication, Biology and Life Sciences Forum journal will review accepted papers using the powerful text comparison tool: iThenticate. This procedure aims to prevent scholarly and professional plagiarism.
Submissions with a high repetition rate and lack of novelty will not be published in the conference proceedings. - The open access journal Plants will publish a conference Special Issue. After the conference, the Conference Committee will select abstracts for which extended papers may be included for publication in the Special Issue of the journal Plants (the submission to the journal is independent from the conference proceedings and will follow the usual process of the journal, including peer review and application of an APC).
Proceedings Manuscripts
Manuscripts for Proceedings must conform to the following structure:
First page:
- Title
- Full author names
- Affiliations (including full postal address) and authors’ email addresses
- Abstract (200–250 words)
- Keywords
- Introduction
- Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusions
- (Acknowledgments)
- References
Manuscripts should be prepared in MS Word or any other word processor and should be converted to PDF format before submission. The publication format will be PDF. The manuscript should count at least 3 pages (incl. figures, tables, and references) .
Microsoft Word
Authors must use the Microsoft Word template to prepare their manuscript. Using the template file will substantially shorten the time to complete copy-editing and publication of accepted manuscripts. Manuscript prepared in MS Word must be converted into a single file before submission. Please do not insert any graphics (schemes, figures, etc.) into a movable frame which can superimpose the text and create difficulties related to layout.
Manuscript Preparation
- Paper Format: A4 paper format, the printing area is 17.5 cm × 26.2 cm. The margins should be 1.75 cm on each side of the paper (top, bottom, and left and right sides).
- Formatting/Style: Papers should be prepared following the style of the IECPS2020 template. The full titles and cited papers must be given. Reference numbers should be placed in square brackets [ ], and placed before the punctuation; for example, [4] or [1–3], and all the references should be listed separately as the last section at the end of the manuscript.
- Author List and Affiliation Format: Authors’ full first and last names must be given. Any abbreviated middle names can be added. For papers written by various contributors, a corresponding author must be designated. The PubMed/MEDLINE format is used for affiliations: complete street address information including city, zip code, state/province, country, and email address should be added. All authors who contributed significantly to the manuscript (including writing a section) should be listed on the first page of the manuscript, below the title of the article. Other parties, who provided only minor contributions, should only be listed under Acknowledgments. A minor contribution might be a discussion with the author, reading through the draft of the manuscript, or performing English corrections.
- Figures, Schemes, and Tables: Authors are encouraged to prepare figures and schemes in color. Full color graphics will be published free of charge. Figure and schemes must be numbered (Figure 1, Scheme I, Figure 2, Scheme II, etc.) and an explanatory title must be added. Tables should be inserted into the main text with numbers and titles supplied for all tables. All table columns should have an explanatory heading. Please supply legends for all figures, schemes, and tables. The legends should be prepared as a separate paragraph of the main text and placed in the main text before a table, figure, or scheme.
Presentation Slides
Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software, to be displayed online along with the manuscript. Slides, if available, will be directly displayed on the website using Sciforum.net’s proprietary slides viewer. Slides can be prepared in exactly the same way as for any traditional conference where research results can be presented. Slides should be converted to the PDF format before submission so that our process can easily and automatically convert them for online displaying.
Video Presentations
Authors are also encouraged to submit video presentations. Videos can be presented without an accompanying Proceedings paper and will be available online on this website during and after the e-conference. However, they will not be added to the proceedings of the conference. The video should be no longer than 20 minutes and be prepared with the following formats:
- MP4
The video should be submitted via email before 10 November 2020.
Presentation of Posters
Posters will be available on this conference website during and after the event. As with papers presented at conferences, participants will be able to ask questions and make comments about the posters. Posters can be presented without an accompanying Proceedings paper and will be available online on this website during and after the e-conference. However, they will not be added to the proceedings of the conference.
Potential Conflicts of Interest
It is the authors’ responsibility to identify and declare any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of clinical research. If there are no conflicts, please state here “The authors declare no conflicts of interest”. This should be conveyed in a separate “Conflicts of Interest” statement preceding the “Acknowledgments” and “References” sections at the end of the manuscript. Financial support for the study must be fully disclosed under the “Acknowledgments” section.
MDPI, the publisher of the Sciforum.net platform, is an open access publisher. We believe that authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting a communications paper to this conference, you retain the copyright of your paper, but you grant MDPI the non-exclusive right to publish this paper online on the Sciforum.net platform. This means you can easily submit your paper to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher (if required by that publisher).
Event Awards
On behalf of the chair of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Plant Science, we are pleased to announce the winners of the Best Presentation Award:
authored by Ichsan Nurul Bari, Nur’aini Herawati and Syifa Nabilah Subakti Putri
Ichsan Nurul Bari, Ph.D., is a Lecturer and Researcher at Pests Laboratory, Department of Agrotechnology, Faculty of Agriculture, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia. He began his study at Plant Pests and Diseases Management in Universitas Padjadjaran, continue his Master Degree of Biology at Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), and completed his Doctoral Degree of Applied Bioresource Science in Ehime University, Japan 2017. A licensed lecturer, Dr. Bari has worked for more than 15 years and best known for his work and research related to rodents, biochemistry, urban pest, pesticides, and plant-based extract which have been influential works in the field.
Dr. Bari actively does more than 20 various conferences on the scale national and international. He was a Scientific Seminar Speakers at the 8th World Congress of Allelopathy in 2017, ASEAN - Japan Network for Transdisciplinary Research 2018, and also won The Best Presenter Team on Joint Seminar in Ehime University 2015. He served as a trainer and coach on community services since 2011 which related to pest management in several regions of Indonesia. He also has experience as head of the committee of the National Conference and Competition “Plant Protection Day 2020”, every year he supervised the fieldwork experience for students, held by Research and Community Service Institution (LPPM) Universitas Padjadjaran. Moreover, he published two books with the title “Experimental Design with SPSS 13” and “Urban pests” which can be accessed at Elearning Unpad.
In this research, Dr. Bari collaborated with plant protection researcher Dr. Nunung (completed her doctoral degree at Gadjah Mada University) from Indonesian Center for Rice Research; and Ms. Syifa as a magister student in Plant Protection at Universitas Padjadjaran was also participating to improve this research.
Topic: Assessing the Flowering Genetic Regulatory Network in Neotropical Orchids
authored by Yesenia Madrigal, Diego Ospina-Zapata, Andrea Ramírez-Ramírez, Juan Fernando Alzate and Natalia Pabón-Mora
Yesenia Madrigal is a third year’s PhD student at Plant Evo-Devo lab (Universidad de Antioquia, Medellín-Colombia). She holds a B.S in Biology and MSc in Biology from Universidad de Antioquia (Medellín-Colombia). As an undergraduate and during her masters, she focused on the variation of floral morphology and symmetry in non-core eudicots using Cattleya trianae (Orchidaceae), Hypoxis decumbens (Hypoxidaceae) and Aristolochia fimbriata (Aristolochiaceae) as models. At the moment, Yesenia is broadly interested in the genetic and evolutionary bases of flowering, floral diversity in monocots, fruit formation and morphological adaptations in early diverging neotropical plants. Her current PhD project is focused in the genetic and evolutionary bases of flowering in neotropical orchids, to identify genes controlling the transition from vegetative to reproductive phases. She is working on the standardization of protocols for the study of emerging model species of tropical orchids and monocots, using tools like RNAseq analyses, bioinformatics, gene evolution approaches, expression analyses (ISH, qRT-PCR) and directed transformation (CRISPR-cas9). Please see more information and recent advances related with studies in neotropical plant development and evolution at Plant EvoDevo lab website: (https://www.evodevoplantas.com/).
To acknowledge the support of the conference esteemed authors and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments, we are pleased to launch the Best Presentation Award. Two winners will be selected and each winner will receive a cash award of 500 CHF and a certificate.
The Awards
Number of Awards Available: 2
The award will consist of 500 Swiss Francs and a certificate (for two attendees).Terms and Conditions:
- Submit full paper with video uploaded after short abstract is accepted
- Originality / Novelty of the paper
- Significance of Content
- Scientific Soundness
- Interest to the readers
- English language and style
A. Plant Protection, Response to stress and Climate Change
B. Plant Nutrition, Plant Physiology and Metabolism
C. Plant Cell and Developmental Biology
D. Phytochemistry and Bioremediation
E. Plant Outreach and Educational Resources
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