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The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Entomology

Part of the International Electronic Conference on Entomology series
19–21 May 2025
Event's Timezone: Central European Summer Time
Abstract Submission Deadline
18 February 2025
Abstract Acceptance Notification
18 March 2025

Registration Deadline
16 May 2025

Systematics, Genetics, Biology, Ecology, Management, Biodiversity, Behavior
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Submissions has CLOSED
We will be contacting authors selected for Oral Presentations
(Only selected authors will be contacted)
Participants who successfully registered by the registration deadline, 16 May 2025 will be entitled to a certificate of participation.
Register HERE
Poster Submission
All participants with accepted submissions have the option to upload their posters in the poster gallery. Please refer to section: '4.2. Steps to Upload Posters in Gallery' under the instructions page:

Accepted abstracts will be published in the conference report of the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Entomology in Proceedings journal (ISSN: 2504-3900), after the conference

Welcome from the Chair

Dear Colleagues,

Three years after the success of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Entomology (IECE) I have the great pleasure to welcome you to the 2nd IECE, organized and funded by Insects, a Q1 journal in category “Entomology”. Insects continuously generate huge global issues, e.g., outbreaks, considerable losses in agricultural production, transmission of various diseases, seriously injuring humans and animals, increased resistance to insecticides, difficulties of effective management, enigmatic biology and ecology, gaps in the composition and mutations of genes, disorder of diversity due to natural destructions. Therefore, research is the obligatory path to handle all these current challenges and, simultaneously, improve our perception to foresee the upcoming ones. The 2nd IECE aims to unite entomologists all over the world to communicate their top research outcomes from basic and applied point of view that will be rapidly published in variable ways after peer reviewing process. The meeting includes these latest research topics:

S1. Morphology and Systematics;
S2. Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Genetics, and Genomics;
S3. Behaviour, Biology, and Physiology;
S4. Biodiversity, Climate Change, Conservation, Ecology, and Evolution;
S5. Pest Management, Pesticide Resistance, and Toxicology;
S6. Forest Entomology and Urban Entomology;
S7. Social Insects;
S8. Medical and Veterinary Entomology

The 2nd IECE is organized and sponsored by MDPI, a scholarly open access publisher. Ι look forward to your participations, contributions, and discussions.

Kind regards,
Prof. Dr. Nickolas G. Kavallieratos,
Agricultural University of Athens, Greece
Chair of the 2nd International Electronic Conference on Entomology

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Event Chair

Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Nickolas G. Kavallieratos is an Associate Professor of Agricultural Entomology and Acarology at the Agricultural University of Athens. He has worked at several Universities and Institutes in Europe, USA, Asia, and Africa. He studies morphology, morphometry, systematics, zoogeography, phylogeny, genetics and behavior of the Aphidiinae parasitoids. He has also been working on the biology, ecology, demography, behavior and management of stored-product pests (insects, mites) with the use of biocontrol agents (entomopathogenic fungi, entomopathogenic nematodes, bacteria), chemical insecticides, and novel compounds (essential oils, nanoemulsions, microemulsions, diatomaceous earths/other inert dusts, pyrrole derivatives). Prof. Kavallieratos has published >325 papers in peer-reviewed journals.

Session Chairs

Prof. Dr. Andjeljko Petrović

University of Belgrade, Serbia

Prof. Dr. Andjeljko Petrović is a full professor at the Chair of Invertebrate Zoology and Entomology, Institute of Zoology, University of Belgrade - Faculty of Biology, Serbia. His research interests include taxonomy, systematics and phylogenetics of parasitoid wasps (mainly of the subfamily Aphidiinae), using an integrated approach (combining morphology, molecular data and ecological data). He is actively involved in various projects where he uses this "fundamental" knowledge to the development of improved integrated pest management of aphids both by finding new biological control agents and enhancing ecosystem services. Dr. Andjeljko Petrović is the author of more than 80 papers in international peer-reviewed journals, 50 conference papers and five university textbooks.

Dr. Andrew Polaszek

Natural History Museum, UK

Andrew Polaszek is a principal researcher at the Natural History Museum, London, UK. The focus of his work is the taxonomy of parasitoids and other Hymenoptera using morphology and molecular methods. Most of his projects are directed at facilitating classical biological control programmes and other pest mangement approaches that minimise the use of pesicides.

Prof. David Haymer

University of Hawaii, USA

Professor David Haymer is currently Professor of Genetics in the Dept. of Cell and Molecular Biology at the University of Hawaii. He received his PhD from Purdue University where he worked under Dan Hartl on Drosophila population genetics. After a Postdoc at the University of California at Irvine where he focused on molecular biology, he moved to the University of Hawaii and began work on the molecular genetics of several Tephritid species. He has published more than 50 papers in this area and has served on and chaired multiple international panels dealing with these pest species.

Prof. Dr. Kristopher Giles

Oklahoma State University, USA

Prof. Dr. Giles is a Regents Professor of Entomology & Plant Pathology. His current research is on in winter wheat and canola, Aphids: Sampling, Population Dynamics, Economic Injury Levels, Natural Enemies: Sampling, Thresholds, Tritrophic Interactions, Population Ecology, Impact in diverse agricultural systems, Product Evaluation: Selectivity, Dosages, Integrated Control.

Dr. Maria C. Boukouvala

Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Dr. Maria C. Boukouvala is a leading researcher at the Agricultural University of Athens with an expertise on insect behaviour, biology and physiology. Dr. Boukouvala has extensive exprience in topics pertaining to chemical control, stored product protection and insect behaviour.

Dr. António Onofre Costa Miranda Soares

cE3c - ABG - Centre for Ecology, Evolution and Environmental Changes and Azorean Biodiversity Group & CHANGE - Global Change and Sustainability Institute, Faculty of Science and Technology, Portugal

Research focuses on the study of biology, ecology and biodiversity of arthropods, manly predator and parasitoid species used in integrated pest management viewing the optimization of the conditions for mass rearing, to find how vulnerable are the species to biotic interactions and to evaluate the impact of lethal and sub-lethal effect of biopesticides. Research includes new ideas on life-history evolution of ladybird species, correlated it to habitat/prey usage; dynamics of colonization and invasion in island’s context; plant and arthropod bio-indicator species as an ecological tool to discriminate disturbances in a gradient of anthropogenic impacted ecosystems and its implications for conservation and assessment of ecosystem services and disservices by arthropods in Azorean agro-ecosystems.

Dr. Louis Hesler

USDA-Agricultural Research Service, USA

Dr. Hesler’s research has centered on the management of insects in various crops and the ecology of insects in general. Through individual and collaborative research, Dr. Hesler has evaluated resistant varieties, planting date and crop maturity, cover crops, tillage, seed treatments, and foliar sprays for managing insect pests. He has also conducted research on the ecology, distribution and conservation of beneficial insects such as lady beetles and bees. Dr. Hesler serves as Lead Scientist and Research Entomologist for USDA ARS in Brookings, SD. He also serves as Editor in Chief for the Journal of Insect Science.

Prof. Antonella Di Palma

University of Foggia, Italy

Professor Antonella Di Palma is a full Professor of General and Applied Entomology at the University of Foggia, Italy. Professor Antonella Di Palma is an experienced scientist with diverse experiences and contributions in the field of entomology. Professor Antonella Di Palma has research interests pertaining to the aspects of ultrastructure, functional anatomy and morphology, histology in mites and insects, systematic and taxonomy of the family Tarsonemidae (Acari: Heterostigmata).

Prof. Dr. Ljubiša Stanisavljević

University of Belgrade, Serbia

Prof. Dr. Ljubiša Stanisavljević has extensive teaching experience at university level in the fields of morphology and anatomy of invertebrates, entomology, biology of bees and beekeeping, statistical methods in entomology as well as morphology, systematics and phylogeny of insects. His research focuses on bees as pollinators in agroecosystems, the valorization of pollination services and apivectoring. He studies the causes and consequences of pollinator decline. He is a member of the European Bee Research Association (in 2022 he organized the 9th EurBee Congress as President of EurBee 2018-2022) and Vice-President of the International Commission for Plant-Pollinators Relationships (from 2023).

Dr. Rui-De Xue

Anastasia Mosquito Control District, USA

Dr. Rui-De Xue is Executive Director of Anastasia Mosquito Control District, St. Augustine, Florida, USA, and current President of the American Mosquito Control Association (AMCA). His specialist is behavioral ecology and management of mosquitoes. In the past 40 years, he has conducted research, teaching, outreach, and administration in the field of biology and control of mosquitoes and filth flies. He has authored and coauthored more than 350 publications and book chapters. Also, he is an adjunct professor in the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine and courtesy faculty of the University of Florida/Department of Entomology and Nematology. He has served several leaderships in state, national and international professional associations, and received many awards and the highest award (the medal of honor) from the AMCA. Dr. Xue has been recognized by colleagues in the field of mosquito control in the state, the nation, and the world.

Event Committee

University of Basilicata, Italy

Prof. Patrizia Falabella was a researcher for the scientific disciplinary sector AGR/11 (General and Applied Entomology) at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Basilicata, from 2002 to 2008. She was Associate Professor at the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Basilicata, from 2008 to 2012 and at the Department of Sciences of the University of Basilicata from 2012 to 2021. She is Full Professor for the disciplinary scientific sector AGR/11 at the Department of Sciences of the University of Basilicata since December 16th 2021 to date. Since 2018 she has been Pro-Rector of Teaching. She is the Coordinator of the international PhD School in Sciences (cycles XXXVI and XXXVII) and of the PhD School in Scienze (cycles XXXVIII and XXXIX). Since 2022 she has been a member of the Board of Directors of the Tech4you created for the project "Tech4you-Technologies for climate change adaptation and quality of life improvement" - Ecosistemi dell'Innovazione - PNRR M4C2.
Research Keywords
Insect biotechnologies; Biomimicry

University of Camerino, Italy

Extraction and characterization of secondary metabolites from aromatic and medicinal plants, evaluation of their biological activity and synthesis of analogues of natural-occurring compounds.
Research Keywords
Natural products; Extracts; Essential oils; Analysis; Isolation; Synthesis

Universitat de Lleida, Spain

Rutgers University, USA

Qingdao Agriculture University, China

University of California, Riverside, USA

University of Florida, USA

China Agricultural University, China

Hellenic Mediterranean University, Greece

Research Keywords
Pest management; IPM; Insecticide resistance; Insect behavior; Monitoring; Identification; Advisory services; Biological control; Green chemistry; Drone applications

Crop Science Division, R&D, Bayer AG, Germany

Ralf Nauen is an insect toxicologist/biochemist working on functional (toxico) genomics, molecular entomology, fundamental and applied aspects of insecticide/Bt mode of action, selectivity, and detoxification, as well as biochemical and molecular mechanisms of insecticide/Bt resistance and its management. He received his PhD from the University of Portsmouth (UK) and is a Bayer Distinguished Science Fellow. He is also a Fellow of the Royal Entomological Society (London, UK), and in 2013 he was awarded Fellowship of the Entomological Society of America (ESA). In 2014 he received the prestigious American Chemical Society International Award for Research in Agrochemicals, in recognition of his outstanding and influential research into insecticide and acaricide modes of action and resistance. In 2021 he received the ESA Physiology, Biochemistry and Toxicology (PBT) Section Award. He authored more than 280 scientific papers/book chapters with more than 32,000 citations (h-index 90). He received the Highly Cited Researcher award by the Web of Science 2018-2023. He is appointed as Visiting Professor by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (Beijing, China) and lecturer in agricultural entomology at the University of Bonn (Germany).
Research Keywords
Insect toxicology; Insecticide resistance; Pest control; Detoxification; Molecular entomology

Institute for Plant Protection and Environment (IPPE), Serbia

Research Keywords
Stored product insects; Insect pests in agriculture; Insecticides; Grain protectants; Integrated pest management; Non chemical compounds; Temperatures

CERNAS, Santarém Polytechnic University, Portugal

Dr. Filipe Madeira is a leading researcher, with an interest in crop protection, agricultural entomology, landscape ecology, natural enemy dispersal, and biological control. From 2015 to 2019, he worked as a researcher at the University of Lleida’s Agrotecnio Center, contributing to various national and international projects in agricultural entomology, biological control and landscape ecology. From 2019 to 2022, he joined the Collaborative Laboratory Mountains of Research (MORE CoLab) in Bragança, Portugal where his work expanded to include project development, technology transfer, and innovation services. His research continued at the Centro de Investigação de Montanha (CIMO) at the Instituto Politécnico de Bragança from 2022 to 2024, where he focused on olive crop protection. Dr. Filipe Madeira serves as an assistant professor at the Escola Superior Agrária, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Portugal, since February 2024.
Research Keywords
Crop protection; Agricultural entomology; Landscape ecology; Natural enemy dispersal; Biological control

National Agricultural and Food Research Organization, Western Region Agriculture Research Center, Japan

Dr. David Wari research these days are mostly around Crop/Plant Protection. He graduated with a PhD degree from Okayama University followed by a JSPS fellow at the Institute of Plant Science and Resources (Okayama Univ.), working on a variety of fields ranging from Population Ecology, Conservation Biological Control, Tritrophic Interactions between Plants, Herbivores and their Natural Enemies and Plant-Insect-Microbe Interactions regulated by plant chemistry. The goal is to integrate all the aspects of the aforementioned research fields to develop environmentally friendly methods or strategies that can be used as alternative methods to synthetic chemicals in managing agriculturally and economically important pests in fruits and vegetables.
Research Keywords
Plant/Crop Protection; Integrated Pest Management; Pest Control; Biological Control; Plant-Insect Interactions; Plant-Insect-Microbe Interactions

University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan,
Senckenberg German Entomological Institute, Germany

Prof. Dr. Waqas Wakil has over 20 years of teaching and research experience, having worked in numerous international research laboratories. He is a member of several professional societies, Editorial board of scientific journals, Fellow of Royal Entomological Society (UK), Fulbright Scholar (USA) and Ambassador of Society for Invertebrate Pathology (USA). He also is the Subject Editor of Journal of Economic Entomology (USA) and Frontiers in Physiology and Convenor of IOBC-WPRS expert group on integrated protection of date palms.
Research Keywords
IPM; Biological control; Semiochemicals; Chemical control; Stored product protection; Climate change

Institute for Plant Protection and Environment (IPPE), Serbia

Dr. Goran Andrić is a highly experienced senior research associate at the Institute for Plant Protection and Environment (IPPE). He has made valuable contributions and has research interests in the area of Insecticides, Resistance to insecticides, Inert dusts, Botanicals, Integrated Pest Management.
Research Keywords
Insecticides; Resistance to insecticides; Inert dusts; Botanicals; Integrated Pest Management

Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission, Bangladesh

Dr. Farzana Yesmin is one of the worlds' remaining experts on insect cytogenetics. Dr. Farzana serves as the Chief Scientific Officer and Group Leader of Cytology and Biocontrol Research (CBR), Radiation Entomology and Acarology Division (READ), Institute of Food and Radiation Biology (IFRB), Atomic Energy Research Establishment (AERE) at the Bangladesh Atomic Energy Commission (BAEC). Dr. Farzana Yesmin has been involved in numerous international research projects including a groundbreaking project on pest fruit flies, by The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and the International Atomic Energy Agency (FAO/IAEA).
Research Keywords
Cytogenetics; Radiation Entomology; Pest; Genetics; Biotechnology; Biochemistry; Biotechnology; Genomics

Zhejiang University, China

Prof. Dr. Huoqing Zheng is a Professor and Doctoral Supervisor at the College of Animal Sciences, Zhejiang University. He obtained a Bachelor of Science in Agronomy, and a Doctor of Science in Agronomy, mainly focusing on Bee Science, from Zhejiang University. He also completed a postdoctoral fellowship at the same university. His research interests include bee pathogen biology and pathogenicity, pathogen–host specificity and cross-species transmission, and parasite–host coevolution. He serves as a member of the Executive Committee and a regional coordinator of COLOSS, an international association focused on improving the well-being of bees at a global level, the Executive Director of the Apicultural Science Association of China, and the Vice President and Secretary General of the Apicultural Science Association of Zhejiang.
Research Keywords
Bee pathogen biology and pathogenicity; Pathogen–host specificity; Cross-species transmission; Parasite–host coevolution

University of Valencia, Spain

Prof. Mar Ferrer Suay is an Associate Professor at the Zoology Department in the Faculty of Biological Sciences (University of Valencia). She has worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the American Museum of Natural History and the University of Valencia. Her research is focused on the subfamily Charipinae (Hymenoptera: Figitidae), hyperparasitoids of aphids and psyllids. She has revised all known species using morphological data, described over 50 new species, and investigated trophic relationships. She currently leads a project using molecular markers to define species boundaries and resolve phylogenies.
Research Keywords
Entomology; Hymenoptera; Charipinae; Taxonomy; Diversity; Systematics; Parasitoids

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA

Prof. Leon G. Higley is a Professor of Applied Ecology and Forensic Science at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. His research areas include forensic entomology, thermal biology of tiger beetles, plant physiological responses to insect injury (particularly photosynthesis), pest management decision making, and other issues in ecophysiology. Higley is the recipient of various research and teaching awards, including the NCB-ESA C. V. Riley Award and the Entomological Society of America Distinguished Achievement Award in Teaching, He is the author of over 145 peer-reviewed publications, over 25 book chapters, and 5 books. Higley also serves as a subject editor for the journals Biology and Insects.
Research Keywords
Forensic Entomology; Taphonomy, Physiological Ecology; Entomology; Pest Management, Photosynthesis

Agricultural University of Athens, Greece

Dr. George Koliopoulos is an Assistant Professor of Entomology at the Agricultural University of Athens, Department of Crop Science, in the Laboratory of Agricultural Zoology and Entomology. He holds a Ph.D. in Entomology with a specialization in insects of public health significance. His research focuses on ecology, biology, and control of insects and arthropods of medical importance with a particular emphasis on mosquitoes. His scientific contributions include studies on mosquito behavior, vector monitoring, the evaluation of insecticidal and biocidal agents, and the development of sustainable and environmentally friendly management strategies. Over the years, he has coordinated or contributed to several national and international research projects, focusing on integrated vector management, insecticide resistance, and implementation of mosquito control programs targeting vector-borne diseases such as malaria and West Nile virus. He has authored more than 40 scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals, two book chapters, and has delivered over 75 presentations at international and national scientific conferences.
Research Keywords
Medical Entomology; Mosquito Biology and Behavior; Integrated Vector Management; Insecticide and Biocide Evaluation; Mosquito Control Programs

Invited Speakers

Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District, USA

The Intersection of Managed Honey Bees, Apis mellifera (Hymenonptera: Apidae), and Mosquito Control: Risk Determinations on Aerial Naled Applications
Christopher Bibbs has over 15 years of experience as a public health, medical, and veterinary entomologist dealing with zoonotic infectious diseases at a local level. Amidst this experience, he has served on the American Mosquito Control Association’s joint CDC training intervention as a master trainer during the U.S. Zika virus outbreaks. After a number of years, he moved to industry for the design and registration of adulticides and larvicides for public health vector management. Now at the Salt Lake City Mosquito Abatement District, Chris directs applied research, vector surveillance, and internship programs ranging from high school to graduate students. His subject specialties emphasize insect physiology and behavior, particularly under environmental or insecticidal stress.

Anastasia Mosquito Control District of St. Johns County Florida, USA

New Frontiers in Mosquito Management: Sterile Insect and Wolbachia-Based Approaches for Public Health
Dr. Whitney Qualls obtained her B.S. in Biology from the University of the Cumberlands, Williamsburg, Kentucky, a M.S. in Medical Entomology from Auburn University, Auburn, AL, and a Ph.D in Medical Entomology from the University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida. Her expertise and training are in vector ecology and behavior and applied operational vector control strategies. She has over 20 years of experience working at the local and state level in mosquito surveillance and control. Dr. Qualls is the Assistant Director at Anastasia Mosquito Control District (AMCD), St. Johns County, Florida.
Research Keywords
Vector Ecology, Behavioral and Applied Entomology, Operational Vector Control, Mosquito Surveillance and Control, Medical Entomology

The BioRobotics Institute, The Sant'Anna School of Advanced Studies, Italy

Prof. Romano will share his expert insights pertinent to the exciting field of "Behavior, Biology and Physiology". His speech will address robotics and AI in insect science.
Prof. Romano's research mainly focuses on bioinspired and biomimetic robotics, and in particular on animal-robot interaction and biohybrid intelligent systems. Prof. Romano’s research contributions represent a sophisticated approach to the study of behaviour in insects, with potential applications in agriculture, pest management, biodiversity preservation, and biohybrid multiagent systems. He is co-founder and R&D Director of the HUBILIFE srl (innovative start-up and spin-off of Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna). He also worked as visiting scholar at Khalifa University, Abu Dhabi (UAE). He received national and international recognitions for his research and is a Coordinator, PI, or partner of several national and international research projects.
Research Keywords
Bioinspired robotics, Biomimetic robotics, Animal-robot interaction, Biohybrid intelligent systems, Insect Behavior, Agriculture, Pest management, Biodiversity preservation, Biohybrid Multiagent systems


Registration for IECE 2025 will be free of charge! The registration includes attendance at all conference sessions.

When registering with several people under the same registration, please do not use the same email address for each person, but their individual university email addresses. Thank you for your understanding.

Please note that abstract submission and registration are two different processes. Only those who have registered will receive a link to access the conference live streaming. The deadline for registration is 16th May 2025.

Instructions for Authors

The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Entomology will accept abstracts only.

Register for the conference HERE
Submit your abstracts HERE

1. Important Deadlines
a. Extended deadline for abstract submission: 1th January 2025 18th February 2025
b. New abstract acceptance notification date: 29th January 2025 18th March 2025

2. Abstract Submission
Abstract submissions should be completed online by registering with and using the "New Submission" function once logged into the system. No template is needed.
a. The structure abstract should include the introduction, methods, results, and conclusions sections of about 200–300 words in length.
b. All abstracts should be submitted and presented in clear, publication-ready English with accurate grammar and spelling.
c. You may submit multiple abstracts. However, only one abstract will be considered for oral presentation.
d. The abstracts submitted to this conference must be original and novel, without prior publication in any journals or it will not be accepted to this conference.
e. The submitting author must ensure that all co-authors are aware of the contents of the abstract.
f. Please select only one presenter for each submission. If you would like to change the presenter after submission, please email us accordingly.

Notes: The accepted abstracts will be available online on during and after the conference.

3. Online Presentation and Material Submission
We only accept live presentations.
Author listing and order on slides and posters should be the same as that on the abstract. Authors should not be added to a presentation after the abstract is accepted.

Notes: Please be noted that we do not guarantee the presentation opportunities for all submissions due to the limited time slots. If your submission is selected for an oral presentation, you will be notified in a separate email.

3.1. Oral Presentation and Slides Submission
The slot for the oral presentation is 15 mins. We advise that your presentation lasts for a maximum of 12 mins, leaving at least 3 mins for the Q&A session.

Authors are encouraged to prepare a presentation in PowerPoint or similar software.

4. Poster Gallery Display
To recognize the research contributions of participants, we are very pleased to announce that
instead of limiting presentations to a live poster session, all participants have the opportunity to upload and display their research in the form of a poster at the Poster Gallery on the conference website. Please be advised that there will be no "Live" poster presentation.

Benefits of submitting to our poster gallery
Unlike a live poster session, the poster gallery would be ‘LIVE’ throughout and available for viewing during and permanently after the event:

i) Showcase your research to an international audience
This provides an excellent opportunity for participants to publicize and be recognized by a broader international audience for their research.

ii) Award and Poster Certificate Opportunities
All participants with poster submissions are now eligible for the Best Poster Award, where winners of outstanding poster submissions will receive a certificate and 200 CHF! Moreover, All participants with poster submissions to the poster gallery are also entitled to obtain a poster participation certificate in recognition of their contributions.

Only authors with accepted submissions have the opportunity to submit and display a poster in the gallery. Please be advised that all successfully submitted posters will be permanently displayed online in the poster gallery.

4.1. Poster Preparation Guide:
a. Your submission should include the title, authors, contact details, and main research findings, as well as tables, figures, and graphs where necessary.
b. File format: PDF (.pdf).
c. Size in cm: 60 width x 80 height–portrait orientation.
d. Font size: ≥20.
e. Maximum size: 250 M and update the size of your PPT template into 60*80 cm.
Examples of successful submissions can be viewed here at the following links: (1), (2), (3)
You can use our free template to create your poster. The poster template can be downloaded here.

4.2. Steps to Upload Posters in Gallery
For authors with accepted submissions, please refer to the following steps to upload posters in the poster gallery:
Step 1: Go to sciforum account
Step 2: Choose the correct conference and submission id, click upload button
Step 3: Upload poster (not oral presentation slides) and click submit button

5. Potential Conflicts of Interest

It is the authors' responsibility to identify and declare any personal circumstances or interests that may be perceived as inappropriately influencing the representation or interpretation of clinical research. If there is no conflict, please state "The authors declare no conflicts of interest." This should be conveyed in a separate "Conflict of Interest" statement preceding the "Acknowledgments" and "References" sections at the end of the manuscript. Any financial support for the study must be fully disclosed in the "Acknowledgments" section.

6. Copyright
MDPI, the publisher of the platform, is an open access publisher. We believe authors should retain the copyright to their scholarly works. Hence, by submitting an abstract to this conference, you retain the copyright to the work, but you grant MDPI the non-exclusive right to publish this abstract online on the platform. This means you can easily submit your full paper (with the abstract) to any scientific journal at a later stage and transfer the copyright to its publisher if required.

Publication Opportunity

Insects Journal Publication
Participants in this conference are cordially invited to contribute a full manuscript to a special issue, Selected Papers from the Second International Electronic Conference on Entomology published in Insects (ISSN: 2075-4450, Impact Factor: 2.7), with a 20% discount on the publication fee. All submitted papers will undergo MDPI’s standard peer-review procedure. The deadline for submission to the special issue would be after the conference on 31 December 2025.

Please note if you have IOAP/association discounts, conference discounts will be combined with IOAP/association discounts. Conference discounts cannot be combined with reviewer vouchers.

The abstracts should be cited and noted on the first page of the paper.
Please submit the full manuscript to the special issue HERE
For more information regarding submission to the journal's special issue, please contact:

Journal Publication
All accepted abstracts will be published (with individual DOI) in the conference report of The 2nd International Electronic Conference on Entomology in Proceedings journal (ISSN: 2504-3900), after the conference.

Please direct any questions to the Proceedings editorial office email:

Event Awards

To acknowledge the support of the conference's esteemed authors and recognize their outstanding scientific accomplishments, we are pleased to announce that the conference will provide 6 awards including Best Oral Presentation Award and Best Poster Award.

The Awards

The Best Oral Presentation Award is given for the Presentation judged to have made the most significant contribution at the conference.

The Best Poster Award is given for the Poster judged to have made the most significant contribution at the conference.

There will be six winners selected for these awards. Winners will receive a certificate and 200 CHF each.

Testimonials from our Partners

Hear From Our Valued Sponsors and Media Partners:

"The International Pest Control (IPC) team is proud to be a media partner for IECE 2025. This collaboration underscores our shared commitment to advancing sustainable pest management and environmental conservation on a global scale. Through our media partnership, we aim to amplify crucial discussions, innovations, and solutions that drive positive change in the industry. IECE 2025 is set to be a premier platform for knowledge exchange, and we are excited to support its mission by connecting experts, organizations, and policymakers with cutting-edge insights. We look forward to an impactful event that will shape the future of pest control and environmental stewardship." Ras Patel, Director (Research Information Ltd.)

Sponsors and Partners

Our Conference — Your Opportunity for Brand Growth!
As conference organizers and fellow enthusiasts in the exciting world of entomology, we strive to create an immersive and insightful event experience for all participants at the IECE 2025. Your partnership and commitment remain absolutely vital in facilitating a platform for dialogue and progress in this field. With over 400+ participants, this premier conference provides an excellent opportunity for your organization to gain significant visibility with leading entomologists!

Connect with our Marketing and Partnerships team to find out more about our partnership deals:


Media Partners

Conference Secretaries

Mr. Benjamin Tay
Ms. Jing Gao

For inquiries regarding submissions and sponsorship opportunities, please feel free to contact us.